
51 阅读2分钟


以阮一峰老师的博客为例,每周最喜欢的是科学爱好者周刊中的“言论”不分,以 科技爱好者周刊(第 253 期)为例,让我们来看看能不能将言论部分提取出来。

import requests  
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup  
url = "http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2023/05/weekly-issue-253.html"  
response = requests.get(url)  
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")  
first_tag = soup.find("h2", string="言论")  
next_sibling = first_tag.find_next_sibling()  
content1 = ""  
while next_sibling.name != "h2":  
    content1 += str(next_sibling.get_text())  
    # content1 += str(next_sibling)  
    content1 += "\n\n"  
    next_sibling = next_sibling.find_next_sibling()  


Pasted image 20230506180032.png




def find(self, name=None, attrs={}, recursive=True, text=None,  
    """Look in the children of this PageElement and find the first  
    PageElement that matches the given criteria.  
    All find_* methods take a common set of arguments. See the online    documentation for detailed explanations.  
    :param name: A filter on tag name.    :param attrs: A dictionary of filters on attribute values.    :param recursive: If this is True, find() will perform a        recursive search of this PageElement's children. Otherwise,        only the direct children will be considered.    :param limit: Stop looking after finding this many results.    :kwargs: A dictionary of filters on attribute values.    :return: A PageElement.  
    :rtype: bs4.element.PageElement  
    r = None  
    l = self.find_all(name, attrs, recursive, text, 1, **kwargs)  
    if l:  
        r = l[0]  
    return r
def find_all(self, name=None, attrs={}, recursive=True, text=None,  
             limit=None, **kwargs):  
    """Look in the children of this PageElement and find all  
    PageElements that match the given criteria.  
    All find_* methods take a common set of arguments. See the online    documentation for detailed explanations.  
    :param name: A filter on tag name.    :param attrs: A dictionary of filters on attribute values.    :param recursive: If this is True, find_all() will perform a        recursive search of this PageElement's children. Otherwise,        only the direct children will be considered.    :param limit: Stop looking after finding this many results.    :kwargs: A dictionary of filters on attribute values.    :return: A ResultSet of PageElements.  
    :rtype: bs4.element.ResultSet  
    generator = self.descendants  
    if not recursive:  
        generator = self.children  
    return self._find_all(name, attrs, text, limit, generator, **kwargs)

find 返回的是一个元素,find_all返回的是一个列表,举例说明比较清晰。


  1. 字符串:tag的名称,如h2, p, b, a等等分别表示查找<h2>, <p>, <b>, <a>等标签。 如:
# [<b>这里加粗</b>]
  1. 正则表达式
# 导入包
import re
for tag in soup.find_all(re.compile("^b")):
# 结果会找出 body, b等b开头的标签
  1. 列表:与列表中任一元素匹配的内容返回
soup.find_all(["a", "b"])
# 输出: [<b>加粗</b>,
#  <a class="ddd" href="http://xxx">xxx</a> ]
  1. True: 返回所有非字符串节点。
  2. 方法:传入的方法接受唯一参数:元素,并返回True或者False,若元素计算的值为True,则返回。
# 判断一个tag有class属性,但是没有id属性
def has_class_but_no_id(tag):
    return tag.has_attr('class') and not tag.has_attr('id')
# 使用方式
  1. 对元素指定判断函数:
# 查找所有href标签不是https的a标签
def not_https(href):
        return href and not re.compile("https").search(href)



find_next_sibling 返回后面的第一个同级tag节点 find_previous_sibling 返回前面的第一个同级tag节点 find_next 后面第一个tag节点 find_previous 前面第一个tag节点
