技术周报 · 2021-06-11

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大型前端项目 DevOps 沉思录 —— CI 篇

「本篇文章将着重探讨 DevOps 在持续集成阶段需要提供的能力,将对工作流的设计及流水线的优化思路做一个简要讲解。」

The Plan for React 18

React 18 将包含开箱即用的改进(如 automatic batching),全新的 API(如 startTransition)以及内置了支持 React.lazy 的全新 SSR 架构。



CSS size-adjust for @font-face

As a web font loads, you can now adjust its scale, to normalize the document font sizes and prevent layout shift when switching between fonts.

框架 & 基础

微前端框架 MicroApp 介绍与落地实践

MicroApp 从组件化的思维实现微前端,旨在降低上手难度、提升工作效率,提供了 js 沙箱、样式隔离、元素隔离、预加载、资源地址补全、插件系统、数据通信等一系列完善的功能。



JavaScript 代码整洁之道:异常处理篇


浅析 NodeJS 多进程和集群

关于 NodeJS 中的多进程和集群。


New Suspense SSR Architecture in React 18

"React 18 will include architectural improvements to React server-side rendering (SSR) performance. These improvements are substantial and are the culmination of several years of work. Most of these improvements are behind-the-scenes, but there are some opt-in mechanisms you’ll want to be aware of, especially if you don’t use a framework."

Making JavaScript run fast on WebAssembly

"Today, we’re starting work on optimizing JavaScript performance for entirely different environments, where different rules apply. And this is possible because of WebAssembly."



「做更懂用户的智能 UI。」

B 端产品可用性度量评估体系


B 端产品从 0 到 1 设计规范
