MIT 6.830-22fa lab2 实验笔记

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  • 实现操作符Filter和Join,并验证它们对应的测试是否有效。我们已经为您提供了Project和OrderBy的实现,这可能有助于您理解其他操作符的工作方式。
  • 实现IntegerAggregator和StringAggregator。在这里,您将编写一个逻辑,该逻辑实际上是跨输入元组序列中的多个组在特定字段上计算一个聚合。使用整数除法计算平均值,因为SimpleDB只支持整数。stringaggregator只需要支持COUNT聚合,因为其他操作对字符串没有意义。
  • 实现Aggregate运算符。与其他操作符一样,聚合实现了OpIterator接口,因此可以将它们放在SimpleDB查询计划中。请注意,对于每次调用next(),聚合操作符的输出是整个组的聚合值,并且聚合构造函数接受聚合和分组字段。
  • 在BufferPool中实现与元组插入、删除和页面取出相关的方法。此时您不需要担心事务。
  • 实现InsertDelete操作符。像所有操作符一样,Insert和Delete实现了OpIterator,接受元组流进行插入或删除,并输出单个元组,其中包含一个整数字段,表示插入或删除元组的数量。这些操作符需要调用BufferPool中实际修改磁盘上的页面的适当方法。检查插入和删除元组的测试是否通过。

最后,您可能注意到,本实验中的迭代器扩展了Operator类,而不是实现OpIterator接口。因为next / hasNext的实现通常是重复的、烦人的、容易出错的,所以Operator一般地实现了这个逻辑,只要求您实现一个更简单的readNext。您可以随意使用这种实现风格,如果您喜欢,也可以只实现OpIterator接口。要实现OpIterator接口,请从迭代器类中删除extends Operator,并在其位置上实现OpIterator。

Filter & Join

回想一下SimpleDB OpIterator类实现关系代数的操作。现在您将实现两个操作符,使您能够执行比表扫描更有趣的查询。

Filter: 该操作符只返回满足Predicate的元组,Predicate是其构造函数的一部分。因此,它会过滤掉与谓词不匹配的任何元组。

Join: 该操作符根据作为构造函数一部分传入的JoinPredicate来连接它的两个子元组。我们只需要一个简单的嵌套循环连接,但是您可以探索更多有趣的连接实现。在你的实验报告中描述你的实现。

Exercise 1







 * Predicate compares tuples to a specified Field value.
public class Predicate implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * 内部枚举类,用于表示不同的操作, 在Field.compare中使用
    public enum Op implements Serializable {

         * Interface to access operations by integer value for command-line
         * convenience.
         * @param i a valid integer Op index
        public static Op getOp(int i) {
            return values()[i];

        public String toString() {
            if (this == EQUALS)
                return "=";
            if (this == GREATER_THAN)
                return ">";
            if (this == LESS_THAN)
                return "<";
            if (this == LESS_THAN_OR_EQ)
                return "<=";
            if (this == GREATER_THAN_OR_EQ)
                return ">=";
            if (this == LIKE)
                return "LIKE";
            if (this == NOT_EQUALS)
                return "<>";
            throw new IllegalStateException("impossible to reach here");


    private int field;
    private Op op; 
    private Field operand;

     * @param field   另外一个tuple中field的index.
     * @param op      比较运算符
     * @param operand 要比较的数
    public Predicate(int field, Op op, Field operand) {
        this.field = field;
        this.op = op;
        this.operand = operand;

     * Compares the field number of t specified in the constructor to the
     * operand field specified in the constructor using the operator specific in
     * the constructor. The comparison can be made through Field's compare
     * method.
     * @param t 另外一个tuple
     * @return true if the comparison is true, false otherwise.
    public boolean filter(Tuple t) {
        return t.getField(field).compare(op,operand);

public class JoinPredicate implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private int field1;
    private int field2;
    Predicate.Op op;

     * Constructor -- create a new predicate over two fields of two tuples.
     * @param field1 The field index into the first tuple in the predicate
     * @param field2 The field index into the second tuple in the predicate
     * @param op     The operation to apply (as defined in Predicate.Op); 
    public JoinPredicate(int field1, Predicate.Op op, int field2) {
        this.field1= field1;
        this.field2 = field2;
        this.op = op;

     * Apply the predicate to the two specified tuples. The comparison can be
     * made through Field's compare method.
     * @return true if the tuples satisfy the predicate.
    public boolean filter(Tuple t1, Tuple t2) {
        return t1.getField(field1).compare(op,t2.getField(field2));


 * Filter is an operator that implements a relational select.
public class Filter extends Operator {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private Predicate p;
    private OpIterator child;

     * Constructor accepts a predicate to apply and a child operator to read
     * tuples to filter from.
     * @param p     The predicate to filter tuples with
     * @param child The child operator
    public Filter(Predicate p, OpIterator child) {
        this.p = p;
        this.child = child;

	// 返回子操作符的tupleDesc
    public TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {
        return child.getTupleDesc();

    public void open() throws DbException, NoSuchElementException,
            TransactionAbortedException {; // 先 open 自己, open使用super就好; // 再 open 子节点

    public void close() {
        child.close(); // 先关闭孩子
        super.close(); // 再关闭自己

    public void rewind() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
        child.rewind(); // 孩子rewind了就好, 因为我们的next是基于子操作符的;

     * AbstractDbIterator.readNext implementation. Iterates over tuples from the
     * child operator, applying the predicate to them and returning those that
     * pass the predicate (i.e. for which the Predicate.filter() returns true.)
     * @return The next tuple that passes the filter, or null if there are no
     *         more tuples
     * @see Predicate#filter
    protected Tuple fetchNext() throws NoSuchElementException,
            TransactionAbortedException, DbException {
       while (child.hasNext()){
           Tuple next =;
               return next;
        return null;


     * @return the field name of join field1. Should be quantified by
     *         alias or table name.
    public String getJoinField1Name() {
        int field1 = p.getField1();
        return children[0].getTupleDesc().getFieldName(field1); // TODO buggy!!!

     * @return the field name of join field2. Should be quantified by
     *         alias or table name.
    public String getJoinField2Name() {
        int field2 = p.getField2();
        return children[1].getTupleDesc().getFieldName(field2); // TODO buggy!!!

目前的测试并没有用到这两个函数,我暂时没想到怎么获取 表名or表别名,Catalog吗?那也需要tableId吧;

public class Join extends Operator {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private JoinPredicate p;
    private OpIterator [] children;

    private Tuple outerTuple; // 这个相当于外表 (outer-table) 的计数器, 说明我们配对到哪里了

     * Constructor. Accepts two children to join and the predicate to join them
     * on
     * @param p      The predicate to use to join the children
     * @param child1 Iterator for the left(outer) relation to join
     * @param child2 Iterator for the right(inner) relation to join
    public Join(JoinPredicate p, OpIterator child1, OpIterator child2) {
        this.p = p;
        // 注释规定了 child1是外表, child2是内表
        this.children = new OpIterator[]{child1,child2};
        // 外表的tuple设置为null
        this.outerTuple = null;

     * @return the field name of join field1. Should be quantified by
     *         alias or table name.
    public String getJoinField1Name() {
        int field1 = p.getField1();
        return children[0].getTupleDesc().getFieldName(field1); // TODO buggy!!!

     * @return the field name of join field2. Should be quantified by
     *         alias or table name.
    public String getJoinField2Name() {
        int field2 = p.getField2();
        return children[1].getTupleDesc().getFieldName(field2); // TODO buggy!!!

     * @see TupleDesc#merge(TupleDesc, TupleDesc) for possible
     *         implementation logic.
    public TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {
        return TupleDesc.merge(children[0].getTupleDesc(), children[1].getTupleDesc());

    public void open() throws DbException, NoSuchElementException,
            TransactionAbortedException {
        // 老样子,先开自己,再开外表、内表;

    public void close() {
        // 先关孩子,再关自己

    public void rewind() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
       outerTuple = null; // 记得这里要重新设置为 null

     * Returns the next tuple generated by the join, or null if there are no
     * more tuples. Logically, this is the next tuple in r1 cross r2 that
     * satisfies the join predicate. There are many possible implementations;
     * the simplest is a nested loops join.
     * <p>
     * Note that the tuples returned from this particular implementation of Join
     * are simply the concatenation of joining tuples from the left and right
     * relation. Therefore, if an equality predicate is used there will be two
     * copies of the join attribute in the results. (Removing such duplicate
     * columns can be done with an additional projection operator if needed.)
     * <p>
     * For example, if one tuple is {1,2,3} and the other tuple is {1,5,6},
     * joined on equality of the first column, then this returns {1,2,3,1,5,6}.
     * @return The next matching tuple.
     * @see JoinPredicate#filter
    protected Tuple fetchNext() throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException {
        Tuple tuple1 = null, tuple2 = null;
        if(outerTuple == null){
                outerTuple = children[0].next();
            else return null; // outer 表没有结果, 直接返回 null
        // nested-loop
        while (true) {
            boolean hasFound = false;
            // 循环整个内表,和当前的outerTuple比较
            while (children[1].hasNext()){
                tuple1 = outerTuple;
                tuple2 = children[1].next();
                // 如果满足条件
                    hasFound = true;
            if(hasFound) break;
            // 到了这里说明上面都没有找到, 去找下一个outerTuple
                outerTuple = children[0].next(); // outer-table 下一条
                children[1].rewind(); // 别忘了rewind inner-table
                return null; // 说明 outer 表已经遍历完了
        // 接下来只需要简单拼接就好了,用新的tupleDesc
        int len1 = tuple1.getTupleDesc().numFields(), len2 = tuple2.getTupleDesc().numFields();
        Tuple res = new Tuple(getTupleDesc()); // 利用新的tupleDesc
        for (int i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
            res.setField(i, tuple1.getField(i));
        for (int i = len1; i < len1 + len2; i++) {
            res.setField(i, tuple2.getField(i - len1));
        return res;



另一个SimpleDB操作符使用GROUP BY子句实现基本的SQL聚合。您应该实现5个SQL聚合(COUNT、SUM、AVG、MIN、MAX)并支持分组。您只需要支持单个字段的聚合和按单个字段分组。


随后,客户端代码应该为子迭代器中的每个元组调用Aggregator.mergeTupleIntoGroup()。所有元组合并后,客户机可以检索聚合结果的OpIterator。结果中的每个元组都是形式(groupValue, aggregateValue)的一对,除非分组字段的值是Aggregator.NO_GROUPING,在这种情况下,结果是表单(aggregateValue)的单个元组。


Exercise 2





这次实验指导书说的也不明确,IntegerAggregator到底是指 "分组Filed是IntType" 还是 "聚合Filed是IntType",看了测试类才知道 IntegerAggregator 是指聚合类是IntType;

public class IntegerAggregator implements Aggregator {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private static final Field emptyFiled = new IntField(-1);  // 空filed,负责no-group的时候统一聚合

    private int gbfield;
    private int afield;
    private Op what;

    private TupleDesc aggSchema; // aggSchema 新的tupleDesc

    private HashMap<Field,List<Integer>> aggregation; // 保存某一个聚类的所有值

    private HashMap<Field,Integer> aggResult; // 保存聚合的结果

     * Aggregate constructor
     * @param gbfield     the 0-based index of the group-by field in the tuple, or
     *                    NO_GROUPING if there is no grouping
     * @param gbfieldtype the type of the group by field (e.g., Type.INT_TYPE), or null
     *                    if there is no grouping
     * @param afield      the 0-based index of the aggregate field in the tuple
     * @param what        the aggregation operator

    public IntegerAggregator(int gbfield, Type gbfieldtype, int afield, Op what) {
        this.gbfield = gbfield;
        this.afield = afield;
        this.what = what;
        this.aggregation = new HashMap<>();
        this.aggResult = new HashMap<>();
        // 生成聚合schema
        Type[] types = null;
        if(gbfield == NO_GROUPING)
            types = new Type[]{Type.INT_TYPE};
            types = new Type[]{gbfieldtype,Type.INT_TYPE};
        this.aggSchema = new TupleDesc(types);

     * Merge a new tuple into the aggregate, grouping as indicated in the
     * constructor
     * @param tup the Tuple containing an aggregate field and a group-by field
    public void mergeTupleIntoGroup(Tuple tup) {
        Field field = null;
        if(gbfield != NO_GROUPING)
            field = tup.getField(gbfield);
            field = emptyFiled; // 如果没有分类的话, 就一直用这个emptyFiled
        int value = ((IntField)tup.getField(afield)).getValue();
        List<Integer> list = aggregation.get(field);
        if(list != null) list.add(value);
        else {
            list = new ArrayList<>();
        // 开始计算聚合
        // MIN, MAX, SUM, AVG, COUNT,
        switch (what) {
            case MIN:
                doMin(field, value);
            case MAX:
                doMax(field, value);
            case AVG:
            case SUM:
                doSum(field, value);
            case COUNT:

    // 新发现的lambda型api,merge的写法很优雅
    private void doMax(Field f, int value) {
        aggResult.merge(f, value, Math::max);

    private void doCount(Field f) {

    private void doSum(Field f, int value) {
        aggResult.merge(f,value, Integer::sum);

    // avg是最麻烦的,需要我们保存所有的数据,重新遍历再求结果 ;
    // (注意: 不能只保存上一次的avg,然后用 newAvg = (oldAvg * (size - 1) + value) / size,
    // 不能这样写的原因是:我们做的是整数除法,每次都会有偏差,所以之后偏差会越来越多)
    private void doAVG(Field f) {
        List<Integer> integers = aggregation.get(f);
        int sum = 0, avg;
        for (int k : integers) {
            sum += k;
        avg = sum / integers.size();
        aggResult.merge(f,avg,(a,b) ->avg);

    private void doMin(Field f,int value) {
        aggResult.merge(f, value, Math::min);

     * Create a OpIterator over group aggregate results.
     * @return a OpIterator whose tuples are the pair (groupVal, aggregateVal)
     *         if using group, or a single (aggregateVal) if no grouping. The
     *         aggregateVal is determined by the type of aggregate specified in
     *         the constructor.
    public OpIterator iterator() {
        return new IntAggIterator();

    private class IntAggIterator implements OpIterator{

        private List<Tuple> aggTuples;

        private Iterator<Tuple> tupleIterator;

        public void open() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
            aggTuples = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Field f: aggResult.keySet()){
                int value = aggResult.get(f);
                Tuple tuple = new Tuple(aggSchema);
                if(gbfield == NO_GROUPING){
                    tuple.setField(0,new IntField(value));
                    tuple.setField(1,new IntField(value));
            tupleIterator = aggTuples.iterator();

        public TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {
            return aggSchema;



public class StringAggregator implements Aggregator {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private static final Field emptyFiled = new StringField("",1);

    private int gbfield;

    private Op what;

    private TupleDesc aggSchema;

    private HashMap<Field,Integer> aggregation;

     * Aggregate constructor
     * @param gbfield     the 0-based index of the group-by field in the tuple, or NO_GROUPING if there is no grouping
     * @param gbfieldtype the type of the group by field (e.g., Type.INT_TYPE), or null if there is no grouping
     * @param afield      the 0-based index of the aggregate field in the tuple
     * @param what        aggregation operator to use -- only supports COUNT
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if what != COUNT

    // String 只需要支持 COUNT 就可以了
    public StringAggregator(int gbfield, Type gbfieldtype, int afield, Op what) {
        // 如果 Op 不是count,那么就抛出异常;
        if(what != Op.COUNT) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        this.gbfield = gbfield;
        // 我们只关心count,所以具体的value值是什么我们不关心了,所以不需要afield
        this.what = what;
        this.aggregation = new HashMap<>();
        // 生成聚合schema
        Type[] types = null;
        if(gbfield == NO_GROUPING)
            types = new Type[]{Type.INT_TYPE};
            types = new Type[]{gbfieldtype,Type.INT_TYPE};
        this.aggSchema = new TupleDesc(types);

     * Merge a new tuple into the aggregate, grouping as indicated in the constructor
     * @param tup the Tuple containing an aggregate field and a group-by field
    public void mergeTupleIntoGroup(Tuple tup) {
        Field field = null;
        if(gbfield != NO_GROUPING)
            field = tup.getField(gbfield);
            field = emptyFiled; // 如果没有分类的话, 就一直用这个emptyFiled
        aggregation.merge(field,1,(a,b) -> (a + 1)); // count ++

    public OpIterator iterator() {
        return new StringAggIterator();

    private class StringAggIterator implements OpIterator{

        List<Tuple> tupleList;
        Iterator<Tuple> iterator;
		// ... 剩下的和Int一样

public class Aggregate extends Operator {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private Aggregator aggregator;

    private int gfield;
    private int afield;
    private String groupFieldName;
    private String aggregateFieldName;

    private Aggregator.Op aop;

    private OpIterator iterator;
    private OpIterator child;

     * Constructor.
     * <p>
     * Implementation hint: depending on the type of afield, you will want to
     * construct an {@link IntegerAggregator} or {@link StringAggregator} to help
     * you with your implementation of readNext().
     * @param child  The OpIterator that is feeding us tuples.
     * @param afield The column over which we are computing an aggregate.
     * @param gfield The column over which we are grouping the result, or -1 if
     *               there is no grouping
     * @param aop    The aggregation operator to use
    public Aggregate(OpIterator child, int afield, int gfield, Aggregator.Op aop) {
        this.afield = afield;
        aggregateFieldName = child.getTupleDesc().getFieldName(afield);
        this.gfield =gfield;
        this.groupFieldName = null;
        this.aop = aop;
        this.child = child;
        Type aggType = child.getTupleDesc().getFieldType(afield), groupType = null;
        if(gfield != Aggregator.NO_GROUPING){
            groupType = child.getTupleDesc().getFieldType(gfield);
            groupFieldName = child.getTupleDesc().getFieldName(gfield);
        if(aggType == Type.INT_TYPE){
            aggregator = new IntegerAggregator(gfield,groupType,afield,aop);
            aggregator = new StringAggregator(gfield,groupType,afield,aop);

    public void open() throws NoSuchElementException, DbException,
            TransactionAbortedException {; // 要调用父类的open!!!; // 一定要先open子节点才可以hasNext!!!
        int average = 0, count = 0, sum = 0;
        // 这个时候子节点已经做完了所有工作了,我们要拿到子节点的所有tuple;
        while (child.hasNext()){
            Tuple next =;
        OpIterator real = aggregator.iterator();;
        iterator = real;

     * Returns the TupleDesc of this Aggregate. If there is no group by field,
     * this will have one field - the aggregate column. If there is a group by
     * field, the first field will be the group by field, and the second will be
     * the aggregate value column.
     * <p>
     * The name of an aggregate column should be informative. For example:
     * "aggName(aop) (child_td.getFieldName(afield))" where aop and afield are
     * given in the constructor, and child_td is the TupleDesc of the child
     * iterator.
    public TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {
        TupleDesc tupleDesc = child.getTupleDesc();
        int numFields = gfield == Aggregator.NO_GROUPING ? 1 : 2;
        Type[] types = new Type[numFields];
        String[] names = new String[numFields];
//        String aggName = aggregateFieldName + "(" + aop + ")("  + child.getTupleDesc() + ".getFieldName(" + afield + "))";
        String aggName = aggregateFieldName;
        if(numFields == 2){
            types[0] = tupleDesc.getFieldType(gfield);
            names[0] = groupFieldName;
        types[numFields - 1] = tupleDesc.getFieldType(afield);
        names[numFields - 1] = aggName;
        return new TupleDesc(types,names);

    public void close() {


    public void open() throws NoSuchElementException, DbException,
            TransactionAbortedException {; // 要调用父类的open!!! 不然测试不通过;; // 一定要先open子节点才可以hasNext!!!
        int average = 0, count = 0, sum = 0;
// 这个时候子节点已经做完了所有工作了,我们要拿到子节点的所有tuple;(不这样做会没有tuple,我们需要自己从子节点拿tuple)
        while (child.hasNext()){
            Tuple next =;
        OpIterator real = aggregator.iterator();;
        iterator = real;


The name of an aggregate column should be informative. For example: "aggName(aop) (child_td.getFieldName(afield))" where aop and afield are given in the constructor, and child_td is the TupleDesc of the child iterator.

HeapFile Mutability

现在,我们将开始实现支持修改表的方法。我们从单个页面和文件级别开始。主要有两组操作: 添加元组和删除元组。

删除元组: 要删除一个元组,你需要实现deleteTuple。元组包含recordid,它允许您找到它们所在的页面,因此这应该像定位元组所属的页面并适当修改页面的header一样简单。

添加元组: HeapFile.java中的insertTuple方法负责向堆文件添加元组。要向HeapFile中添加一个新的元组,您必须找到一个有空槽的页面。**如果HeapFile中不存在这样的页,则需要创建一个新页并将其追加到磁盘上的物理文件。**您需要确保正确更新了元组中的RecordID。

Exercise 3.




(Note that you do not necessarily need to implement writePage() at this point).


注意,HeapFile.insertTuple()HeapFile.deleteTuple()方法使用BufferPool.getPage()方法访问页面是很重要的; 否则,您在下一个实验中实现的事务将不能正常工作。


  • insertTuple()

  • deleteTuple()


代码应该通过 HeapPageWriteTest 和 HeapFileWriteTest 以及BufferPoolWriteTest中的单元测试。 (version2)

public class HeapPage implements Page {

    final HeapPageId pid;
    final TupleDesc td;
    final byte[] header; // bitmap
    final Tuple[] tuples; // 真正存储tuple的地方
    final int numSlots; // 槽的容量
    final List<Integer> tupleList; // 有效tuple的index集合
    final List<Integer> unusedList; // 没有使用的Slot,作为缓存,高效获得unused slot

    private boolean isDirty; // 这个字段其实没什么用, 真正有用的是 transactionId
    private TransactionId transactionId; // 最后一次修改这个page的id;

    byte[] oldData;
    private final Byte oldDataLock = (byte) 0;

     * 用来创建一个新的empty-page,这个方法在对HeapFile追加一个新页的时候很有用
     * @return The returned ByteArray.
    public static byte[] createEmptyPageData() {
        int len = BufferPool.getPageSize();
        return new byte[len]; //all 0

     * 删除一个tuple
     * @param t The tuple to delete
     * @throws DbException if this tuple is not on this page, or tuple slot is
     *                     already empty.
    public void deleteTuple(Tuple t) throws DbException {
        int index = t.getRecordId().getTupleNumber(); // 拿到页内位置
        if(t.getRecordId().getPageId() != pid || !isSlotUsed(index)) // 判断是否有这个tuple
            throw new DbException("Delete failed ...");
        markSlotUsed(index,false); // 标记为free
        tupleList.remove((Integer)index); // 从tupleList中移除
        unused.add(index); // 添加到unusedList

     * 添加一个tuple
     * @param t The tuple to add.
     * @throws DbException if the page is full (no empty slots) or tupledesc
     *                     is mismatch.
    public void insertTuple(Tuple t) throws DbException {
        // 检查是不是这个page的
        if(getNumUnusedSlots() == 0 || !td.equals(t.getTupleDesc()))
            throw new DbException("ERROR: HeapPage Insert failed ...");
        int index = unusedList.remove(0); // pop出第一个元素
        tuples[index] = t;
        markSlotUsed(index,true); // 标记为已使用
        tupleList.add(index); // tupleList 添加
        t.setRecordId(new RecordId(pid,index)); // !!!不要忘记设置RecordId

     * Marks this page as dirty/not dirty and record that transaction
     * that did the dirtying
    public void markDirty(boolean dirty, TransactionId tid) {
        this.isDirty = dirty;
        // 不知道要不要判断, 防御性起见还是判断一下
            this.transactionId = tid;
            this.transactionId = null;

     * Returns the tid of the transaction that last dirtied this page, or null if the page is not dirty
    public TransactionId isDirty() {
        return transactionId;

     * Returns the number of unused (i.e., empty) slots on this page.
    public int getNumUnusedSlots() {
        int res = 0, index = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < getNumTuples(); i++) {
            if(i % 8 == 0) index++;
            if(getBit(header[index], i % 8) == 0){
                tupleList.remove((Integer) i); // 这里特地强转一下,不然会被识别为 "按索引移除"
                unusedList.add(i); // 这里加一个缓存
            else if (!tupleList.contains(i)){
                unusedList.remove((Integer) i); // 这里特地强转一下,不然会被识别为 "按索引移除"
        return res;

     * Abstraction to fill or clear a slot on this page.
    private void markSlotUsed(int i, boolean value) {
        int bit = value ? 1 : 0, index = i / 8;
        header[index] = setBit(header[index],i % 8,bit);

这次特别加了一个unusedList,本质上也是为了加速获取到可用的空间,减少遍历的时间; (version2)

public class HeapFile implements DbFile {

    public File f;
    private TupleDesc td;

    // 因为一表一个HeapFile, 所以放心使用一个tableId表示一个Heapfile
    private int tableId;

    // 将指定的page写到磁盘上
    public void writePage(Page page) throws IOException {
        HeapPage heapPage = (HeapPage) page;
        int offset = heapPage.getId().getPageNumber() * BufferPool.getPageSize();
        try {
            RandomAccessFile rw = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw");
  ; // 记得seek
        }catch (IOException e){
            throw e;

     * Returns the number of pages in this HeapFile.
    public int numPages() {
        // 这个公式是没有错的;
        return  (int) Math.floor(f.length() * 1.0 / BufferPool.getPageSize());

    // 插入一个tuple,返回修改的页面
    public List<Page> insertTuple(TransactionId tid, Tuple t)
            throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException {
        boolean insertSuccess = false; // 需要有一个flag来标志我们是否插入成功
        List<Page> res = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i =0; i < numPages(); i ++) {
            HeapPageId pageId = new HeapPageId(tableId, i);
            HeapPage page = (HeapPage)Database.getBufferPool().getPage(tid, pageId, null);
            int numUnusedSlots = page.getNumUnusedSlots();
            if(numUnusedSlots != 0){
                // page.markDirty(true,tid); 这边暂时不要markDirty,交给buffer-pool
                insertSuccess = true;
                res.add(page); // 只返回这个修改的page
        // !!!如果没有页可以容纳,那么我们就添加一个新页
            try {
                RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(f,"rw");
                // 开始创建一个新的page,准备写到磁盘上;
                byte[] empty = HeapPage.createEmptyPageData();
                HeapPage heapPage = new HeapPage(new HeapPageId(tableId, numPages()), empty);
      ; // 记得seek
                res.add(heapPage); // 记得加到res中;
            }catch (IOException e){
                throw e;
        return res;

    // 删除一个tuple,返回修改的页面
    public List<Page> deleteTuple(TransactionId tid, Tuple t) throws DbException,
            TransactionAbortedException {
        List<Page> res = new ArrayList<>();
        PageId pageId = t.getRecordId().getPageId();
        HeapPage page = (HeapPage)Database.getBufferPool().getPage(tid, pageId, null);
        // page.markDirty(true,tid); 这边暂时不要markDirty,交给buffer-pool
        return res;

    // 这次HeapFileIterator也稍微改了一下
    private class HeapFileIterator implements DbFileIterator{

        private int pageCursor; // 标记我们遍历到哪一个page了;

        private Iterator<Tuple> inPageCursor; // cursor "within" a page,在页内做索引

        public void open() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
            pageCursor = 0;
            HeapPage page = (HeapPage) Database.getBufferPool().getPage(null, new HeapPageId(tableId, 0), null);
            inPageCursor = page.iterator();

        private HeapPage prefetchPage() throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException {
            if(pageCursor == numPages() - 1) return null;
            return (HeapPage) Database.getBufferPool().getPage(null, new HeapPageId(tableId,pageCursor + 1), null);


添加元组: HeapFile.java中的insertTuple方法负责向堆文件添加元组。要向HeapFile中添加一个新的元组,您必须找到一个有空槽的页面。**如果HeapFile中不存在这样的页,则需要创建一个新页并将其追加到磁盘上的物理文件。**您需要确保正确更新了元组中的RecordID。


    public int numPages() {
        // 这个公式是没有错的;
        return  (int) Math.floor(f.length() * 1.0 / BufferPool.getPageSize());



 // !!!如果没有页可以容纳,那么我们就添加一个新页
            try {
                RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(f,"rw");
                // 开始创建一个新的page,准备写到磁盘上;
                byte[] empty = HeapPage.createEmptyPageData();
                HeapPage heapPage = new HeapPage(new HeapPageId(tableId, numPages()), empty);
      ; // 记得seek
                res.add(heapPage); // 记得加到res中;
            }catch (IOException e){
                throw e;


BufferPool insert&delete

     * Add a tuple to the specified table on behalf of transaction tid.  Will
     * acquire a write lock on the page the tuple is added to and any other
     * pages that are updated (Lock acquisition is not needed for lab2).
     * May block if the lock(s) cannot be acquired.
     * <p>
     * Marks any pages that were dirtied by the operation as dirty by calling
     * their markDirty bit, and adds versions of any pages that have
     * been dirtied to the cache (replacing any existing versions of those pages) so
     * that future requests see up-to-date pages.
     * @param tid     the transaction adding the tuple
     * @param tableId the table to add the tuple to
     * @param t       the tuple to add
    public void insertTuple(TransactionId tid, int tableId, Tuple t)
            throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException {
        List<Page> pages = Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(tableId).insertTuple(tid, t);
        for (Page page : pages) {
            page.markDirty(true,tid); // 标记为脏页
            PageId pageId = page.getId();
            pageMap.put(pageId,page); // 更新缓存池中的page

     * Remove the specified tuple from the buffer pool.
     * Will acquire a write lock on the page the tuple is removed from and any
     * other pages that are updated. May block if the lock(s) cannot be acquired.
     * <p>
     * Marks any pages that were dirtied by the operation as dirty by calling
     * their markDirty bit, and adds versions of any pages that have
     * been dirtied to the cache (replacing any existing versions of those pages) so
     * that future requests see up-to-date pages.
     * @param tid the transaction deleting the tuple.
     * @param t   the tuple to delete
    public void deleteTuple(TransactionId tid, Tuple t)
            throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException {
        // 先拿到表id
        int tableId = t.getRecordId().getPageId().getTableId();
        // 再根据表id找到DBFile,通过Catalog
        List<Page> pages = Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(tableId).deleteTuple(tid,t);
        for (Page page : pages) {
            page.markDirty(true,tid); // 标记为脏页
            PageId pageId = page.getId();
            pageMap.put(pageId,page); // 更新缓存池中的page


Insertion and deletion



These operators return the number of affected tuples. This is implemented by returning a single tuple with one integer field, containing the count.

Insert: 该操作符将从子操作符中读取的元组添加到构造函数中指定的tableid中。它应该使用BufferPool.insertTuple()方法来执行此操作。

Delete: 该操作符从构造函数中指定的tableid中从子操作符中读取的元组删除。它应该使用BufferPool.deleteTuple()方法来做到这一点。

Exercise 4:





public class Insert extends Operator {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private TransactionId t;
    private OpIterator child;
    private int tableId;

    private int callTime; // 用来记录 fetchNext调用了几次

    private TupleDesc tupleDesc;

     * Inserts tuples read from child into the tableId specified by the
     * constructor. It returns a one field tuple containing the number of
     * inserted records. Inserts should be passed through BufferPool. An
     * instances of BufferPool is available via Database.getBufferPool(). Note
     * that insert DOES NOT need check to see if a particular tuple is a
     * duplicate before inserting it.
     * @return A 1-field tuple containing the number of inserted records, or
     *         null if called more than once.
     * @see Database#getBufferPool
     * @see BufferPool#insertTuple
    protected Tuple fetchNext() throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException {
        if (callTime != 0) return null;
        Tuple res;
        int count = 0;
        while (child.hasNext()){
            try {
            }catch (IOException e){
                throw new TransactionAbortedException();
        res = new Tuple(tupleDesc);
        res.setField(0,new IntField(count)); // !!!就算count是0,也要返回结果
        return res;

这里主要是fetchNext坑了一把,我没有考虑到 count == 0的时候(也就是一个插入也没有),也要返回一个结果 count == 0

public class Delete extends Operator {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private TransactionId t;
    private OpIterator child;
    private TupleDesc tupleDesc;

    private int callTime;

     * Deletes tuples as they are read from the child operator. Deletes are
     * processed via the buffer pool (which can be accessed via the
     * Database.getBufferPool() method.
     * @return A 1-field tuple containing the number of deleted records.
     * @see Database#getBufferPool
     * @see BufferPool#deleteTuple
    protected Tuple fetchNext() throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException {
        if(callTime != 0) return null;
        Tuple res;
        int count = 0;
        while (child.hasNext()){
            try {
            }catch (IOException e){
                throw new TransactionAbortedException();
        res = new Tuple(tupleDesc);
        res.setField(0,new IntField(count));
        callTime ++;
        return res;


Page eviction







Exercise 5.




因为我们不会检查任何特定的驱除策略,这个测试是通过初始化缓冲池的大小为16页,扫描一个超过16页的文件,检查JVM的内存使用增加是否超过5 MB。如果你不正确执行驱除策略,你不会驱逐足够的页面,并将超过大小限制, 因此测试失败。

重点:明白一件事,flushAllPages() 和 flushPage() 都只是写回到磁盘上,但是不清除缓存!!!


public class BufferPool {
     * Bytes per page, including header.
    private static final int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 4096;

    private static int pageSize = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;

     * Default number of pages passed to the constructor. This is used by
     * other classes. BufferPool should use the numPages argument to the
     * constructor instead.
    public static final int DEFAULT_PAGES = 50;

    private final int numPages; //  表示当前缓存池的容量

    private HashMap<PageId,Page> pageMap; // 根据 PageId 和 Page 做映射
    private HashMap<PageId,Integer> lruMap; // 保存page的访问次数

    public Page getPage(TransactionId tid, PageId pid, Permissions perm)
            throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException {
        Page page = pageMap.get(pid);
        if(page != null)  {
            return page;
        // 如果容量已满, 就要执行驱除
        if(pageMap.size() == numPages){
        page = Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(pid.getTableId()).readPage(pid);
        pageMap.put(page.getId(), page);
        return page;

     * Flush all dirty pages to disk.
     * NB: Be careful using this routine -- it writes dirty data to disk so will
     * break simpledb if running in NO STEAL mode.
    public synchronized void flushAllPages() throws IOException {
        for (PageId id : pageMap.keySet()) {
            Page page = pageMap.get(id);
            // 如果是脏页,写会磁盘
            if(page.isDirty() != null){
                DbFile databaseFile = Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(id.getTableId());
        // 不需要驱除缓存
//        for (PageId id : toFlush) {
//            pageMap.remove(id);
//        }
//        for (PageId id: toFlush){
//            lruMap.remove(id);
//        }

     * Remove the specific page id from the buffer pool.
     * Needed by the recovery manager to ensure that the
     * buffer pool doesn't keep a rolled back page in its
     * cache.
    public synchronized void removePage(PageId pid) {

     * Flushes a certain page to disk
     * @param pid an ID indicating the page to flush
    private synchronized void flushPage(PageId pid) throws IOException {
        // 这个应该不需要管buffer-pool有没有吧,但是保险起见我还是判断了 page != null
        Page page = pageMap.get(pid);
        if(page != null){
            System.out.println("FLUSH PAGE ERROR: NO PAGE " + pid + " IN BUFFER POOL");

     * Discards a page from the buffer pool.
     * Flushes the page to disk to ensure dirty pages are updated on disk.
    private synchronized void evictPage() throws DbException {
        PageId victim = null;
        int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        // 找到最少访问的page
        for (PageId id : lruMap.keySet()) {
            if(victim == null){
                victim = id;
                min = lruMap.get(id);
                int temp = lruMap.get(id);
                if(temp < min){
                    victim = id;
                    min = temp;
        try {
            // 记得要驱除
        }catch (IOException e){
            throw new DbException("Evict error: failed to flush...");


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