Spring Security 小记

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loginPage(String loginPage):指定默认登录页面地址。

Specifies the URL to send users to if login is required. If used with WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter a default login page will be generated when this attribute is not specified.
If a URL is specified or this is not being used in conjunction with WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter, users are required to process the specified URL to generate a login page. In general, the login page should create a form that submits a request with the following requirements to work with UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter:
· It must be an HTTP POST
· It must be submitted to loginProcessingUrl(String)
· It should include the username as an HTTP parameter by the name of usernameParameter(String)
· It should include the password as an HTTP parameter by the name of passwordParameter(String)


 * Creates a new instance with minimal defaults
protected AbstractAuthenticationFilterConfigurer() {

usernameParameter(String usernameParameter):设置登录时系统读取的用户名属性的属性名。默认为"username"
方法注释:The HTTP parameter to look for the username when performing authentication. Default is "username".

passwordParameter(String passwordParameter):设置登录时系统读取的密码属性的属性名。默认为"password"
方法注释:The HTTP parameter to look for the password when performing authentication. Default is "password".

failureForwardUrl(String forwardUrl):认证失败后处理逻辑地址。
方法注释:Forward Authentication Failure Handler

successForwardUrl(String forwardUrl):认证成功后处理逻辑地址。
方法注释:Forward Authentication Success Handler