[火速更新]不出所料 Vue2.7 是火影忍者!尤大提到的动漫你看过几部?

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大家可能知道,尤雨溪 尤大是个老二次元了,何以见得?Vue 每次发版的时候都会提到一部动漫,从2014年的 Vue0.9 开始到 2021年的 Vue3.2 次次不落!





Vue0.9 Animatrix 黑客帝国2014-02-25"...then man made the machine in his own likeness. Thus did man become the architect of his own demise." - The Instructor黑客帝国动画版 movie.douban.com/subject/129…黑客帝国
Vue0.10 Blade Runner 银翼杀手2014-03-24"A coding sequence cannot be revised once it's been established." -Tyrell银翼杀手 movie.douban.com/subject/129…
Vue0.11 Cowboy Bebop 星际牛仔2014-11-07"There are ends we don't desire, but they're inevitable, we have to face them. It's what being human is all about." - Jet Black星际牛仔 movie.douban.com/subject/142…
Vue0.12 Dragon Ball 龙珠2015-06-13"If you keep calm you'll never be a super saiyan." - Goku龙珠 movie.douban.com/subject/247…
Vue1.0 Evangelion 新福音战士2015-10-27"The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth." - SEELE新福音战士 movie.douban.com/subject/104…
Vue2.0 Ghost in the Shell 攻壳机动队2016-10-01"Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you." - Puppet Master攻壳机动队movie.douban.com/subject/258…
Vue2.1 Hunter X Hunter 全职猎人2016-11-23"You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want." - Ging Freecss全职猎人 movie.douban.com/subject/146…
Vue2.2 Initial D 头文字D2017-02-26Fill'er up. High Octane.movie.douban.com/subject/186…
Vue2.3 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure JOJO的奇妙冒险2017-04-27It was me, Dio!JOJO的奇妙冒险 movie.douban.com/subject/114…
Vue2.4 Kill la Kill 斩服少女2017-07-13Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth!B站
Vue2.5 Level E 灵异E接触2017-10-03灵异E接触 movie.douban.com/subject/247…
Vue2.6 Macross 超时空要塞2019-02-04movie.douban.com/subject/205…
Vue2.7 Naruto2022-07-01火影忍者 movie.douban.com/subject/142…
Vue3.0 One Piece 海贼王2020-09-18海贼王 book.douban.com/subject/203…
Vue3.1 Pluto2021-06-08book.douban.com/subject/186…
Vue3.2 Quintessential Quintuplets 五等分的花嫁2021-08-10五等分的花嫁 kodansha.us/volume/the-…




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