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关于m3u8的相关基础,可以参考#恋猫de小郭#郭老师探索移动端音视频与GSYVideoPlayer之旅 | Agora Talk,解密的思路分为两种,分别是从结果着手和从过程着手,与我们面向对象编程和面向过程编程类似。理论上都是没有问题的,接下来看看实际编码。



public long open(DataSpec dataSpec) throws IOException {
    Assertions.checkState(dataSource == null);
    // Choose the correct source for the scheme.
    String scheme = dataSpec.uri.getScheme();
    Timber.e("解密:000000," + scheme + ",path:" + dataSpec.uri.getPath());
    if (Util.isLocalFileUri(dataSpec.uri)) {
        if (dataSpec.uri.getPath().endsWith(".aitrip")) {
            Aes128DataSource aes128DataSource =
                    new Aes128DataSource(getFileDataSource(), Aikey.getBytes(), Aikey.getBytes());
            dataSource = aes128DataSource;
        } else {//否则,正常解析mp3
            if (dataSpec.uri.getPath().startsWith("/android_asset/")) {
                dataSource = getAssetDataSource();
            } else {
                dataSource = getFileDataSource();
    } else if (SCHEME_ASSET.equals(scheme)) {
        dataSource = getAssetDataSource();
    } else if (SCHEME_CONTENT.equals(scheme)) {
        dataSource = getContentDataSource();
    } else if (SCHEME_RTMP.equals(scheme)) {
        dataSource = getRtmpDataSource();
    } else {
        dataSource = baseDataSource;
    // Open the source and return.
    return dataSource.open(dataSpec);

自定义的数据工厂类 AitripDataSource#open github.com/ChangWeiBa/…



因为后端同学给我一个16个字节的文件,告诉我这个是解密的密钥。于是我直接将文件的内容copy出来,转成byte[],发现长度不对。不管使用Java包还是android包的base64类来解码或者编码都不对,都不能得到预期的16个字节。 后来发现通过IO流来读取文件,可以获得预期的16byte的密钥,但是我还是不得其解。直到后端同学给我一个File to data URI converter的网站,通过解析这个文件得到一个24个字节的密文,最后通过#叶楠#叶老师的解惑后找到了原因。

  • Q1.为什么文件内容作为字符串不能通过getBytes得到预期的密钥?
  • A1:因为文件内容含有特殊字符,经过转义后直接使用getBytes不能得到预期的密钥。
  • Q2.为什么文件内容通过Java包还是android包的base64类来解码或者编码都不对?
  • A2.因为文件内容是未加密的明文,所以不管是解码还是编码,都不能得到长度为16byte数组。
  • Q3.为什么IO流可以得到预期的密钥,而其他方式不行?
  • A3.看完了上面两个问题后,这个问题不再是问题。


m3u8解密风波——Input does not start with the #EXTM3U header

在正确设置了上面两个值以后,在播放的时候又遇到了一个新问题:Input does not start with the #EXTM3U header.首先查看源码,了解到是下载网络文件后,检查文件头的时候没有找到#EXTM3U,因此判断文件不是目标文件,所以直接抛出了异常。而这个链接下载下来是标准的m3u8文件。这个时候隔壁的IOS同学提测了,急死个人了!

抱着不懂就问的心态,我问了百度/谷歌,翻看了ExoPlayerissuse,很多同学都遇到了类似的问题,官方回复均是提示资源是否正常?是否有缓存?后来仔细查看EXOPLAYER利用自定义DATASOURCE实现直接播放AES加密音频Aes128DataSource源码,发现了问题的根源:从结果上来解密的思路不符合标准的HTTP Live Streaming的规范。先看看下面两种m3u8文件:

  • 可直接播放的m3u8文件
  • 需重定向的m3u8文件





上面两种m3u8文件加密以后也是符合HTTP Live Streaming规范的,加密的部分仅仅是ts文件,所以这种上来直接对m3u8链接的内容进行Aes解密,虽然可行,但是并不符合HTTP Live Streaming规范。因此放弃这个思路,继续从头开始!


从过程上着手,就是从播放m3u8的流程上观察,找到一个合适的地方插入密钥。 m3u8是一个一个的小片(ts)组成的(引用自上文提及的探索移动端音视频与GSYVideoPlayer之旅 | Agora Talk),因此解析这一个一个的小片有一个专门的类——com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.hls.playlist. HlsPlaylistParser。而我们可以从这里下手,在解析到EXT-X-KEY的时候,插入我们本地的密钥即可。



private static HlsMediaPlaylist parseMediaPlaylist(
HlsMultivariantPlaylist multivariantPlaylist,
@Nullable HlsMediaPlaylist previousMediaPlaylist,
LineIterator iterator,
String baseUri)
throws IOException {
else if (line.startsWith(TAG_SKIP)) {
  int skippedSegmentCount = parseIntAttr(line, REGEX_SKIPPED_SEGMENTS);
  checkState(previousMediaPlaylist != null && segments.isEmpty());
  int startIndex = (int) (mediaSequence - castNonNull(previousMediaPlaylist).mediaSequence);
  int endIndex = startIndex + skippedSegmentCount;
  if (startIndex < 0 || endIndex > previousMediaPlaylist.segments.size()) {
    // Throw to force a reload if not all segments are available in the previous playlist.
    throw new DeltaUpdateException();
  for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
    Segment segment = previousMediaPlaylist.segments.get(i);
    if (mediaSequence != previousMediaPlaylist.mediaSequence) {
      // If the media sequences of the playlists are not the same, we need to recreate the
      // object with the updated relative start time and the relative discontinuity
      // sequence. With identical playlist media sequences these values do not change.
      int newRelativeDiscontinuitySequence =
              - playlistDiscontinuitySequence
              + segment.relativeDiscontinuitySequence;
      segment = segment.copyWith(segmentStartTimeUs, newRelativeDiscontinuitySequence);
    segmentStartTimeUs += segment.durationUs;
    partStartTimeUs = segmentStartTimeUs;
    if (segment.byteRangeLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
      segmentByteRangeOffset = segment.byteRangeOffset + segment.byteRangeLength;
    relativeDiscontinuitySequence = segment.relativeDiscontinuitySequence;
    initializationSegment = segment.initializationSegment;
    cachedDrmInitData = segment.drmInitData;
    // AES 密钥uri
    fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri = segment.fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri;
    if (segment.encryptionIV == null
        || !segment.encryptionIV.equals(Long.toHexString(segmentMediaSequence))) {
      fullSegmentEncryptionIV = segment.encryptionIV;
}else if (line.startsWith(TAG_KEY)) {
  String method = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_METHOD, variableDefinitions);
  String keyFormat =
      parseOptionalStringAttr(line, REGEX_KEYFORMAT, KEYFORMAT_IDENTITY, variableDefinitions);
  // fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri = null;
  fullSegmentEncryptionIV = null;
  if (METHOD_NONE.equals(method)) {
    cachedDrmInitData = null;
  } else /* !METHOD_NONE.equals(method) */ {
      // 加密初始化向量,可为null
    fullSegmentEncryptionIV = parseOptionalStringAttr(line, REGEX_IV, variableDefinitions);
    if (KEYFORMAT_IDENTITY.equals(keyFormat)) {
      if (METHOD_AES_128.equals(method)) {
        // The segment is fully encrypted using an identity key.
        // AES 密钥uri
        fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_URI, variableDefinitions);
      } else {
        // Do nothing. Samples are encrypted using an identity key, but this is not supported.
        // Hopefully, a traditional DRM alternative is also provided.
    } else {
      if (encryptionScheme == null) {
        encryptionScheme = parseEncryptionScheme(method);
      SchemeData schemeData = parseDrmSchemeData(line, keyFormat, variableDefinitions);
      if (schemeData != null) {
        cachedDrmInitData = null;
        currentSchemeDatas.put(keyFormat, schemeData);


fullSegmentEncryptionIV 加密初始化向量转byte过程

private static byte[] getEncryptionIvArray(String ivString) {
  String trimmedIv;
  if (Ascii.toLowerCase(ivString).startsWith("0x")) {
    trimmedIv = ivString.substring(2);
  } else {
    trimmedIv = ivString;

  byte[] ivData = new BigInteger(trimmedIv, /* radix= */ 16).toByteArray();
  byte[] ivDataWithPadding = new byte[16];
  int offset = ivData.length > 16 ? ivData.length - 16 : 0;
      ivDataWithPadding.length - ivData.length + offset,
      ivData.length - offset);
  return ivDataWithPadding;


private static Uri getFullEncryptionKeyUri(
    HlsMediaPlaylist playlist, @Nullable HlsMediaPlaylist.SegmentBase segmentBase) {
  if (segmentBase == null || segmentBase.fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri == null) {
    return null;
  return UriUtil.resolveToUri(playlist.baseUri, segmentBase.fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri);


public static Uri resolveToUri(@Nullable String baseUri, @Nullable String referenceUri) {
  return Uri.parse(resolve(baseUri, referenceUri));


public static String resolve(@Nullable String baseUri, @Nullable String referenceUri) {
  StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder();

  // Map null onto empty string, to make the following logic simpler.
  baseUri = baseUri == null ? "" : baseUri;
  referenceUri = referenceUri == null ? "" : referenceUri;

  int[] refIndices = getUriIndices(referenceUri);
  if (refIndices[SCHEME_COLON] != -1) {
    // The reference is absolute. The target Uri is the reference.
    removeDotSegments(uri, refIndices[PATH], refIndices[QUERY]);
    return uri.toString();

  int[] baseIndices = getUriIndices(baseUri);
  if (refIndices[FRAGMENT] == 0) {
    // The reference is empty or contains just the fragment part, then the target Uri is the
    // concatenation of the base Uri without its fragment, and the reference.
    return uri.append(baseUri, 0, baseIndices[FRAGMENT]).append(referenceUri).toString();

  if (refIndices[QUERY] == 0) {
    // The reference starts with the query part. The target is the base up to (but excluding) the
    // query, plus the reference.
    return uri.append(baseUri, 0, baseIndices[QUERY]).append(referenceUri).toString();

  if (refIndices[PATH] != 0) {
    // The reference has authority. The target is the base scheme plus the reference.
    int baseLimit = baseIndices[SCHEME_COLON] + 1;
    uri.append(baseUri, 0, baseLimit).append(referenceUri);
    return removeDotSegments(uri, baseLimit + refIndices[PATH], baseLimit + refIndices[QUERY]);

  if (referenceUri.charAt(refIndices[PATH]) == '/') {
    // The reference path is rooted. The target is the base scheme and authority (if any), plus
    // the reference.
    uri.append(baseUri, 0, baseIndices[PATH]).append(referenceUri);
    return removeDotSegments(uri, baseIndices[PATH], baseIndices[PATH] + refIndices[QUERY]);

  // The target Uri is the concatenation of the base Uri up to (but excluding) the last segment,
  // and the reference. This can be split into 2 cases:
  if (baseIndices[SCHEME_COLON] + 2 < baseIndices[PATH]
      && baseIndices[PATH] == baseIndices[QUERY]) {
    // Case 1: The base hier-part is just the authority, with an empty path. An additional '/' is
    // needed after the authority, before appending the reference.
    uri.append(baseUri, 0, baseIndices[PATH]).append('/').append(referenceUri);
    return removeDotSegments(uri, baseIndices[PATH], baseIndices[PATH] + refIndices[QUERY] + 1);
  } else {
    // Case 2: Otherwise, find the last '/' in the base hier-part and append the reference after
    // it. If base hier-part has no '/', it could only mean that it is completely empty or
    // contains only one segment, in which case the whole hier-part is excluded and the reference
    // is appended right after the base scheme colon without an added '/'.
    int lastSlashIndex = baseUri.lastIndexOf('/', baseIndices[QUERY] - 1);
    int baseLimit = lastSlashIndex == -1 ? baseIndices[PATH] : lastSlashIndex + 1;
    uri.append(baseUri, 0, baseLimit).append(referenceUri);
    return removeDotSegments(uri, baseIndices[PATH], baseLimit + refIndices[QUERY]);




public final class CustomHlsPlaylistParser implements ParsingLoadable.Parser<HlsPlaylist> {


  public static  String keyPath = "";


  private static HlsMediaPlaylist parseMediaPlaylist(
      HlsMultivariantPlaylist multivariantPlaylist,
      @Nullable HlsMediaPlaylist previousMediaPlaylist,
      LineIterator iterator,
      String baseUri)
      throws IOException {
    String fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri = keyPath;
        else if (line.startsWith(TAG_SKIP)) {
        int skippedSegmentCount = parseIntAttr(line, REGEX_SKIPPED_SEGMENTS);
        checkState(previousMediaPlaylist != null && segments.isEmpty());
        int startIndex = (int) (mediaSequence - castNonNull(previousMediaPlaylist).mediaSequence);
        int endIndex = startIndex + skippedSegmentCount;
        if (startIndex < 0 || endIndex > previousMediaPlaylist.segments.size()) {
          // Throw to force a reload if not all segments are available in the previous playlist.
          throw new DeltaUpdateException();
        for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
          Segment segment = previousMediaPlaylist.segments.get(i);
          if (mediaSequence != previousMediaPlaylist.mediaSequence) {
            // If the media sequences of the playlists are not the same, we need to recreate the
            // object with the updated relative start time and the relative discontinuity
            // sequence. With identical playlist media sequences these values do not change.
            int newRelativeDiscontinuitySequence =
                    - playlistDiscontinuitySequence
                    + segment.relativeDiscontinuitySequence;
            segment = segment.copyWith(segmentStartTimeUs, newRelativeDiscontinuitySequence);
          segmentStartTimeUs += segment.durationUs;
          partStartTimeUs = segmentStartTimeUs;
          if (segment.byteRangeLength != C.LENGTH_UNSET) {
            segmentByteRangeOffset = segment.byteRangeOffset + segment.byteRangeLength;
          relativeDiscontinuitySequence = segment.relativeDiscontinuitySequence;
          initializationSegment = segment.initializationSegment;
          cachedDrmInitData = segment.drmInitData;
          // 上面已经赋值 keyPath
//          fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri = segment.fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri;
          if (segment.encryptionIV == null
              || !segment.encryptionIV.equals(Long.toHexString(segmentMediaSequence))) {
            fullSegmentEncryptionIV = segment.encryptionIV;
      } else if (line.startsWith(TAG_KEY)) {
        String method = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_METHOD, variableDefinitions);
        String keyFormat =
            parseOptionalStringAttr(line, REGEX_KEYFORMAT, KEYFORMAT_IDENTITY, variableDefinitions);
            // 上面已经赋值 keyPath
//        fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri = null;
        fullSegmentEncryptionIV = null;
        if (METHOD_NONE.equals(method)) {
          cachedDrmInitData = null;
        } else /* !METHOD_NONE.equals(method) */ {
          fullSegmentEncryptionIV = parseOptionalStringAttr(line, REGEX_IV, variableDefinitions);
          if (KEYFORMAT_IDENTITY.equals(keyFormat)) {
            if (METHOD_AES_128.equals(method)) {
            // 上面已经赋值 keyPath
//              fullSegmentEncryptionKeyUri = parseStringAttr(line, REGEX_URI, variableDefinitions);
            } else {
              // Do nothing. Samples are encrypted using an identity key, but this is not supported.
              // Hopefully, a traditional DRM alternative is also provided.
          } else {
            if (encryptionScheme == null) {
              encryptionScheme = parseEncryptionScheme(method);
            SchemeData schemeData = parseDrmSchemeData(line, keyFormat, variableDefinitions);
            if (schemeData != null) {
              cachedDrmInitData = null;
              currentSchemeDatas.put(keyFormat, schemeData);


/** Default implementation for {@link HlsPlaylistParserFactory}. */
public final class CustomHlsPlaylistParserFactory implements HlsPlaylistParserFactory {

  public ParsingLoadable.Parser<HlsPlaylist> createPlaylistParser() {
    return new CustomHlsPlaylistParser();

  public ParsingLoadable.Parser<HlsPlaylist> createPlaylistParser(
      HlsMultivariantPlaylist multivariantPlaylist,
      @Nullable HlsMediaPlaylist previousMediaPlaylist) {
    return new CustomHlsPlaylistParser(multivariantPlaylist, previousMediaPlaylist);


// Create a data source factory.
DataSource.Factory dataSourceFactory = new DefaultHttpDataSource.Factory();
// Create a HLS media source pointing to a playlist uri.
HlsMediaSource hlsMediaSource =
    new HlsMediaSource.Factory(dataSourceFactory)
       // create custom HlsPlaylistParserFactory
// Create a player instance.
ExoPlayer player = new ExoPlayer.Builder(context).build();
// Set the media source to be played.
// Prepare the player.


CustomHlsPlaylistParser.key = "file://${File(this.filesDir,"enc.key").absolutePath}"

