3.2核4G Redis实例一个
注意这有个坑,最新的版本已经不再支持redis作为reate limit来进行使用
docker run \
--publish 82:8082 \
--name gateway \
--env GRAVITEE_MANAGEMENT_MONGODB_URI=mongodb://username:password@mongohost:27017/dbname
--detach \
#################################### Gravitee.IO Gateway - Configuration ###################################
# This file is the general configuration of Gravitee.IO Gateway:
# - Properties (and respective default values) in comment are provided for information.
# - You can reference other property by using ${property.name} syntax
# - gravitee.home property is automatically set-up by launcher and refers to the installation path. Do not override it !
# Please have a look to http://docs.gravitee.io/ for more options and fine-grained granularity
# Gateway HTTP server
# port: 8082
# host:
# idleTimeout: 0
# tcpKeepAlive: true
# compressionSupported: false
# maxHeaderSize: 8192
# maxChunkSize: 8192
# maxInitialLineLength: 4096
# instances: 0
# requestTimeout: 0
# secured: false
# alpn: false
# ssl:
# sni: false
# clientAuth: none # Supports none, request, requires
# tlsProtocols: TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3
# keystore:
# type: jks # Supports jks, pem, pkcs12
# path: ${gravitee.home}/security/keystore.jks
# password: secret
# truststore:
# type: jks # Supports jks, pem, pkcs12
# path: ${gravitee.home}/security/truststore.jks
# password: secret
# websocket:
# enabled: false
# subProtocols: v10.stomp, v11.stomp, v12.stomp
# perMessageWebSocketCompressionSupported: true
# perFrameWebSocketCompressionSupported: true
# Plugins repository
# path:
# - ${gravitee.home}/plugins
# - ${gravitee.home}/my-custom-plugins
# If a plugin is already installed (but with a different version), management node does not start anymore
# failOnDuplicate: true
# Management repository is used to store global configuration such as APIs, applications, apikeys, ...
# This is the default configuration using MongoDB (single server)
# For more information about MongoDB configuration, please have a look to:
# - http://api.mongodb.org/java/current/com/mongodb/MongoClientOptions.html
type: mongodb
dbname: ${ds.mongodb.dbname}
host: ${ds.mongodb.host}
port: ${ds.mongodb.port}
# username:
# password:
# connectionsPerHost: 0
# connectTimeout: 500
# maxWaitTime: 120000
# socketTimeout: 500
# socketKeepAlive: false
# maxConnectionLifeTime: 0
# maxConnectionIdleTime: 0
# serverSelectionTimeout: 0
# description: gravitee.io
# heartbeatFrequency: 10000
# minHeartbeatFrequency: 500
# heartbeatConnectTimeout: 1000
# heartbeatSocketTimeout: 20000
# localThreshold: 15
# minConnectionsPerHost: 0
# sslEnabled: false
# keystore: # path to KeyStore (when sslEnabled is true)
# keystorePassword: # KeyStore password
# keyPassword: # password for recovering keys in the KeyStore
# threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier: 5
# cursorFinalizerEnabled: true
# possible values are 1,2,3... (the number of node) or 'majority'
# writeConcern: 1
# wtimeout: 0
# journal: true
# Management repository: single MongoDB using URI
# For more information about MongoDB configuration using URI, please have a look to:
# - http://api.mongodb.org/java/current/com/mongodb/MongoClientURI.html
# type: mongodb
# mongodb:
# uri: mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]
# Management repository: clustered MongoDB
# type: mongodb
# mongodb:
# servers:
# - host: mongo1
# port: 27017
# - host: mongo2
# port: 27017
# dbname: ${ds.mongodb.dbname}
# connectTimeout: 500
# socketTimeout: 250
# When defining rate-limiting policy, the gateway has to store data to share with other gateway instances.
# In this example, we are using MongoDB to store counters.
type: mongodb
uri: mongodb://${ds.mongodb.host}:${ds.mongodb.port}/${ds.mongodb.dbname}
type: ehcache
# Reporters configuration (used to store reporting monitoring data, request metrics, healthchecks and others...
# All reporters are enabled by default. To stop one of them, you have to add the property 'enabled: false'
# logging configuration
# logging:
# max_size: -1 # max size per API log content respectively : client-request, client-response, proxy-request and proxy-response in MB (-1 means no limit)
# excluded_response_types: video.*|audio.*|image.*|application\/octet-stream|application\/pdf # Response content types to exclude in logging (must be a regular expression)
# Elasticsearch reporter
enabled: true # Is the reporter enabled or not (default to true)
- http://${ds.elastic.host}:${ds.elastic.port}
# lifecycle:
# policy_property_name: index.lifecycle.name #for openDistro, use 'opendistro.index_state_management.policy_id' instead of 'index.lifecycle.name'
# policies:
# monitor: my_policy ## ILM policy for the gravitee-monitor-* indexes
# request: my_policy ## ILM policy for the gravitee-request-* indexes
# health: my_policy ## ILM policy for the gravitee-health-* indexes
# log: my_policy ## ILM policy for the gravitee-log-* indexes
# index: gravitee
# index_per_type: true
# bulk:
# actions: 1000 # Number of requests action before flush
# flush_interval: 5 # Flush interval in seconds
# settings:
# number_of_shards: 1
# number_of_replicas: 1
# refresh_interval: 5s
# pipeline:
# plugins:
# ingest: geoip, user_agent # geoip and user_agent are enabled by default for elasticsearch version above 7.x
# security:
# username: user
# password: secret
# http:
# timeout: 30000 # in milliseconds
# proxy:
# type: HTTP #HTTP, SOCK4, SOCK5
# http:
# host: localhost
# port: 3128
# username: user
# password: secret
# https:
# host: localhost
# port: 3128
# username: user
# password: secret
# template_mapping:
# path: ${gravitee.home}/config/reporter/elasticsearch/templates
# extended_request_mapping: request.ftl
enabled: false # Is the reporter enabled or not (default to false)
# fileName: ${gravitee.home}/metrics/%s-yyyy_mm_dd
# output: json # Can be csv, json, elasticsearch or message_pack
# Gateway service configurations. Provided values are default values.
# All services are enabled by default. To stop one of them, you have to add the property 'enabled: false' (See the
# 'local' service for an example).
enabled: true
port: 18082
host: localhost
# authentication type to be used for the core services
# - none : to disable authentication
# - basic : to use basic authentication
# default is "basic"
type: basic
admin: adminadmin
# The thresholds to determine if a probe is healthy or not
# health:
# threshold:
# cpu: # Default is 80%
# memory: # Default is 80%
# Synchronization daemon used to keep the gateway state in sync with the configuration from the management repository
# Be aware that, by disabling it, the gateway will not be sync with the configuration done through management API
# and management UI
# Synchronization is done each 5 seconds
cron: '*/5 * * * * *'
distributed: false # By enabling this mode, data synchronization process is distributed over clustered API gateways.
# Service used to store and cache api-keys from the management repository to avoid direct repository communication
# while serving requests.
delay: 10000
threads: 3 # Threads core size used to retrieve api-keys from repository.
# Service used to store and cache subscriptions from the management repository to avoid direct repository communication
# while serving requests.
delay: 10000
threads: 3 # Threads core size used to retrieve subscriptions from repository.
# Local registry service.
# This registry is used to load API Definition with json format from the file system. By doing so, you do not need
# to configure your API using the web console or the rest API (but you need to know and understand the json descriptor
# format to make it work....)
enabled: false
path: ${gravitee.home}/apis # The path to API descriptors
# Gateway monitoring service.
# This service retrieves metrics like os / process / jvm metrics and send them to an underlying reporting service.
delay: 5000
distributed: false # By enabling this mode, data monitoring gathering process is distributed over clustered API gateways.
# metrics service
enabled: false
# default: local, http_method, http_code
# labels:
# - local
# - remote
# - http_method
# - http_code
# - http_path
enabled: true
# heartbeat
# heartbeat:
# enabled: true
# delay: 5000
# storeSystemProperties: true
# request:
# # manage traceparent header defined by W3C trace-context specification
# trace-context:
# enabled: false
# # possible values: hex, uuid. Default: uuid.
# format: uuid
# transaction:
# # Default: X-Gravitee-Transaction-Id.
# header: X-Gravitee-Transaction-Id
# headers:
# # Override X-Forwarded-Prefix with context path. Disabled by default.
# x-forwarded-prefix: false
# request:
# # Default: X-Gravitee-Request-Id.
# header: X-Gravitee-Request-Id
# Referenced properties
dbname: gravitee
host: localhost
port: 27017
host: localhost
port: 9200
# # Proxy configuration that can be used to proxy request to api endpoints (see endpoint http configuration -> Use system proxy).
# proxy:
# type: HTTP #HTTP, SOCK4, SOCK5
# host: localhost
# port: 3128
# username: user
# password: secret
# Organizations and Environments configuration
# Associate this gateway to a list of environments belonging to organizations. This is a list of environment hrids.
#organizations: mycompany
#environments: dev,qa
# Sharding tags configuration
# Allows to define inclusion/exclusion sharding tags to only deploy a part of APIs. To exclude just prefix the tag with '!'.
#tags: products,stocks,!international
#zone: national-products
# Multi-tenant configuration
# Allow only a single-value
#tenant: europe
# Customize the api-key header and / or query parameter.
# Set an empty value to prohibit its use.
# api-key:
# header: X-Gravitee-Api-Key
# param: api-key
# Allows to define which methods or classes are accessible to the Expression Language engine (/!\ caution, changing default whitelist may expose you to security issues).
# A complete list of default whitelist methods can be found here (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gravitee-io/gravitee-expression-language/master/src/main/resources/whitelist).
# whitelist:
# Allows to define if the specified list of method or classes should be append to the default one or should replace it.
# We recommend you to always choose 'append' unless you absolutely know what you are doing.
# mode: append
# Define the list of classes or methods to append (or set) to made accessible to the Expression Language.
# start with 'method' to allow a specific method (complete signature).
# start with 'class' to allow a complete class. All methods of the class will then be accessible.
# list:
# Ex: allow access to DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate(FormatStyle) method
# - method java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter ofLocalizedDate java.time.format.FormatStyle
# Ex: allow access to all methods of DateTimeFormatter class
# - class java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
# Allows to define which methods, fields, constructors, annotations or classes are accessible to the Groovy Script (/!\ caution, changing default whitelist may expose you to security issues).
# A complete list of default whitelist methods can be found here (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gravitee-io/gravitee-policy-groovy/master/src/main/resources/groovy-whitelist).
# whitelist:
# Allows to define if the specified list of methods, fields, constructors or classes should be append to the default one or should replace it.
# We recommend you to always choose 'append' unless you absolutely know what you are doing.
# mode: append
# Define the list of classes, methods, constructors, fields or annotations to append (or set) to made accessible to the Groovy Script.
# start with 'method' to allow a specific method (complete signature).
# start with 'class' to allow a complete class. All methods, constructors and fields of the class will then be accessible.
# start with 'new' to allow a specific constructor (complete signature).
# start with 'field' to allow access to a specific field of a class.
# start with 'annotation' to allow use of a specific annotation.
# list:
# Ex: allow access to DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate(FormatStyle) method
# - method java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter ofLocalizedDate java.time.format.FormatStyle
# Ex: allow access to all methods, constructors and fields of DateTimeFormatter class
# - class java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
# Ex: allow usage of field Integer.MAX_VALUE
# - field java.lang.Integer MAX_VALUE
# Ex: allow usage of @Override annotation
# - annotation java.lang.Override
# If you want to create cluster of nodes, you can change the Hazelcast file to configure the Hz network
# Clustering capabilities can be used for:
# - Distributed sync process
# - Distributed rate-limiting / quota counters
# hazelcast:
# config:
# path: ${gravitee.home}/config/hazelcast.xml
docker run -p 8082:8082 --name openapi-gateway -v /home/openapi/gateway:/etc/gravitee-gateway -d graviteeio/apim-gateway:latest
type: mongodb
uri: mongodb://你的mongodb数据库
ratelimit: #这个老版本的可以选redis MongoDB jdbc 新版本不在支持redis,我都是全量用mongodb
type: mongodb
uri: mongodb://你的mongodb数据库
type: ehcache #这玩意是必须配置的,不配置会报错
enabled: true