As the first batch of juejin to catch fish, I witnessed the prosperity of this website after it was acquired by ByteDance. I have fallen in love with this website, which basks in houses, wages and women's technology, and cannot give up. When Yin Ming founded this website, the atmosphere of this website was very bad, and various technical articles also gave me a lot of blows, but now it has changed. It makes me find a large number of living "developers" in China. Don't look, I'm talking about you. I envy you. You don't love technology. Look at the title of your article and the boiling point of your life. You make me feel yearning, including ByteDance, continue your traffic play. Turn the technical circle into a technical circle with the flavor of life. You are a group of workers with flesh and blood and worldly desires. In front of arrogant capital, you should also exude the flavor of fireworks. #娱乐时间#