React 封装组件的一些心得(一)

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开启掘金成长之旅!这是我参与「掘金日新计划 · 2 月更文挑战」的第 1 天,点击查看活动详情


最近公司业务不是那么多,就抽空写了下组件库的东西,然后看了很多组件库的源码,由于我这里封装的主要是 taro 移动端的组件,所以主要是参考了 antd-mobile , react-vant, tard 等组件库。





react 中没有像 vue 那样的 scope ,首先一个组件需要防止类名和其他的重复。

定义一个类名前缀 这里可以统一命名一个自己喜欢的开头,我这里就叫 com

const classPrefix = `com-count`;

html 中可以这样使用,withNativeProps 的详细描述放后面了(可先忽略)

  return withNativeProps(
    <div className={classPrefix}>
      <h4 className={`${classPrefix}-title`}>{title}</h4>
      <div className={`${classPrefix}-count`}>{c}</div>
      <button onClick={() => {setC(c => ++c)}}>+1</button>

index.less 文件中

// @import '@/style/index.less'; // 这里可以引入全局的一些样式
@class-prefix: ~'com-count';
.@{class-prefix} {
  width: 100px;
  background-color: #f2f2f2;
  &-title {
    font-weight: bold;
  &-count {
    color: skyblue;


生成组件的 props 类型,NativeProps 类型的详细描述放后面了(可先忽略)

export type CountProps = { 
  count: number
  title?: string
} & NativeProps


const defaultProps = {
  title: '计数器',
type RequireType = keyof typeof defaultProps

props 的使用,useMergeProps 就是用来合并 props 默认值的,详细描述放后面了

const Count = (comProps: CountProps) => {
  const props = useMergeProps<CountProps, RequireType>(comProps, defaultProps)
  const { title, ...ret } = props
  return <div>{title}<div/>


  • demo
import { useState } from "react";
import Count from ".."
export default () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  return (
    <Count count={count} className='count' style={{background: '#f2f2f2'}} />

  • 组件
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import './index.less';
import { NativeProps, withNativeProps } from '@/utils/native-props';
import useMergeProps from '@/hooks/use-merge-props';

const classPrefix = `com-count`;

// 组件 props
export type CountProps = { 
  count: number
  title?: string
} & NativeProps

// props 默认值
const defaultProps = {
  title: '计数器',
  count: 0,
type RequireType = keyof typeof defaultProps

const Count = (comProps: CountProps) => {
  // 合并 props
  const props = useMergeProps<CountProps, RequireType>(comProps, defaultProps)
  const { count, title, ...ret } = props

  const [c, setC] = useState(count);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [count])
  // withNativeProps 可以用来合并传入的 classname 和 styles 等
  return withNativeProps(
    <div className={classPrefix}>
      <h4 className={`${classPrefix}-title`}>{title}</h4>
      <div className={`${classPrefix}-count`}>{c}</div>
      <button onClick={() => {setC(c => ++c)}}>+1</button>

export default Count

utils 和 hooks 等的引入方式

NativeProps 和 withNativeProps

该方法的从 antd 组件库的源码中借鉴过来使用的。

import React from 'react';
import type { CSSProperties, ReactElement } from 'react';
import classNames from 'classnames';

// style 和 className 的类型,根据需要可以加其他东西,如 onClick 等
export type NativeProps<S extends string = never> = {
  className?: string;
  style?: CSSProperties & Partial<Record<S, string>>;

// 可以用来合并传入的 classname 和 styles 等
export function withNativeProps<P extends NativeProps>(props: P, element: ReactElement) {
  const p = {
  if (props.className) {
    p.className = classNames(element.props.className, props.className);
  if ( { = {,,
  return React.cloneElement(element, p);
  • index.less
// @import '../style/index.less';
@class-prefix: ~'com-count';
.@{class-prefix} {
  width: 100px;
  &-title {
    font-weight: bold;
  &-count {
    color: skyblue;


该钩子是从 arco-design 借鉴过来改进的。

import { useMemo } from 'react';
import omit from '@/utils/omit';

export type MergePropsOptions = {
  _ignorePropsFromGlobal?: boolean;

/** 将某些属性变为必选 */
type RequireKey<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & { [P in K]-?: T[P] }

export default function useMergeProps<PropsType, K extends keyof PropsType>(
  componentProps: PropsType & MergePropsOptions,
  defaultProps: Partial<PropsType>,
  globalComponentConfig: Partial<PropsType> = {}
): RequireKey<PropsType, K> {
  const { _ignorePropsFromGlobal } = componentProps;
  const _defaultProps = useMemo(() => {
    return { ...defaultProps, ...(_ignorePropsFromGlobal ? {} : globalComponentConfig) };
  }, [defaultProps, globalComponentConfig, _ignorePropsFromGlobal]);

  const props = useMemo(() => {
    const mProps = omit(componentProps, ['_ignorePropsFromGlobal']) as PropsType;

    for (const propName in _defaultProps) {
      if (mProps[propName] === undefined) {
        mProps[propName] = _defaultProps[propName]!;

    return mProps;
  }, [componentProps, _defaultProps]);

  return props as RequireKey<PropsType, K>;


/** 删除一个对象中的key */
export default function omit<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(
  obj: T,
  keys: Array<K | string> // string 为了某些没有声明的属性被omit
): Omit<T, K> {
  const clone = {
  keys.forEach((key) => {
    if ((key as K) in clone) {
      delete clone[key as K];
  return clone;


com快捷.gif com-快捷2.gif



这里输入名称 typescriptreact 创建就可以了。


往里面加入以下 json 数据

"tsxcomreact": {
  "prefix": "tsxcomreact",
  "body": [
    "import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';",
    "import './index.less';",
    "import { NativeProps, withNativeProps } from '@/utils/native-props````
    "import useMergeProps from '@/hooks/use-merge-props';",
    "const classPrefix = `com${2}-${1}`;",
    "export type ${1}Props = { ",
    "} & NativeProps",
    "const defaultProps = {",
    "  ",
    "type RequireType = keyof typeof defaultProps",
    "const ${1} = (comProps: ${1}Props) => {",
    "  const props = useMergeProps<${1}Props, RequireType>(comProps, defaultProps)",
    "  const { ...ret } = props",
    "  ",
    "  return withNativeProps(",
    "    ret,",
    "    <div className={classPrefix}>",
    "      ",
    "    </div>",
    "  )",
    "export default ${1}"
  "description": "Log output to console"
"cdivclass": {
  "scope": "typescriptreact",
  "prefix": "cdc",
  "body": [
    "<div className={`\\${classPrefix}-${0}`}></div>"
  "description": "Log output to console"

