Q: 如何遍历class中的原型方法?

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function Test() {}
Test.prototype.testMethod = function(){}
const fnProto = Test.prototype

console.log(Object.keys(fnProto)) //['testMethod']
for (let k in fnProto) {
    console.log(k)              // 'testMethod'


class TestClass{
    testMethod() {}
const classProto = TestClass.prototype

console.log(Object.keys(classProto))  // []
for (let k in classProto) {
    console.log(k)             // 不会执行


Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(classProto, 'testMethod') 
// {value: ƒ, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true}


Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(fnProto, 'testMethod') 
// {value: ƒ, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true}

至此我们可以得出结论class定义的方法是不可枚举的。 那怎样才能遍历到class中的方法呢?

  1. 我们注意到虽然classProto的enumerable是false,但configurable为true。 所以我们可以直接
   Object.defineProperty(classProto, 'testMethod', {enumerable: true})
   console.log(Object.keys(classProto))  // ['testMethod']
  1. 还有一个很简单的方法Object.getOwnPropertyNames(),这也是我最后找到的答案
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(classProto)) // ['constructor', 'testMethod']




  • Class declarations, unlike function declarations, are not hoisted. Class declarations act like let declarations and so exist in the temporal dead zone until execution reaches the declaration.

  • 不同于function声明,class声明不存在作用域内的提升。class声明像let声明一样在执行到声明语句前会存在于temporal dead zone(TDZ)中。

  • All code inside of class declarations runs in strict mode automatically. There’s no way to opt-out of strict mode inside of classes.

  • class声明内的代码自动在严格模式下执行,逃不掉。。

  • All methods are non-enumerable. This is a significant change from custom types, where you need to use Object.defineProperty() to make a method non-enumerable.

  • 所有方法都是不可枚举的。正常自定义类型的话需要使用Object.defineProperty()让其不可枚举

  • All methods lack an internal [[Construct]] method and will throw an error if you try to call them with new.


  • Calling the class constructor without new throws an error.

  • 不使用new调用class会报错

  • Attempting to overwrite the class name within a class method throws an error.

  • 在class方法内部重写class名会报错