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// 白平衡滤镜
let filter = C7WhiteBalance.init(temperature: 4000, tint: -200)
// 方案1:
ImageView.image = try? BoxxIO(element: originImage, filters: [filter, filter2, filter3]).output()
// 方案2:
ImageView.image = originImage.filtering(filter, filter2, filter3)
// 方案3:
ImageView.image = originImage ->> filter ->> filter2 ->> filter3
- 不同参数下效果
temperature: 4000, tint: -200 | temperature: 4000, tint: 0 | temperature: 4000, tint: 200 |
temperature: 7000, tint: -200 | temperature: 7000, tint: 0 | temperature: 7000, tint: 100 |
- 过滤器
这款滤镜采用并行计算编码器设计.compute(kernel: "C7WhiteBalance")
,参数因子[temperature, tint]
: 调整图像的温度,4000的值非常凉爽,7000非常温暖;tint
: 调整图像的色调,-200的值是非常绿色的,200是非常粉红色的;
/// 白平衡
public struct C7WhiteBalance: C7FilterProtocol {
public static let range: ParameterRange<Float, Self> = .init(min: 4000, max: 7000, value: 5000)
/// The tint to adjust the image by. A value of -200 is very green and 200 is very pink.
public var tint: Float = 0
/// The temperature to adjust the image by, in ºK. A value of 4000 is very cool and 7000 very warm.
/// Note that the scale between 4000 and 5000 is nearly as visually significant as that between 5000 and 7000.
public var temperature: Float = range.value
public var modifier: Modifier {
return .compute(kernel: "C7WhiteBalance")
public var factors: [Float] {
return [temperature, tint]
public init(temperature: Float = range.value, tint: Float = 0) {
self.temperature = temperature
self.tint = tint
- 着色器
kernel void C7WhiteBalance(texture2d<half, access::write> outputTexture [[texture(0)]],
texture2d<half, access::read> inputTexture [[texture(1)]],
constant float *temperature_ [[buffer(0)]],
constant float *tint [[buffer(1)]],
uint2 grid [[thread_position_in_grid]]) {
const half4 inColor = inputTexture.read(grid);
const half3x3 RGBtoYIQ = half3x3({0.299, 0.587, 0.114}, {0.596, -0.274, -0.322}, {0.212, -0.523, 0.311});
const half3x3 YIQtoRGB = half3x3({1.000, 0.956, 0.621}, {1.000, -0.272, -0.647}, {1.000, -1.105, 1.702});
half3 yiq = RGBtoYIQ * inColor.rgb;
yiq.b = clamp(yiq.b + half(*tint/100) * 0.5226 * 0.1, -0.5226, 0.5226);
const half3 rgb = YIQtoRGB * yiq;
const half3 warm = half3(0.93, 0.54, 0.0);
const half r = rgb.r < 0.5 ? (2.0 * rgb.r * warm.r) : (1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - rgb.r) * (1.0 - warm.r));
const half g = rgb.g < 0.5 ? (2.0 * rgb.g * warm.g) : (1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - rgb.g) * (1.0 - warm.g));
const half b = rgb.b < 0.5 ? (2.0 * rgb.b * warm.b) : (1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - rgb.b) * (1.0 - warm.b));
half temperature = half(*temperature_);
temperature = temperature < 5000 ? 0.0004 * (temperature - 5000) : 0.00006 * (temperature - 5000);
const half4 outColor = half4(mix(rgb, half3(r, g, b), temperature), inColor.a);
outputTexture.write(outColor, grid);
- 相同的物体在不同的色温光源下呈现出相同的颜色,这就称为色彩恒常性;
- 白平衡的目的就是使得图像传感器在不同色温光源下拍摄的物体进行一个图像纠正的过程,还原物体本来的颜色。
- 也可以说是在任意色温条件下,图像传感器所拍摄的标准白色经过白平衡的调整,使之成像后仍然为白色。
- 在各个色温下(2500~7500)拍几张白纸照片,假设拍6张(2500,3500...7500),可以称作色温照;
- 把色温照进行矫正,具体是对R/G/B通道进行轿正,让偏色的白纸照变成白色,并记录各个通道的矫正参数;
- 判断图像的色温,是在白天,晚上,室内,室外,是烈日还是夕阳,还是在阳光下的沙滩上,或者是在卧室里”暖味”的床头灯下;
- 慢慢再补充其他相关滤镜,喜欢就给我点个星🌟吧。