Go Resiliency

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Go Resiliency

近期看了一个国外老哥写的小项目 go-resiliency,这个小项目实现了客户端执行作业(可以理解为是执行业务逻辑的函数调用)的弹性处理机制(超时、信号量、重试、熔断、批量执行等),从中我学到了很多关于并发相关的编程技巧,这里将其整理成博客分享



  • 构造函数接收超时时间
// Deadline implements the deadline/timeout resiliency pattern.
type Deadline struct {
  timeout time.Duration

  // New constructs a new Deadline with the given timeout.
func New(timeout time.Duration) *Deadline {
  return &Deadline{
    timeout: timeout,
  • 提供入参为回调函数(作业)的 Run 接口,用于执行待执行的作业
dl := New(1 * time.Second)
err := dl.Run(func(stopper <-chan struct{}) error {
  // do something possibly slow
  // check stopper function and give up if timed out
  return nil
switch err {
case ErrTimedOut:
  // execution took too long, oops
  // some other error



  • Deadline : 触发作业执行以及接收作业执行结果
  • Work : 执行作业具体逻辑并将执行结果发送给 Deadline 协程

协程间通过 channel 进行交流


func (d *Deadline) Run(work func(<-chan struct{}) error) error {
  result := make(chan error)
  stopper := make(chan struct{})
  go func() {
    value := work(stopper)
    select {
    case result <- value:
    case <-stopper:
  select {
  case ret := <-result:
    return ret
  case <-time.After(d.timeout):
    return ErrTimedOut


信号量可以看作是一种计数器,常被用来管理资源的数量,一个被协程持有的信号量可以被任何协程释放,其使用方式和 lock 类似: RequireRelease

sem := New(3, 1*time.Second)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
  go func() {
    if err := sem.Acquire(); err != nil {
      return //could not acquire semaphore
    defer sem.Release()
    // do something semaphore-guarded

::: tip 互斥锁与信号量的区别 与互斥锁相比互斥锁在信号量的基础上增加了所有权的概念。一个被协程锁住的互斥锁只能持锁的协程解锁,简单来说,互斥锁管理的是资源的使用权 :::

信号量的构造函数需要指定数量 ticketsRequire 的超时时间,每个 Semaphore 实例拥有一个长度为 ticketsbuffered channel: sem

// Semaphore implements the semaphore resiliency pattern
type Semaphore struct {
  sem     chan struct{}
  timeout time.Duration

// New constructs a new Semaphore with the given ticket-count
// and timeout.
func New(tickets int, timeout time.Duration) *Semaphore {
  return &Semaphore{
    sem:     make(chan struct{}, tickets),
    timeout: timeout,

对于信号量的 RequireRelease 操作

  • Require : 向 sem 发送消息,同时启动定时器监听是否超时,当 sem 队列满的时候将会阻塞
// Acquire tries to acquire a ticket from the semaphore. If it can, it returns nil.
// If it cannot after "timeout" amount of time, it returns ErrNoTickets. It is
// safe to call Acquire concurrently on a single Semaphore.
func (s *Semaphore) Acquire() error {
  select {
  case s.sem <- struct{}{}:
    return nil
  case <-time.After(s.timeout):
    return ErrNoTickets
  • Release : 从 sem 消费消息
// Release releases an acquired ticket back to the semaphore. It is safe to call
// Release concurrently on a single Semaphore. It is an error to call Release on
// a Semaphore from which you have not first acquired a ticket.
func (s *Semaphore) Release() {




r := New([]time.Duration{
  100 * time.Microsecond,
  200 * time.Microsecond,
  400 * time.Microsecond,
}, nil)

err := r.Run(func() error {
  // do some work
  return nil

if err != nil {
  // handle the case where the work failed three times


  1. 需要重试多少次
  2. 不同重试次数间执行作业的时间间隔如何设置(防止因重试加大作业执行的压力)
  3. 作业返回什么错误才需要重试

因此重试机制的构造函数里,第一个参数 backoff 用于指定作业的重试节奏,第二个参数 class 用于指定作业的重试触发条件

// New constructs a Retrier with the given backoff pattern and classifier. The length of the backoff pattern
// indicates how many times an action will be retried, and the value at each index indicates the amount of time
// waited before each subsequent retry. The classifier is used to determine which errors should be retried and
// which should cause the retrier to fail fast. The DefaultClassifier is used if nil is passed.
func New(backoff []time.Duration, class Classifier) *Retrier {
  if class == nil {
    class = DefaultClassifier{}
  return &Retrier{
    backoff: backoff,
    class:   class,
    rand:    rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),




就表示在执行第一次重试前等待 10 毫秒,在执行第二次重试前等待 20 毫秒,数组长度即表示最多重试多少次


// ConstantBackoff generates a simple back-off strategy of retrying 'n' times, and waiting 'amount' time after each one.
func ConstantBackoff(n int, amount time.Duration) []time.Duration {
  ret := make([]time.Duration, n)
  for i := range ret {
    ret[i] = amount
  return ret

也可以只指定第一次重试前等待的时长,后续重试时长是前一次重试等待时长的 2 倍(指数级增长),为了不让等待时长太久,也可以指定最大等待时长

// ExponentialBackoff generates a simple back-off strategy of retrying 'n' times, and doubling the amount of
// time waited after each one.
func ExponentialBackoff(n int, initialAmount time.Duration) []time.Duration {
  ret := make([]time.Duration, n)
  next := initialAmount
  for i := range ret {
    ret[i] = next
    next *= 2
  return ret

// LimitedExponentialBackoff generates a simple back-off strategy of retrying 'n' times, and doubling the amount of
// time waited after each one.
// If back-off reaches `limitAmount` , thereafter back-off will be filled with `limitAmount` .
func LimitedExponentialBackoff(n int, initialAmount time.Duration, limitAmount time.Duration) []time.Duration {
  ret := make([]time.Duration, n)
  next := initialAmount
  for i := range ret {
    if next < limitAmount {
      ret[i] = next
      next *= 2
    } else {
      ret[i] = limitAmount
  return ret


func (r *Retrier) calcSleep(i int) time.Duration {
  // lock unsafe rand prng
  defer r.randMu.Unlock()
  // take a random float in the range (-r.jitter, +r.jitter) and multiply it by the base amount
  return r.backoff[i] + time.Duration(((r.rand.Float64()*2)-1)*r.jitter*float64(r.backoff[i]))


重试的触发条件使用接口 Classifier 来定义,我们可以根据业务需要实现接口来自定义具体的触发条件

// Action is the type returned by a Classifier to indicate how the Retrier should proceed.
type Action int

const (
	Succeed Action = iota // Succeed indicates the Retrier should treat this value as a success.
	Fail                  // Fail indicates the Retrier should treat this value as a hard failure and not retry.
	Retry                 // Retry indicates the Retrier should treat this value as a soft failure and retry.
// Classifier is the interface implemented by anything that can classify Errors for a Retrier.
type Classifier interface {
  Classify(error) Action

比如最简单的重试触发条件: 如果作业执行出错就重试

// DefaultClassifier classifies errors in the simplest way possible. If
// the error is nil, it returns Succeed, otherwise it returns Retry.
type DefaultClassifier struct{}

// Classify implements the Classifier interface.
func (c DefaultClassifier) Classify(err error) Action {
  if err == nil {
    return Succeed
  return Retry


// WhitelistClassifier classifies errors based on a whitelist. If the error is nil, it
// returns Succeed; if the error is in the whitelist, it returns Retry; otherwise, it returns Fail.
type WhitelistClassifier []error

// Classify implements the Classifier interface.
func (list WhitelistClassifier) Classify(err error) Action {
  if err == nil {
    return Succeed
  for _, pass := range list {
    if errors.Is(err, pass) {
      return Retry
  return Fail




  1. 执行作业
  2. 利用自定义的 Classifier 判断作业的执行结果,如果成功或失败则立即返回作业的执行结果,否则触发重试
  3. 每次重试前先判断当前重试次数是否已达上限,如果是则返回作业的执行结果,不是则先计算下一次重试的等待时间并 sleep,等待结束后累加重试次数,再回到第 1 步执行作业
// Run executes the given work function by executing RunCtx without context.Context.
func (r *Retrier) Run(work func() error) error {
  return r.RunCtx(context.Background(), func(ctx context.Context) error {
    // never use ctx
    return work()

// RunCtx executes the given work function, then classifies its return value based on the classifier used
// to construct the Retrier. If the result is Succeed or Fail, the return value of the work function is
// returned to the caller. If the result is Retry, then Run sleeps according to the its backoff policy
// before retrying. If the total number of retries is exceeded then the return value of the work function
// is returned to the caller regardless.
func (r *Retrier) RunCtx(ctx context.Context, work func(ctx context.Context) error) error {
  retries := 0
  for {
    ret := work(ctx)
    switch r.class.Classify(ret) {
    case Succeed, Fail:
      return ret
    case Retry:
      if retries >= len(r.backoff) {
        return ret
      timeout := time.After(r.calcSleep(retries))
      if err := r.sleep(ctx, timeout); err != nil {
        return err


熔断是一种服务自我保护的机制,尤其是针对一个接口可能调用多个微服务的场景: 如果其中一个被调用的微服务因各种原因超时或返回失败,调用方对微服务的调用会积累更多的时间及资源,进而导致调用方级联地故障。为了避免出现系统雪崩的场景,我们可以使用熔断器,当探测到作业执行失败达到阈值时,即打开熔断器,使得作业无需被执行就立即返回失败,而调用方可以基于熔断器打开的失败进行兜底操作


breaker := New(3, 1, 5*time.Second)

for {
  result := breaker.Run(func() error {
    // communicate with some external service and
    // return an error if the communication failed
    return nil

  switch result {
  case nil:
    // success!
  case ErrBreakerOpen:
    // our function wasn't run because the breaker was open
    // some other error

当熔断器被打开时,返回到调用方的只有 ErrBreakerOpen 错误,而其他情况会先执行作业,再基于作业执行结果进行统计和状态转移,毕竟不能让熔断器一直返回熔断错误,要给它一定的弹性去恢复到原来正常运转的情况

func (b *Breaker) Run(work func() error) error {
  state := atomic.LoadUint32(&b.state)

  if state == open {
    return ErrBreakerOpen

  return b.doWork(state, work)

func (b *Breaker) doWork(state uint32, work func() error) error {
  var panicValue interface{}

  result := func() error {
    defer func() {
      panicValue = recover()
    return work()

  if result == nil && panicValue == nil && state == closed {
    // short-circuit the normal, success path without contending
    // on the lock
    return nil

  // oh well, I guess we have to contend on the lock
  b.processResult(result, panicValue)

  if panicValue != nil {
    // as close as Go lets us come to a "rethrow" although unfortunately
    // we lose the original panicing location

  return result


  • errorThreshold : 作业执行错误数阈值
  • successThreshold : 作业执行成功数阈值
  • timeout : 熔断器打开后,过多长时间才进入半打开状态
// New constructs a new circuit-breaker that starts closed.
// From closed, the breaker opens if "errorThreshold" errors are seen
// without an error-free period of at least "timeout". From open, the
// breaker half-closes after "timeout". From half-open, the breaker closes
// after "successThreshold" consecutive successes, or opens on a single error.
func New(errorThreshold, successThreshold int, timeout time.Duration) *Breaker {
  return &Breaker{
    errorThreshold:   errorThreshold,
    successThreshold: successThreshold,
    timeout:          timeout,

到这里是不是有点一头雾水,为什么要统计作业执行结果情况?半打开状态又是什么东西?是的,熔断器的概念比较多,后续将以3 个状态2 个动作状态流转进行讲解

3 个状态


  • closed : 关闭状态,此状态会统计作业执行的错误数是否达到阈值,如果是则将切换为 open 状态
  • open : 打开状态,此状态不会执行作业,快速返回错误;同时会开启一个定时器,当时间一到将状态改为 halfOpen 状态
  • halfOpen : 半打开状态,此状态下如果作业还出现错误则立马回到 open 状态;此外在半打开状态下会统计作业执行的成功数是否达到阈值,如果是则将切换为 closed 状态


const (
  closed uint32 = iota
// ...
func (b *Breaker) changeState(newState uint32) {
  b.errors = 0
  b.successes = 0
  atomic.StoreUint32(&b.state, newState)

2 个动作

Open Breaker

  • openBreaker : 打开熔断器,状态变为 open,过了设定的超时时间后会自动变为 halfOpen 状态
  • 触发条件
    1. 熔断器处于 closed 状态,且作业执行累积的异常次数已达到阈值 errorThreshold
    2. 熔断器处于 halfOpen 状态,且最新作业的执行结果异常
func (b *Breaker) openBreaker() {
  go b.timer()

func (b *Breaker) timer() {
  defer b.lock.Unlock()

Close Breaker

  • closeBreaker : 关闭熔断器,状态变为 closed
  • 触发条件: 熔断器处于 halfOpen 状态,且作业执行累积的成功次数已达到阈值
func (b *Breaker) closeBreaker() {



  1. 如果执行结果没有异常,只有当熔断器状态为 halfOpen 时才进行作业成功次数的统计,如果达到阈值则关闭熔断器
  2. 如果执行结果返回异常
    • 只有当熔断器状态为 closed 时才进行作业异常次数的统计,如果达到阈值则打开熔断器
    • 当熔断器状态为 halfOpen 时,立即打开熔断器
func (b *Breaker) processResult(result error, panicValue interface{}) {
  defer b.lock.Unlock()

  if result == nil && panicValue == nil {
    if b.state == halfOpen {
      if b.successes == b.successThreshold {
  } else {
    if b.errors > 0 {
      expiry := b.lastError.Add(b.timeout)
      if time.Now().After(expiry) {
        b.errors = 0

    switch b.state {
    case closed:
      if b.errors == b.errorThreshold {
      } else {
        b.lastError = time.Now()
    case halfOpen:




b := New(10*time.Millisecond, func(params []interface{}) error {
  // do something with the batch of parameters
  return nil

b.Prefilter(func(param interface{}) error {
  // do some sort of sanity check on the parameter, and return an error if it fails
  return nil

for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
  go b.Run(i)


批量处理 Batcher 的构造函数需要两个参数:

  • timeout : 批次从创建到执行前的收集时间
  • doWork : 批次作业执行的具体逻辑
// Batcher implements the batching resiliency pattern
type Batcher struct {
  timeout   time.Duration
  prefilter func(interface{}) error

  lock   sync.Mutex
  submit chan *work
  doWork func([]interface{}) error

// New constructs a new batcher that will batch all calls to Run that occur within
// `timeout` time before calling doWork just once for the entire batch. The doWork
// function must be safe to run concurrently with itself as this may occur, especially
// when the timeout is small.
func New(timeout time.Duration, doWork func([]interface{}) error) *Batcher {
  return &Batcher{
    timeout: timeout,
    doWork:  doWork,

简单地说,Batcher 的执行逻辑是先收集待执行的作业单元 work,再组合作业单元为批次 batch,然后以批次为作业单位去执行作业


每一个作业单元在 Batcher 里都使用 work 表示

type work struct {
  param  interface{}
  future chan error

每次 Run 一个作业单元时,Batcher 并没有立即执行作业单元,而是将 work 发送至作业单元队列 submit

此处的作业单元队列可以理解为一个特定的批次 batch当某个 batch 的所有 work 都被执行完成后,这个批次将会被清空,等待下一个批次的收集

// Run runs the work function with the given parameter, possibly
// including it in a batch with other calls to Run that occur within the
// specified timeout. It is safe to call Run concurrently on the same batcher.
func (b *Batcher) Run(param interface{}) error {
  if b.prefilter != nil {
    if err := b.prefilter(param); err != nil {
      return err

  if b.timeout == 0 {
    return b.doWork([]interface{}{param})

  w := &work{
    param:  param,
    future: make(chan error, 1),


  return <-w.future

func (b *Batcher) submitWork(w *work) {
  defer b.lock.Unlock()

  if b.submit == nil {
    b.submit = make(chan *work, 4)
    go b.batch()

  b.submit <- w

并不是所有收集的作业单元都需要被执行,所以提供了个 Prefilter 函数,在提交作业单元到 batch 前可校验作业单元参数的合法性

// Prefilter specifies an optional function that can be used to run initial checks on parameters
// passed to Run before being added to the batch. If the prefilter returns a non-nil error,
// that error is returned immediately from Run and the batcher is not invoked. A prefilter
// cannot safely be specified for a batcher if Run has already been invoked. The filter function
// specified must be concurrency-safe.
func (b *Batcher) Prefilter(filter func(interface{}) error) {
  b.prefilter = filter


对于每一个批次都会有一个定时器,等时间一到就会关闭当前批次接收 work 的通道

func (b *Batcher) timer() {

  defer b.lock.Unlock()

  b.submit = nil

这恰好使得批次不阻塞于从 submit 变量中获取 work,而是继续对收集好的 work 执行 doWork 逻辑,等执行结束再将此批次的作业执行结果发到每个 workfuture 通道中,使得调用方能得知批次作业的执行结果

func (b *Batcher) batch() {
  var params []interface{}
  var futures []chan error
  input := b.submit

  go b.timer()

  for work := range input {
    params = append(params, work.param)
    futures = append(futures, work.future)

  ret := b.doWork(params)

  for _, future := range futures {
    future <- ret




虽然写 golang 语言,但是从不敢说自己真的深入理解它
