D3js force力导向图、动态新增节点/箭头

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    <!--功能 1、d3力导向图-->
    <!--坑   1、d3之v6版d3.event事件已取消,改为在回调中作为参数 2、attr只能分开写,不能合并写,合并写不能渲染出属性 3、图形/text颜色用fill、line颜色用stroke-->
    <!--4、由于层级,先绘制线再节点  5、画布中的offsetX貌似是相对于svg 6、连线用path的一个原因是textpath元素href指向指定的path-->
    <!--5、父元素穿透:pointer-events:none 6、设置svg中的样式:加/deep/或者去掉scope 7、动态新增节点/箭头 8、自定义右击事件-->
    <div class="force-page">
        <div class="force-tip" v-show="isShowTip"
                <li @click="delNode()">删除节点</li>
        <el-button @click="addNode()">增加节点</el-button>

    import * as d3 from 'd3'

    export default {
        name: "force-3",
        data() {
            return {
                isShowTip: false,
                point: null,
                nodesData: null,
                linksData: null,
                nodes: null,
                texts: null,
                links: null,
                simulation: null,
        mounted() {
        methods: {
            drawForce() {
                let nodesData = [{name: "桂林", id: 0}, {name: "广州", id: 1},
                    {name: "厦门", id: 2}, {name: "杭州", id: 3},
                    {name: "上海", id: 4}, {name: "青岛", id: 5},
                    {name: "天津", id: 6}];
                this.nodesData = nodesData;

                let linksData = [{source: 0, target: 1}, {source: 0, target: 2},
                    {source: 0, target: 3}, {source: 1, target: 4},
                    {source: 1, target: 5}, {source: 1, target: 6}];
                this.linksData = linksData;

                const width = 800;
                const height = 600;

                let simulation = d3.forceSimulation(nodesData)    //使用指定的nodes创建一个新的没有任何力模型的仿真
                    .force('link', d3.forceLink(linksData).id(d => d.id))       //弹簧力,为仿真添加指定name的力模型并返回仿真
                    .force('charge', d3.forceManyBody().strength(-2000))  //电荷力/万有引力/多体力
                    .force('center', d3.forceCenter(width / 2, height / 2))  //向心力
                    .on('tick', this.ticked.bind(this))
                this.simulation = simulation;

                var color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10)

                // 1、attr只能分开写,不能合并写,合并写不能渲染出属性
                let svg = d3.select('.force-page')
                    .attr('id', 'chart')
                    .attr('width', width)
                    .attr('height', height)

                let gWapper = svg.append('g')
                    .attr('class', 'gWapper')
                    .attr('cursor', 'pointer')
                let links = gWapper.append('g') //root
                    .selectAll('line')  //dom
                    .data(linksData)  //model
                    .attr("stroke", "blue")
                    .attr("stroke-width", 1)
                    .attr("marker-end", 'url(#arrow)')
                this.links = links;
                let arrow = gWapper.append('defs')
                    .attr('id', 'arrow')
                    .attr('markerWidth', 20)
                    .attr('markerHeight', 20)
                    .attr('refX', 8)
                    .attr('refY', 8)
                    .attr('orient', 'auto')
                    .attr('fill', 'red')
                    .attr('d', 'M0 0 L8 8 L0 16Z')

                let nodes = gWapper.append('g')
                    .attr('r', 20)
                    .attr('opacity', 0.5)
                    .attr('fill', (d, i) => {
                        return color(i)
                    .on('contextmenu ', (event, d) => {
                        this.isShowTip = true;
                        this.point = {
                            left: event.offsetX,
                            top: event.offsetY,
                            data: d
                this.nodes = nodes;

                let texts = gWapper.append('g')
                    .attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
                    .attr('dy', '0.3em')
                    .text(d => d.name)
                this.texts = texts;

            addNode() {
                let newNodes = [{name: "河北", id: 7}, {name: "青岛", id: 5}]
                let newLinks = [{source: 7, target: 0}, {source: 5, target: 1}]

                let newAddFlag = false;
                for (let item of newNodes) {
                    const index = this.nodesData.findIndex(d => d.id === item.id)
                    if (index === -1) {
                        newAddFlag = true;
                for (let item of newLinks) {
                    const index = this.linksData.findIndex(d => d.source.id === item.source && d.target.id === item.target)
                    const reverseIndex = this.linksData.findIndex(d => {
                        return d.source.id === item.target && d.target.id === item.source
                    if (index === -1) {
                        newAddFlag = true;
                    if (reverseIndex > -1) {
                        item.isReverse = true;
                        newAddFlag = true;
                if (!newAddFlag) {
            delNode() {
                let nodeIndex = this.nodesData.findIndex(d => d.id === this.point.data.id)
                this.nodesData.splice(nodeIndex, 1)
                this.linksData.forEach((d, i) => {
                    if (d.source.id === this.point.data.id || d.target.id === this.point.data.id) {
                        this.linksData.splice(i, 1)
                this.isShowTip = false;
            update(addOrDel) {
                var color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10)
                if (addOrDel === 'add') {
                    this.nodes = this.nodes
                        .data(this.nodesData, (d) => d.name)
                    this.texts = this.texts
                        .data(this.nodesData, (d) => d.name)
                    this.links = this.links
                        .data(this.linksData, (d) => {
                            return d.source.name + "-" + d.target.name;
                } else if (addOrDel === 'del') {
                    this.nodes = this.nodes
                        .data(this.nodesData, (d) => d.name)
                    this.texts = this.texts
                        .data(this.nodesData, (d) => d.name)
                    this.links = this.links
                        .data(this.linksData, (d) => {
                            return d.source.name + "-" + d.target.name;
                    .attr("r", 20)
                    .attr('opacity', 0.5)
                    .attr('fill', (d, i) => {
                        return color(i)
                        .on('start', this.dragstart)
                        .on('drag', this.dragged)
                        .on('end', this.dragend)
                    .on('contextmenu ', (event, d) => {
                        this.isShowTip = true;
                        this.point = {
                            left: event.offsetX,
                            top: event.offsetY,
                            data: d

                this.texts = this.texts
                    .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
                    .attr('dy', '0.3em')
                    .text(function (d) {
                        return d.name;
                        .on('start', this.dragstart)
                        .on('drag', this.dragged)
                        .on('end', this.dragend)

                this.links = this.links
                    .attr("stroke", d => {
                        return d.isReverse ? 'none' : 'blue'
                    .attr("stroke-width", 1)
                    .attr("marker-end", 'url(#arrow)')

            ticked() {
                //虽然仿真系统会更新节点的位置(只是设置了nodes对象的x y属性),但是它不会转为svg内部元素的坐标表示,这需要我们自己来操作
                this.links.attr('x1', d => d.source.x)
                    .attr('y1', d => d.source.y)
                    .attr('x2', d => d.target.x)
                    .attr('y2', d => d.target.y)

                this.nodes.attr('cx', d => {
                    return d.x
                    .attr('cy', d => d.y)

                this.texts.attr('x', d => d.x)
                    .attr('y', d => d.y)
                if (this.simulation.alpha() < 0.2) {
                    this.nodes.attr('cx', d => {
                        d.fx = d.x;
                        return d.x
                    }).attr('cy', d => {
                        d.fy = d.y
                        return d.y
            drag(simulation) {
                function dragstart(event, d) {
                    if (!event.active) {
                    d.fx = d.x
                    d.fy = d.y

                function dragged(event, d) {
                    d.fx = event.x
                    d.fy = event.y

                function dragend(event, d) {
                    if (!event.active) {
                    d.fx = null
                    d.fy = null

                return d3.drag()
                    .on('start', dragstart)
                    .on('drag', dragged)
                    .on('end', dragend)
            zoom() {
                var zoom = d3.zoom()
                    .scaleExtent([1, 10])//用于设置最小和最大的缩放比例
                    .on("zoom", zoomed)

                function zoomed(event) {
                    d3.select('.gWapper').attr("transform", event.transform)

                return zoom;


<style lang="less" scoped>

    .force-page {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        position: relative;

        .force-tip {
            line-height: 20px;
            width: 100px;
            position: absolute;
            color: #fff;

            li {
                background: cadetblue;
                cursor: pointer;

