
151 阅读2分钟

很多开发者可能希望能够在不改变现有的Ubuntu Toolkit中的控件的情况下,有个性地来改变一些属性.这样使得自己的界面更加个性化.目前我们在我们的官方网址可以查看到我们已经有的一些Style的一些控件.这个列表并不完善.更加详细的列表在地址可以看到.






import QtQuick 2.4
import Ubuntu.Components 1.3
import Ubuntu.Components.Themes 1.3
import Ubuntu.Components.Styles 1.3

MainView {
    // objectName for functional testing purposes (autopilot-qt5)
    objectName: "mainView"

    // Note! applicationName needs to match the "name" field of the click manifest
    applicationName: "style.liu-xiao-guo"

    width: units.gu(60)
    height: units.gu(85)

    Action {
        id: action1
        text: "action 1"
        iconName: "compose"
        onTriggered: print("one!")

    Page {
        header: PageHeader {
            id: pageHeader
            title: i18n.tr("pageheaderstyle")

            style: PageHeaderStyle {
                foregroundColor: UbuntuColors.orange
                backgroundColor: UbuntuColors.porcelain
                dividerColor: UbuntuColors.slate
                contentHeight: units.gu(10)
                Label {
                    anchors.centerIn: parent
                    fontSize: "x-large"
                    text: styledItem.title
                implicitHeight: contentHeight

        Image {
            id: pressed
            source: "images/pressed.jpg"
            visible: false

        Image {
            id: unpressed
            source: "images/unpressed.jpg"
            visible: false

        Column {
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            spacing: units.gu(5)

            Button {
                id: button1
                width: units.gu(40)
                height: units.gu(15)
                text: "Nice"
                StyleHints {
                    defaultColor: button1.pressed ? "blue" : "red"

            Button {
                id: button2
                width: units.gu(40)
                height: units.gu(15)
                text: "Nice"
                StyleHints {
                    backgroundSource: button2.pressed ? pressed : unpressed

在上面的代码中,我们使用了 PageHeaderStyle来个性化我们的page header.我们它的高度设置为units.gu(10),同时我们也让我们的文字居中.




            Button {
                id: button1
                width: units.gu(40)
                height: units.gu(15)
                text: "Nice"
                StyleHints {
                    defaultColor: button1.pressed ? "blue" : "red"







            Button {
                id: button2
                width: units.gu(40)
                height: units.gu(15)
                text: "Nice"
                StyleHints {
                    backgroundSource: button2.pressed ? pressed : unpressed





关于ButtonStyle的更多介绍请参阅 连接


整个项目的源码在: github.com/liu-xiao-gu…
