import pwn | Import the pwn module. |
conn = pwn.process(path) | Start and connect to the local executable at path . |
conn = pwn.remote(host, port) | Connect to TCP port port on host . |
Sending and Receiving Data | |
conn.send(s) | Send the string s . |
conn.sendline(s) | Send the string s and a newline. |
s = conn.recv(n) | Receive up to n bytes. |
s = conn.recvn(n) | Receive exactly n bytes. |
s = conn.recvline() | Receive up to and including a newline. |
s = conn.recvuntil(prompt) | Receive up to and including the string prompt . |
s = conn.recvregex(regex) | Receive up to and including something that matches regex . |
s = conn.recvall() | Receive everything until the connection closes. |
conn.sendlineafter(prompt, s) | Receive until prompt , then send the string s . |
conn.interactive() | Drop into interactive mode. |
Packing and Unpacking Integers | |
s = pwn.p<N>(n) | Pack unsigned N -bit integer n into a string. |
n = pwn.u<N>(s) | Unpack string s into an unsigned N -bit integer. |
s = pwn.p<N>(n, sign=True) | Pack signed N -bit integer n into a string. |
n = pwn.u<N>(s, sign=True) | Unpack string s into a signed N -bit integer. |
Shellcraft | |
asm = | Generate assembly that opens an interactive shell. |
asm = | Generate assembly that dumps the file at path . |
asm = pwn.shellcraft.exit(code) | Generate assembly that exits with code code . |
asm = pwn.shellcraft.nop() | Generate assembly for a single-byte no-op. |
bin = pwn.asm(asm) | Assembles asm into a binary snippet. |
asm = pwn.disasm(bin) | Disassembles bin into assembly. |
Context Control | |
pwn.context.log_level = "debug" | Log all traffic through your connection. |
pwn.context.log_level = "warn" | Don't log unless something goes wrong. |
pwn.context.arch = "i386" | Set the target CPU architecture. |
pwn.context.os = "linux" | Set the target operating system. |
pwn.context.endian = "big" | Set the target endianness. |
pwn.context.word_size = 32 | Set the target word size. |
pwn.context(arch="arm", ...) | Set any of the above in a single line. |