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一起养成写作习惯!这是我参与「掘金日新计划 · 4 月更文挑战」的第1天,点击查看活动详情

公司开发了一款人事app,公司内部人员使用,安卓app可以直接下载使用,苹果的就比较麻烦了,一开始要上架的时候就很纠结,因为是针对内部使用的,没有对外注册,也没有隐私协议之类的,担心走App Store审核不通过,考虑过一些其他方法,无果。


Guideline 3.2 - Business

Users come to the App Store expecting to find apps they can pick up and use, so we check every app to see if it is meant for a wide audience. For apps designed to be used by a specific business or organization, we work with developers to choose the right distribution option for their app.

We found in our review that your app is designed to be used by a specific business or organization, including partners or employees. Custom app distribution through Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager is the best way to make these kinds of business apps available to your target audience.

Next Steps

Follow these steps to distribute your app using custom app distribution:

1. Have the business or organization your app is designed for enroll in Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager.
2. Change your Pricing and Availability setting in App Store Connect to make your app available to specific businesses or organizations.
3. Resubmit your app for review. Once the app has been published, businesses and organizations will be able to find your app on Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager.


- Learn more about distributing apps on Apple Business Manager and Apple School Manager.
- See the availability of Apple education and business programs in your region.

大致意思就是你这个是适合特定情况下使用的,不适合App Store,另谋他法吧。无意中看到了Apple Business Manager,这是个啥。后来发现原来是苹果新的一种分发模式--商务管理。说实话,听到这个名词,根本想不到能与苹果开发方面有关联,这不是金融行业方面的咩!!!





然后就可以提交审核了,当然备注说明那些,也可以填下说明是对内的,不对外开放,后面还是得看App Store审核。个人觉得这个模式下审核起来挺快的,第二天就过了。

后面就是app的分发下载了,同样是通过App Store下载,不过在App Store里是搜不到的。而是要通过兑换码兑换下载。到商务管理后台,打开自定义侧栏APP,找到你的app,我是选择的兑换码,然后填上数量,获取,会给到了对应的一个Excel,下载Excel,里面就是一个个兑换码和下载链接,都只能兑换一次。


App Store里右上角账户页面,兑换礼品卡或代码,点进去进行兑换。当然,Excel里有对应的链接,Safari打开也可以直接进行兑换。


因为在App Store上没法直接搜,员工无法直接获取,我们是通过扫码,输手机号验证码,然后给到一个下载的链接。其实这个兑换码是跟App Store账户绑定的,换了手机,登录同样的账号在已购项目里也可以找到。


比较麻烦一点是升级的时候,也需要到已购项目里去下载,不像普通应用,有链接可以直接跳到App Store应用下载页。
