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use tokio::time::Duration;

fn main() {
    let runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread()


async fn hello() {
    println!("hello world.");


/// Run a future to completion on the Tokio runtime. This is the runtime's entry point.
/// This runs the given future on the runtime, blocking until it is complete, and yielding its resolved result. 
/// Any tasks or timers which the future spawns internally will be executed on the runtime.
pub fn block_on<F: Future>(&self, future: F) -> F::Output

block_on正如其名,阻塞在一个Future,直到该Future就绪并完成。 在tokio中内部是一个线程池,我们先不看tokio中是怎么实现的,我们先想一下如果自己来实现,该如何做呢?


如果构建block_on呢? 我们需要实现如下一个函数,执行一个Future,直到就绪运行输入结果。

fn block_on<F: Future>(future: F) -> F::Output {


pub block_on<F: Future>(future: F) -> F::Output {
    loop {
        match future.as_mut().poll(&mut cx) {
            Poll::Ready(t) => {
                info!("future is ready, return is final result.");
                return t;
            Poll::Pending => {
                info!("future is not ready, register waker, wait util ready.");

因为fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output>;,这个Future必须是Pin<&mut Future>,所有有如下的代码:

pub fn block_on<F: Future>(future: F) -> F::Output {
    pin_utils::pin_mut!(future);    // convert self to Pin<&mut Self>. 因为poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) ,所以必须将future钉住
    loop {
        match future.as_mut().poll(&mut cx) {
            Poll::Ready(t) => {
                info!("future is ready, return is final result.");
                return t;
            Poll::Pending => {
                info!("future is not ready, register waker, wait util ready.");


/// A Waker is a handle for waking up a task by notifying its executor that it is ready to be run.
pub struct Waker {
    waker: RawWaker,

impl Waker {
    /// Wake up the task associated with this Waker.
    pub fn wake(self) {
        // The actual wakeup call is delegated through a virtual function call
        // to the implementation which is defined by the executor.
        let wake = self.waker.vtable.wake;
        let data =;

        // Don't call `drop` -- the waker will be consumed by `wake`.

        // SAFETY: This is safe because `Waker::from_raw` is the only way
        // to initialize `wake` and `data` requiring the user to acknowledge
        // that the contract of `RawWaker` is upheld.
        unsafe { (wake)(data) };

    /// Wake up the task associated with this Waker without consuming the Waker.
    pub fn wake_by_ref(&self) {
        // The actual wakeup call is delegated through a virtual function call
        // to the implementation which is defined by the executor.

        // SAFETY: see `wake`
        unsafe { (self.waker.vtable.wake_by_ref)( }

    /// Creates a new Waker from RawWaker.
    pub unsafe fn from_raw(waker: RawWaker) -> Waker {
        Waker { waker }
    // ... others ...


impl Clone for Waker {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Waker {
            // SAFETY: This is safe because `Waker::from_raw` is the only way
            // to initialize `clone` and `data` requiring the user to acknowledge
            // that the contract of [`RawWaker`] is upheld.
            waker: unsafe { (self.waker.vtable.clone)( },       

impl Drop for Waker {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // SAFETY: This is safe because `Waker::from_raw` is the only way
        // to initialize `drop` and `data` requiring the user to acknowledge
        // that the contract of `RawWaker` is upheld.
        unsafe { (self.waker.vtable.drop)( }        // 调用下面具体的虚函数实现,当然rust中并没有virtual关键字,可以理解为是虚函数的实现形式


pub struct RawWaker {
    /// A data pointer, which can be used to store arbitrary data as required
    /// by the executor. This could be e.g. a type-erased pointer to an `Arc`
    /// that is associated with the task.
    /// The value of this field gets passed to all functions that are part of
    /// the vtable as the first parameter.
    data: *const (),        // data是waker的具体的实例,上层抽象为Waker,但不同Executor的Waker的具体实现不同,不同体现在下面的虚函数表中
    /// Virtual function pointer table that customizes the behavior of this waker.
    vtable: &'static RawWakerVTable,        

/// A virtual function pointer table (vtable) that specifies the behavior of a RawWaker.
pub struct RawWakerVTable {
    clone: unsafe fn(*const ()) -> RawWaker,
    wake: unsafe fn(*const ()),  // This function will be called when `wake` is called on the Waker.
    wake_by_ref: unsafe fn(*const ()),
    drop: unsafe fn(*const ()),  // This function gets called when a RawWaker gets dropped.

也就是说我们如果要实现Waker,就要自定义适用于本Executorclone, wake, wake_by_ref, drop这4种方法。最核心的当然是wake方法了,这里的wake其实就是唤醒当前线程,即有下面的代码:

pub trait Wake: Clone {
    fn wake(&self);

struct WakeInstance {
    inner: std::thread::Thread,

impl WakeInstance {
    pub fn new(thread: std::thread::Thread) -> Self {
        Self {
            inner: thread

impl Wake for WakeInstance {
    fn wake(&self) {
        info!("wake instance call wake, unpark thread.");
        self.inner.unpark();        // 唤醒线程


// 从一个Wake实例中产生RawWaker,继而产生Waker
fn create_raw_waker<W: Wake>(wake: W) -> RawWaker {
    info!("create a raw waker.");
        Box::into_raw(Box::new(wake)) as *const(),
            |data| unsafe {
                info!("raw waker vtable clone");
                create_raw_waker((&*(data as *const W)).clone())    // 把data克隆一份(要求泛型W必须实现Clone Trait),重新生成RawWaker
            |data| unsafe {
                info!("raw waker vtable wake");
                Box::from_raw(data as *mut W).wake()        // data就是wake实例, 调用wake实例的wake方法唤醒线程
            |data| unsafe {
                info!("raw waker vtable wake_by_ref");
                (&*(data as *const W)).wake()
            |data| unsafe {
                info!("raw waker vtable drop");
                drop(Box::from_raw(data as *mut W))


    pub fn wake(self) {
        // The actual wakeup call is delegated through a virtual function call
        // to the implementation which is defined by the executor.
        let wake = self.waker.vtable.wake;
        let data =;

        // Don't call `drop` -- the waker will be consumed by `wake`.

        // SAFETY: This is safe because `Waker::from_raw` is the only way
        // to initialize `wake` and `data` requiring the user to acknowledge
        // that the contract of `RawWaker` is upheld.
        unsafe { (wake)(data) };

其实与c++中类调用方法类似,这个wake() 等同于 (self.waker.vtable.wake)(, 类似于c++中,self.wake.data是类对象object,其方法function为self.waker.vtable.wake,即object.function()到这里,我们已经实现了Waker,有如下代码:

pub fn block_on<F: Future>(future: F) -> F::Output {
    pin_utils::pin_mut!(future);    // convert self to Pin<&mut Self>. 因为poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) ,所以必须将future钉住

    // 定义一个waker,如果future为未就绪的话,需要waker去唤醒
    // 不同的Executor有不同的waker实现,这里需要自定义waker,在本block_on的实现中,waker自然就是唤醒当前线程即可
    // 不同的waker实现有同一的接口实现,需要通过自定义虚函数实现,这里自己实现这一部分。
    let thread = std::thread::current();
    let wake_instance = WakeInstance::new(thread);

    let raw_waker = create_raw_waker(wake_instance);
    let waker = unsafe { Waker::from_raw(raw_waker) };
    let mut cx = Context::from_waker(&waker);
    loop {
        match future.as_mut().poll(&mut cx) {
            Poll::Ready(t) => {
                info!("future is ready, return is final result.");
                return t;
            Poll::Pending => {
                info!("future is not ready, register waker, wait util ready.");


extern crate log;

mod executor;
mod time_future;

fn main() {
    info!("build your own block_on.");

    executor::block_on( async {
        let f = time_future::TimerFuture::new(std::time::Duration::from_secs(3));   // 自定义的time future 
        info!("a future wait 3 s done.");



17:15:06,010 INFO  [block_on] build your own block_on.
17:15:06,010 INFO  [block_on::executor] create a raw waker.      创建Waker
17:15:06,010 INFO  [block_on::time_future] time future is not ready.     发现未就绪,等待
17:15:06,010 INFO  [block_on::executor] raw waker vtable clone
17:15:06,010 INFO  [block_on::executor] create a raw waker.
17:15:06,010 INFO  [block_on::executor] future is not ready, register waker, wait util ready.
17:15:09,015 INFO  [block_on::time_future] timer is done. to wake the task.
17:15:09,016 INFO  [block_on::executor] raw waker vtable wake    调用自定义的Waker 唤醒线程
17:15:09,016 INFO  [block_on::executor] wake instance call wake, unpark thread.
17:15:09,016 INFO  [block_on::time_future] time future is ready.
17:15:09,016 INFO  [block_on] a future wait 3 s done.
17:15:09,016 INFO  [block_on::executor] future is ready, return is final result.
17:15:09,016 INFO  [block_on::executor] raw waker vtable drop    


  • Future: 抽象出future任务,futures库中各种组合子和async/await,就是干这个的。
  • Executor: 调度并执行future任务,可以有多种形式,一般具体执行任务的都是线程池。
  • Reactor: 异步的实现难点,当Future未就绪怎么办,怎么知道什么时候就绪呢? 上层的多数Future,多数会落到底层的IO,timer等底层异步实现,很容易联想到epoll等。当未就绪时,在这里注册Waker,等Reactor发现某个任务就绪时,通过之前注册的Waker,唤醒任务到Execuor执行。
