
477 阅读11分钟


1、内部在数据 写入时加了同步机制(分段锁)保证线程安全,读操作是无锁操作;
2、扩容时老数据的转移 是并发执行的,这样扩容的效率更高。 image.png


ConcurrentHashMap的构造函数中会去创建一个segment。最小的长度为2.(MIN_SEGMENT_TABLE_CAPACITY=2) image.png
jdk7中采用了分段锁(segment)保证线程安全。segment继承了ReentrantLock。 image.png

private void rehash(HashEntry<K,V> node) {
     * Reclassify nodes in each list to new table.  Because we
     * are using power-of-two expansion, the elements from
     * each bin must either stay at same index, or move with a
     * power of two offset. We eliminate unnecessary node
     * creation by catching cases where old nodes can be
     * reused because their next fields won't change.
     * Statistically, at the default threshold, only about
     * one-sixth of them need cloning when a table
     * doubles. The nodes they replace will be garbage
     * collectable as soon as they are no longer referenced by
     * any reader thread that may be in the midst of
     * concurrently traversing table. Entry accesses use plain
     * array indexing because they are followed by volatile
     * table write.
    HashEntry<K,V>[] oldTable = table;
    int oldCapacity = oldTable.length;
    int newCapacity = oldCapacity << 1;
    threshold = (int)(newCapacity * loadFactor);
    HashEntry<K,V>[] newTable =
        (HashEntry<K,V>[]) new HashEntry[newCapacity];
    int sizeMask = newCapacity - 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < oldCapacity ; i++) {
        HashEntry<K,V> e = oldTable[i];
        if (e != null) {
            HashEntry<K,V> next =;
            int idx = e.hash & sizeMask;
            if (next == null)   //  Single node on list
                newTable[idx] = e;
            else { // Reuse consecutive sequence at same slot
                HashEntry<K,V> lastRun = e;
                int lastIdx = idx;
                for (HashEntry<K,V> last = next;
                     last != null;
                     last = {
                    int k = last.hash & sizeMask;
                    if (k != lastIdx) {
                        lastIdx = k;
                        lastRun = last;
                newTable[lastIdx] = lastRun;
                // Clone remaining nodes
                for (HashEntry<K,V> p = e; p != lastRun; p = {
                    V v = p.value;
                    int h = p.hash;
                    int k = h & sizeMask;
                    HashEntry<K,V> n = newTable[k];
                    newTable[k] = new HashEntry<K,V>(h, p.key, v, n);
    int nodeIndex = node.hash & sizeMask; // add the new node
    newTable[nodeIndex] = node;
    table = newTable;




private static final int MAXIMUM_CAPACITY = 1 << 30;

 * The default initial table capacity.  Must be a power of 2
 * (i.e., at least 1) and at most MAXIMUM_CAPACITY.
private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 16;

 * The largest possible (non-power of two) array size.
 * Needed by toArray and related methods.
static final int MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8;

 * The default concurrency level for this table. Unused but
 * defined for compatibility with previous versions of this class.
private static final int DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 16;

 * The load factor for this table. Overrides of this value in
 * constructors affect only the initial table capacity.  The
 * actual floating point value isn't normally used -- it is
 * simpler to use expressions such as {@code n - (n >>> 2)} for
 * the associated resizing threshold.
 负载因子, 默认75%, 当table使用率达到75%时, 为减少table的hash碰撞, tabel长度将扩容一倍。负载因子计算: 元素总个数%table.lengh
private static final float LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75f;

 * The bin count threshold for using a tree rather than list for a
 * bin.  Bins are converted to trees when adding an element to a
 * bin with at least this many nodes. The value must be greater
 * than 2, and should be at least 8 to mesh with assumptions in
 * tree removal about conversion back to plain bins upon
 * shrinkage.
  默认8, 当链表长度达到8时, 将结构转变为红黑树。
static final int TREEIFY_THRESHOLD = 8;

 * The bin count threshold for untreeifying a (split) bin during a
 * resize operation. Should be less than TREEIFY_THRESHOLD, and at
 * most 6 to mesh with shrinkage detection under removal.
 默认6, 红黑树转变为链表的阈值。
static final int UNTREEIFY_THRESHOLD = 6;

 * The smallest table capacity for which bins may be treeified.
 * (Otherwise the table is resized if too many nodes in a bin.)
 * The value should be at least 4 * TREEIFY_THRESHOLD to avoid
 * conflicts between resizing and treeification thresholds.
  默认16, table扩容时, 每个线程最少迁移table的槽位个数。
static final int MIN_TREEIFY_CAPACITY = 64;

 * Minimum number of rebinnings per transfer step. Ranges are
 * subdivided to allow multiple resizer threads.  This value
 * serves as a lower bound to avoid resizers encountering
 * excessive memory contention.  The value should be at least
private static final int MIN_TRANSFER_STRIDE = 16;

 * The number of bits used for generation stamp in sizeCtl.
 * Must be at least 6 for 32bit arrays.
private static int RESIZE_STAMP_BITS = 16;

 * The maximum number of threads that can help resize.
 * Must fit in 32 - RESIZE_STAMP_BITS bits.
private static final int MAX_RESIZERS = (1 << (32 - RESIZE_STAMP_BITS)) - 1;

 * The bit shift for recording size stamp in sizeCtl.
private static final int RESIZE_STAMP_SHIFT = 32 - RESIZE_STAMP_BITS;

static final int MOVED     = -1; // hash for forwarding nodes  当Node.hash为MOVED时, 代表着table正在扩容
static final int TREEBIN   = -2; // hash for roots of trees  代表此元素后接红黑树
static final int RESERVED  = -3; // hash for transient reservations
static final int HASH_BITS = 0x7fffffff; // usable bits of normal node hash

//  table迁移过程临时变量, 在迁移过程中将元素全部迁移到nextTable上。
private transient volatile Node<K,V>[] nextTable;

 * Table initialization and resizing control.  When negative, the
 * table is being initialized or resized: -1 for initialization,
 * else -(1 + the number of active resizing threads).  Otherwise,
 * when table is null, holds the initial table size to use upon
 * creation, or 0 for default. After initialization, holds the
 * next element count value upon which to resize the table.
 0: table还没有被初始化
 -1: table正在初始化
 小于-1: 实际值为resizeStamp(n)<<RESIZE_STAMP_SHIFT+2, 表明table正在扩容
 大于0: 初始化完成后, 代表table最大存放元素的个数, 默认为0.75*n
private transient volatile int sizeCtl;

 * The next table index (plus one) to split while resizing.
 table容量从n扩到2n时, 是从索引n->1的元素开始迁移, transferIndex代表当前已经迁移的元素下标
private transient volatile int transferIndex;

ForwardingNode继承Node,一个特殊的Node节点, 其hashcode=MOVED, 代表着此时table正在做扩容操作。扩容期间, 若table某个元素为null, 那么该元素设置为ForwardingNode, 当下个线程向这个元素插入数据时, 检查hashcode=MOVED, 就会帮着扩容。




final V putVal(K key, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent) {
    if (key == null || value == null) throw new NullPointerException();
    int hash = spread(key.hashCode());
    int binCount = 0;
    for (Node<K,V>[] tab = table;;) {   // for循环 CAS操作
        Node<K,V> f; int n, i, fh;
        if (tab == null || (n = tab.length) == 0)   // 如果哈希表为空则进行初始化
            tab = initTable();
        else if ((f = tabAt(tab, i = (n - 1) & hash)) == null) {   // T1,T2,T3同时进来,会进行CAS抢锁操作,如果T1,抢到了判断当前哈希表的位置是否为空,则插入,T1线程结束T2,T3继续走for循环(假设此时T2,T3不会走这里)
            if (casTabAt(tab, i, null,
                         new Node<K,V>(hash, key, value, null)))   // CAS操作放入当前哈希表的位置
                break;                   // no lock when adding to empty bin
        else if ((fh = f.hash) == MOVED)  // 正在扩容,如果假设这时候刚好T3线程走到这里,正在进行扩容,则T3线程会帮助一起先进行扩容操作
            tab = helpTransfer(tab, f);   // 最少帮忙迁移16个槽位
        else {                           // 当前哈希表位置不为空
            V oldVal = null;
            synchronized (f) {           // T2,T3线程抢锁,如果T2抢到了,对当前哈希表位置的node节点加锁,构建链表
                if (tabAt(tab, i) == f) {
                    if (fh >= 0) {
                        binCount = 1;
                        for (Node<K,V> e = f;; ++binCount) {  // 循环构建链表
                            K ek;
                            if (e.hash == hash &&
                                ((ek = e.key) == key ||
                                 (ek != null && key.equals(ek)))) {  // 如果存在替换旧的值
                                oldVal = e.val;
                                if (!onlyIfAbsent)
                                    e.val = value;
                            Node<K,V> pred = e;
                            if ((e = == null) {          // 不存在,往链表后面添加
                       = new Node<K,V>(hash, key,
                                                          value, null);
                    else if (f instanceof TreeBin) {
                        Node<K,V> p;
                        binCount = 2;
                        if ((p = ((TreeBin<K,V>)f).putTreeVal(hash, key,
                                                       value)) != null) {
                            oldVal = p.val;
                            if (!onlyIfAbsent)
                                p.val = value;
            if (binCount != 0) {           // 转红黑树
                if (binCount >= TREEIFY_THRESHOLD)
                    treeifyBin(tab, i);
                if (oldVal != null)
                    return oldVal;
    addCount(1L, binCount);
    return null;


final Node<K,V>[] helpTransfer(Node<K,V>[] tab, Node<K,V> f) { //table扩容
        Node<K,V>[] nextTab; int sc;
        if (tab != null && (f instanceof ForwardingNode) &&
            (nextTab = ((ForwardingNode<K,V>)f).nextTable) != null) {
            // 根据 length 得到一个标识符号
            int rs = resizeStamp(tab.length);
            while (nextTab == nextTable && table == tab &&
                   (sc = sizeCtl) < 0) {//说明还在扩容
                //判断是否标志发生了变化||  扩容结束了
                if ((sc >>> RESIZE_STAMP_SHIFT) != rs || sc == rs + 1 ||
                     //达到最大的帮助线程 ||  判断扩容转移下标是否在调整(扩容结束)
                    sc == rs + MAX_RESIZERS || transferIndex <= 0)
                // 将 sizeCtl + 1, (表示增加了一个线程帮助其扩容)
                if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, SIZECTL, sc, sc + 1)) {
                    transfer(tab, nextTab);
            return nextTab;
        return table;


  • 检查是否扩容完成。
  • 对sizeCtrl = sizeCtrl+1, 然后调用transfer()进行真正的扩容。
private final void transfer(Node<K,V>[] tab, Node<K,V>[] nextTab) {
    int n = tab.length, stride;
    if ((stride = (NCPU > 1) ? (n >>> 3) / NCPU : n) < MIN_TRANSFER_STRIDE)
       // subdivide range,每个线程最少迁移16个槽位,大的话,最多
        stride = MIN_TRANSFER_STRIDE;
    // initiating  才开始初始化新的nextTab
    if (nextTab == null) {
        try {
            Node<K,V>[] nt = (Node<K,V>[])new Node<?,?>[n << 1];  //扩容2倍
            nextTab = nt;
        } catch (Throwable ex) {      // try to cope with OOME
            sizeCtl = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        nextTable = nextTab;
        transferIndex = n;//更新的转移下标,
    int nextn = nextTab.length;
    ForwardingNode<K,V> fwd = new ForwardingNode<K,V>(nextTab);
    boolean advance = true;
    // to ensure sweep before committing nextTab,完成状态,如果是,则结束此方法
    boolean finishing = false;
    for (int i = 0, bound = 0;;) {
        Node<K,V> f; int fh;
        while (advance) { //取下一个周期
            int nextIndex, nextBound;
            //本线程处理的区间范围为[bound, i),范围还没有处理完成,那么就继续处理
            if (--i >= bound || finishing)
                advance = false;
            //目前处理到了这里(从大到小, 下线),开始找新的一轮的区间
            else if ((nextIndex = transferIndex) <= 0) {
                i = -1;
                advance = false;
            else if (U.compareAndSwapInt
                     (this, TRANSFERINDEX, nextIndex,
                     //nextBound 是这次迁移任务的边界,注意,是从后往前
                      nextBound = (nextIndex > stride ?
                                   nextIndex - stride : 0))) {
                bound = nextBound; //一块区间最小桶的下标
                i = nextIndex - 1; //能够处理的最大桶的下标
                advance = false;
        if (i < 0 || i >= n || i + n >= nextn) { //每个迁移线程都能达到这里
            int sc;
            if (finishing) { //迁移完成
                nextTable = null;
                table = nextTab;
                sizeCtl = (n << 1) - (n >>> 1); //扩大2n-0.5n = 1.50n, 更新新的容量阈值
            if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, SIZECTL, sc = sizeCtl, sc - 1)) {
                if ((sc - 2) != resizeStamp(n) << RESIZE_STAMP_SHIFT)
                finishing = advance = true;
                i = n; // recheck before commit
        //如果对应位置为null, 则将ForwardingNode放在对应的地方
        else if ((f = tabAt(tab, i)) == null)
            advance = casTabAt(tab, i, null, fwd);
        else if ((fh = f.hash) == MOVED) //别的线程已经在处理了,再推进一个下标
            advance = true; // already processed,推动到下一个周期,仍然会检查i与bound是否结束
        else { //说明位置上有值了,
            synchronized (f) {
                if (tabAt(tab, i) == f) {//判断i下标和f是否相同
                    Node<K,V> ln, hn; //高位桶, 地位桶
                    if (fh >= 0) {
                        int runBit = fh & n;//n为2^n, 取余后只能是2^n
                        Node<K,V> lastRun = f;
                        for (Node<K,V> p =; p != null; p = {
                            int b = p.hash & n;
                            if (b != runBit) {
                                runBit = b;
                                lastRun = p;
                        if (runBit == 0) {
                            ln = lastRun;
                            hn = null;
                        else { //比如1,16,32,如果低位%16,那么肯定是0。
                            hn = lastRun;
                            ln = null;
                        for (Node<K,V> p = f; p != lastRun; p = {
                            int ph = p.hash; K pk = p.key; V pv = p.val;
                            if ((ph & n) == 0)
                                ln = new Node<K,V>(ph, pk, pv, ln);
                                hn = new Node<K,V>(ph, pk, pv, hn);
                        setTabAt(nextTab, i, ln); //反着给串起来了
                        setTabAt(nextTab, i + n, hn);
                        setTabAt(tab, i, fwd);
                        advance = true;
                    else if (f instanceof TreeBin) {// 如果是红黑树
                        TreeBin<K,V> t = (TreeBin<K,V>)f;
                        TreeNode<K,V> lo = null, loTail = null; //也是高低节点
                        TreeNode<K,V> hi = null, hiTail = null;//也是高低节点
                        int lc = 0, hc = 0;
                        for (Node<K,V> e = t.first; e != null; e = { //中序遍历红黑树
                            int h = e.hash;
                            TreeNode<K,V> p = new TreeNode<K,V>
                                (h, e.key, e.val, null, null);
                            if ((h & n) == 0) { //0的放低位
                                //注意这里p.prev = loTail,每一个p都是下一个的prev
                                if ((p.prev = loTail) == null)
                                    lo = p; //把头记住
                           = p;  //上一次的p的next是这次的p
                                loTail = p; //把上次p给记住
                            else { //高位
                                if ((p.prev = hiTail) == null)
                                    hi = p; //把尾记住
                           = p;
                                hiTail = p;
                        ln = (lc <= UNTREEIFY_THRESHOLD) ? untreeify(lo) :// //判断是否需要转化为树
                            (hc != 0) ? new TreeBin<K,V>(lo) : t; //如果没有高低的话,则部分为两个树
                        hn = (hc <= UNTREEIFY_THRESHOLD) ? untreeify(hi) :
                            (lc != 0) ? new TreeBin<K,V>(hi) : t;
                        setTabAt(nextTab, i, ln);
                        setTabAt(nextTab, i + n, hn);
                        setTabAt(tab, i, fwd);
                        advance = true;


  • advance: 表示是否可以向下一个轮元素进行迁移。
  • finishing: table所有元素是否迁移完成。


  • 确定线程每轮迁移元素的个数stride, 比如进来一个线程, 确定扩容table下标为(a,b]之间元素, 下一个线程扩容(b,c]。这里对b-a或者c-b也是由最小值16限制的。 也就是说每个线程最少扩容连续16个table的元素。而标志当前迁移的下标保存在transferIndex里面。
  • 检查nextTab是否完成初始化, 若没有的话, 说明是第一个迁移的线程, 先初始化nextTab, size是之前table的2倍。
  • 进入while循环查找本轮迁移的table下标元素区间, 保存在(bound, i]中, 注意这里是半开半闭区间。
  • 从i -> bound开始遍历table中每个元素, 这里是从大到小遍历的:
  1. 若该元素为空, 则向该元素标写入ForwardingNode, 然后检查下一个元素。 当别的线程向这个元素插入数据时, 根据这个标志符知道了table正在被别的线程迁移, 在putVal中就会调用helpTransfer帮着迁移。
  2. 若该元素的hash=MOVED, 代表次table正在处于迁移之中, 跳过。 按道理不会跑着这里的。
  3. 否则说明该元素跟着的是一个链表或者是个红黑树结构, 若hash>0, 则说明是个链表, 若f instanceof TreeBin, 则说明是个红黑树结构。
  • 链表迁移原理如下: 遍历链表每个节点。 若节点的f.hash&n==0成立, 则将节点放在i, 否则, 则将节点放在n+i上面。

迁移前, 对该元素进行加锁。 遍历链表时, 这里使用lastRun变量, 保留的是上次hash的值, 假如整个链表全部节点f.hash&n==0, 那么第二次遍历, 只要找到lastRun的值, 那么认为之后的节点都是相同值, 减少了不必要的f.hash&n取值。遍历完所有的节点后, 此时形成了两条链表, ln存放的是f.hash&n=0的节点, hn存放的是非0的节点, 然后将ln存放在nextTable第i元素的位置, n+i存放在n+i的位置。

蓝色节点代表:f.hash&n==0, 绿色节点代表f.hash&n!=0。 最终蓝色的节点仍在存放在(0, n)范围里, 绿的节点存放在(n, 2n-1)的范围之内。

  • 迁移链表和红黑树的原理是一样的, 在红黑树中, 我们记录了每个红黑树的first(这个节点不是hash最小的节点)和每个节点的next, 根据这两个元素, 我们可以访问红黑树所有的元素, 红黑树此时也是一个链表, 红黑树和链表迁移的过程一样。红黑树根据迁移后拆分成了hn和ln, 根据链表长度确定链表是红黑树结构还是退化为了链表。


if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, SIZECTL, sc = sizeCtl, sc - 1)) {
    if ((sc - 2) != resizeStamp(n) << RESIZE_STAMP_SHIFT)
    finishing = advance = true;
    i = n; // recheck before commit

第一个线程开始迁移时, 设置了sizeCtl= resizeStamp(n) << RESIZE_STAMP_SHIFT+2, 此后每个新来帮助迁移的线程都会sizeCtl=sizeCtl+1, 完成迁移后,sizeCtl-1, 那么只要有一个线程还处于迁移状态, 那么sizeCtl> resizeStamp(n) << RESIZE_STAMP_SHIFT+2一直成立, 当只有最后一个线程完成迁移之后, 等式两边才成立。 可能大家会有疑问, 第一个线程并没有对sizeCtl=sizeCtl+1, 此时完成后再减一, 那不是不相等了吗, 注意这里, sizeCtl在减一前, 将值赋给了sc, 等式比较的是sc。


table扩容过程就是将table元素迁移到新的table上, 在元素迁移时, 可以并发完成, 加快了迁移速度, 同时不至于阻塞线程。所有元素迁移完成后, 旧的table直接丢失, 直接使用新的table。