
564 阅读19分钟

synchronized深度解析 -- 引言




例1: 这里创建了两个线程t1,t2,并让他们执行去竞争对象a的锁,并打印对象a的对象头,然后等待t1,t2执行完毕后,再次打印对象a的头部信息。

public class Test {
    static class A {}
    static A a = new A();
    static class MyThread extends Thread{
        public void run() {
            synchronized (a){
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        Thread t1 = new MyThread();
        Thread t2 = new MyThread();
test.Test$A object internals:
 OFFSET  SIZE   TYPE DESCRIPTION                               VALUE
      0     4        (object header)                           ba 83 a5 02 (10111010 10000011 10100101 00000010) (44401594)
      4     4        (object header)                           00 00 00 00 (00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000) (0)
      8     4        (object header)                           9f c1 00 f8 (10011111 11000001 00000000 11111000) (-134168161)
     12     4        (loss due to the next object alignment)
Instance size: 16 bytes
Space losses: 0 bytes internal + 4 bytes external = 4 bytes total

test.Test$A object internals:
 OFFSET  SIZE   TYPE DESCRIPTION                               VALUE
      0     4        (object header)                           ba 83 a5 02 (10111010 10000011 10100101 00000010) (44401594)
      4     4        (object header)                           00 00 00 00 (00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000) (0)
      8     4        (object header)                           9f c1 00 f8 (10011111 11000001 00000000 11111000) (-134168161)
     12     4        (loss due to the next object alignment)
Instance size: 16 bytes
Space losses: 0 bytes internal + 4 bytes external = 4 bytes total

test.Test$A object internals:
 OFFSET  SIZE   TYPE DESCRIPTION                               VALUE
      0     4        (object header)                           ba 83 a5 02 (10111010 10000011 10100101 00000010) (44401594)
      4     4        (object header)                           00 00 00 00 (00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000) (0)
      8     4        (object header)                           9f c1 00 f8 (10011111 11000001 00000000 11111000) (-134168161)
     12     4        (loss due to the next object alignment)
Instance size: 16 bytes
Space losses: 0 bytes internal + 4 bytes external = 4 bytes total




如果该对象一个对象在进行轻量级锁的加锁或者解锁的过程中,cas替换mark word失败了,那么就会膨胀为重量级锁。我们先来看锁膨胀的代码。

//Mark Word可能有以下几种状态:
// *  Inflated(膨胀完成)     - 这种状态说明该锁已经是重量级锁了,不需要膨胀,直接返回
// *  Stack-locked(轻量级锁) - 需要执行膨胀操作
// *  INFLATING(膨胀中)     - 正在膨胀中
// *  Neutral(无锁)        - 强制执行膨胀操作
// *  BIASED(偏向锁)       - 出现偏向锁是不合理的,需要抛出异常
ObjectMonitor * ATTR ObjectSynchronizer::inflate (Thread * Self, oop object) {

  assert (Universe::verify_in_progress() ||
          !SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "invariant") ;
  EventJavaMonitorInflate event;

  for (;;) {
      const markOop mark = object->mark() ;
      assert (!mark->has_bias_pattern(), "invariant") ;
      if (mark->has_monitor()) {
          ObjectMonitor * inf = mark->monitor() ;
          assert (inf->header()->is_neutral(), "invariant");
          assert (inf->object() == object, "invariant") ;
          assert (ObjectSynchronizer::verify_objmon_isinpool(inf), "monitor is invalid");
          return inf ;

      if (mark == markOopDesc::INFLATING()) {
         TEVENT (Inflate: spin while INFLATING) ;
         ReadStableMark(object) ;
         continue ;
      if (mark->has_locker()) {
          ObjectMonitor * m = omAlloc (Self) ;

          m->_Responsible  = NULL ;
          m->OwnerIsThread = 0 ;
          m->_recursions   = 0 ;
           //设置自旋获取重量级锁的次数 默认5000
          m->_SpinDuration = ObjectMonitor::Knob_SpinLimit ;   // Consider: maintain by type/class
          markOop cmp = (markOop) Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (markOopDesc::INFLATING(), object->mark_addr(), mark) ;
          if (cmp != mark) {
             omRelease (Self, m, true) ;
             continue ;       
		  //栈中的displaced mark word
          markOop dmw = mark->displaced_mark_helper() ;
          assert (dmw->is_neutral(), "invariant") ;
          m->set_header(dmw) ;

          guarantee (object->mark() == markOopDesc::INFLATING(), "invariant") ;

          if (ObjectMonitor::_sync_Inflations != NULL) ObjectMonitor::_sync_Inflations->inc() ;
          TEVENT(Inflate: overwrite stacklock) ;
          if (TraceMonitorInflation) {
            if (object->is_instance()) {
              ResourceMark rm;
              tty->print_cr("Inflating object " INTPTR_FORMAT " , mark " INTPTR_FORMAT " , type %s",
                (void *) object, (intptr_t) object->mark(),
          if (event.should_commit()) {
            post_monitor_inflate_event(&event, object);
          return m ;
      assert (mark->is_neutral(), "invariant");
      ObjectMonitor * m = omAlloc (Self) ;

      m->OwnerIsThread = 1 ;
      m->_recursions   = 0 ;
      m->_Responsible  = NULL ;
      //设置自旋获取重量级锁的次数 默认5000
      m->_SpinDuration = ObjectMonitor::Knob_SpinLimit ;       // consider: keep metastats by type/class
 	  // 用CAS替换对象头的为重量级锁状态,这里将mointer的地址放入mark word中
      if (Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (markOopDesc::encode(m), object->mark_addr(), mark) != mark) {
          m->set_object (NULL) ;
          m->set_owner  (NULL) ;
          m->OwnerIsThread = 0 ;
          m->Recycle() ;
          omRelease (Self, m, true) ;
          m = NULL ;
          continue ;

      if (ObjectMonitor::_sync_Inflations != NULL) ObjectMonitor::_sync_Inflations->inc() ;
      TEVENT(Inflate: overwrite neutral) ;
      if (TraceMonitorInflation) {
        if (object->is_instance()) {
          ResourceMark rm;
          tty->print_cr("Inflating object " INTPTR_FORMAT " , mark " INTPTR_FORMAT " , type %s",
            (void *) object, (intptr_t) object->mark(),
      if (event.should_commit()) {
        post_monitor_inflate_event(&event, object);
      return m ;


ObjectSynchronizer::inflate(THREAD, obj())->enter(THREAD);
void ATTR ObjectMonitor::enter(TRAPS) {

  Thread * const Self = THREAD ;
  void * cur ;
  cur = Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (Self, &_owner, NULL) ;
  if (cur == NULL) {
     // Either ASSERT _recursions == 0 or explicitly set _recursions = 0.
     assert (_recursions == 0   , "invariant") ;
     assert (_owner      == Self, "invariant") ;
     // CONSIDER: set or assert OwnerIsThread == 1
     return ;
  if (cur == Self) {
     // TODO-FIXME: check for integer overflow!  BUGID 6557169.
     _recursions ++ ;
     return ;
  if (Self->is_lock_owned ((address)cur)) {
    assert (_recursions == 0, "internal state error");
    _recursions = 1 ;
    _owner = Self ;
    OwnerIsThread = 1 ;
    return ;

  // We've encountered genuine contention.
  assert (Self->_Stalled == 0, "invariant") ;
  Self->_Stalled = intptr_t(this) ;

  if (Knob_SpinEarly && TrySpin (Self) > 0) {
     assert (_owner == Self      , "invariant") ;
     assert (_recursions == 0    , "invariant") ;
     assert (((oop)(object()))->mark() == markOopDesc::encode(this), "invariant") ;
     Self->_Stalled = 0 ;
     return ;

  assert (_owner != Self          , "invariant") ;
  assert (_succ  != Self          , "invariant") ;
  assert (Self->is_Java_thread()  , "invariant") ;
  JavaThread * jt = (JavaThread *) Self ;
  assert (!SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "invariant") ;
  assert (jt->thread_state() != _thread_blocked   , "invariant") ;
  assert (this->object() != NULL  , "invariant") ;
  assert (_count >= 0, "invariant") ;

  // Prevent deflation at STW-time.  See deflate_idle_monitors() and is_busy().
  // Ensure the object-monitor relationship remains stable while there's contention.

  JFR_ONLY(JfrConditionalFlushWithStacktrace<EventJavaMonitorEnter> flush(jt);)
  EventJavaMonitorEnter event;
  if (event.should_commit()) {

  { // Change java thread status to indicate blocked on monitor enter.
    JavaThreadBlockedOnMonitorEnterState jtbmes(jt, this);

    DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE(contended__enter, this, object(), jt);
    if (JvmtiExport::should_post_monitor_contended_enter()) {
      JvmtiExport::post_monitor_contended_enter(jt, this);

      // The current thread does not yet own the monitor and does not
      // yet appear on any queues that would get it made the successor.
      // This means that the JVMTI_EVENT_MONITOR_CONTENDED_ENTER event
      // handler cannot accidentally consume an unpark() meant for the
      // ParkEvent associated with this ObjectMonitor.

    OSThreadContendState osts(Self->osthread());
    ThreadBlockInVM tbivm(jt);

    // TODO-FIXME: change the following for(;;) loop to straight-line code.
    for (;;) {
      // cleared by handle_special_suspend_equivalent_condition()
      // or java_suspend_self()

      EnterI (THREAD) ;

      if (!ExitSuspendEquivalent(jt)) break ;

      // We have acquired the contended monitor, but while we were
      // waiting another thread suspended us. We don't want to enter
      // the monitor while suspended because that would surprise the
      // thread that suspended us.
          _recursions = 0 ;
      _succ = NULL ;
      exit (false, Self) ;


    // We cleared the pending monitor info since we've just gotten past
    // the enter-check-for-suspend dance and we now own the monitor free
    // and clear, i.e., it is no longer pending. The ThreadBlockInVM
    // destructor can go to a safepoint at the end of this block. If we
    // do a thread dump during that safepoint, then this thread will show
    // as having "-locked" the monitor, but the OS and java.lang.Thread
    // states will still report that the thread is blocked trying to
    // acquire it.

  assert (_count >= 0, "invariant") ;
  Self->_Stalled = 0 ;

  // Must either set _recursions = 0 or ASSERT _recursions == 0.
  assert (_recursions == 0     , "invariant") ;
  assert (_owner == Self       , "invariant") ;
  assert (_succ  != Self       , "invariant") ;
  assert (((oop)(object()))->mark() == markOopDesc::encode(this), "invariant") ;

  // The thread -- now the owner -- is back in vm mode.
  // Report the glorious news via TI,DTrace and jvmstat.
  // The probe effect is non-trivial.  All the reportage occurs
  // while we hold the monitor, increasing the length of the critical
  // section.  Amdahl's parallel speedup law comes vividly into play.
  // Another option might be to aggregate the events (thread local or
  // per-monitor aggregation) and defer reporting until a more opportune
  // time -- such as next time some thread encounters contention but has
  // yet to acquire the lock.  While spinning that thread could
  // spinning we could increment JVMStat counters, etc.

  DTRACE_MONITOR_PROBE(contended__entered, this, object(), jt);
  if (JvmtiExport::should_post_monitor_contended_entered()) {
    JvmtiExport::post_monitor_contended_entered(jt, this);

    // The current thread already owns the monitor and is not going to
    // call park() for the remainder of the monitor enter protocol. So
    // it doesn't matter if the JVMTI_EVENT_MONITOR_CONTENDED_ENTERED
    // event handler consumed an unpark() issued by the thread that
    // just exited the monitor.

  if (event.should_commit()) {

  if (ObjectMonitor::_sync_ContendedLockAttempts != NULL) {
     ObjectMonitor::_sync_ContendedLockAttempts->inc() ;

这里是自旋的代码TrySpin (Self),在这之前我们需要了解一些相关的参数.

在这个方法中,我们只需要知道重试的次数是动态变化的,大概会在一个上下文切换之间进行浮动变化。次数根据最近获取到锁成功率进行相应的调整。在自旋的过程中,可能会暂停一小段时间调用SpinPause()阻塞当前线程,之后在进行自旋。而这个方法最后调用poll(NULL, 0, 100);方法,进行线程的阻塞。

int ObjectMonitor::Knob_SpinLimit  = 5000 ;    //自旋次数的上限值

static int Knob_SpinBase           = 0 ;       // Floor AKA SpinMin
static int Knob_SpinBackOff        = 0 ;       // spin-loop backoff
static int Knob_CASPenalty         = -1 ;      // CAS失败的惩罚
static int Knob_OXPenalty          = -1 ;      // Penalty for observed _owner change
static int Knob_SpinSetSucc        = 1 ;       // spinners set the _succ field
static int Knob_SpinEarly          = 1 ;
static int Knob_SuccEnabled        = 1 ;       // futile wake throttling
static int Knob_SuccRestrict       = 0 ;       // Limit successors + spinners to at-most-one
static int Knob_MaxSpinners        = -1 ;      // CPU的数量
static int Knob_Bonus              = 100 ;     // spin success bonus
static int Knob_BonusB             = 100 ;     // 自旋成功后会增加一定的时间  spin success bonus
static int Knob_Penalty            = 200 ;     // spin failure penalty
static int Knob_Poverty            = 1000 ;    //自旋次数的下限值
static int Knob_SpinAfterFutile    = 1 ;       // Spin after returning from park()
static int Knob_FixedSpin          = 0 ;       //固定的自旋次数,不作为真正的使用,仅用来对比
static int Knob_OState             = 3 ;       // Spinner checks thread state of _owner
static int Knob_UsePause           = 1 ;
static int Knob_ExitPolicy         = 0 ;
static int Knob_PreSpin            = 10 ;      // 这里时预先自旋的次数,在真正消耗_SpinDuration之前,会进行自旋的次数。20-100 likely better
volatile int _Spinner ;           // for exit->spinner handoff optimization
volatile int _SpinFreq ;          // Spin 1-out-of-N attempts: success rate
volatile int _SpinClock ;
volatile int _SpinDuration ;      //这个表示自旋的时间,在初始化时会设置为和Knob_SpinLimit一样的值,5000。这个值并不是固定的,会根据最近自旋的成功率而进行上下的浮动。
volatile intptr_t _SpinState ;    // MCS/CLH list of spinners
#define TrySpin TrySpin_VaryDuration
int ObjectMonitor::TrySpin_VaryDuration (Thread * Self) {
    int ctr = Knob_FixedSpin ;
    if (ctr != 0) {
        while (--ctr >= 0) {
            if (TryLock (Self) > 0) return 1 ;
            //以poll(NULL, 0, 100);的方式暂停当前线程
            SpinPause () ;
        return 0 ;
    for (ctr = Knob_PreSpin + 1; --ctr >= 0 ; ) {
      if (TryLock(Self) > 0) {
		//这里如果_SpinDuration 自旋的次数减少到某个阈值,会适当的增加
        int x = _SpinDuration ;
        if (x < Knob_SpinLimit) {
           if (x < Knob_Poverty) x = Knob_Poverty ;
           _SpinDuration = x + Knob_BonusB ;
        return 1 ;
      //以poll(NULL, 0, 100);的方式暂停当前线程
      SpinPause () ;

    ctr = _SpinDuration  ;
    if (ctr < Knob_SpinBase) ctr = Knob_SpinBase ;
    if (ctr <= 0) return 0 ;

    if (Knob_SuccRestrict && _succ != NULL) return 0 ;
    if (Knob_OState && NotRunnable (Self, (Thread *) _owner)) {
       TEVENT (Spin abort - notrunnable [TOP]);
       return 0 ;
    int MaxSpin = Knob_MaxSpinners ;
    if (MaxSpin >= 0) {
       if (_Spinner > MaxSpin) {
          TEVENT (Spin abort -- too many spinners) ;
          return 0 ;
       // Slighty racy, but benign ...
       Adjust (&_Spinner, 1) ;

    int hits    = 0 ;
    int msk     = 0 ;
    int caspty  = Knob_CASPenalty ;
    int oxpty   = Knob_OXPenalty ;
    int sss     = Knob_SpinSetSucc ;
    if (sss && _succ == NULL ) _succ = Self ;
    Thread * prv = NULL ;

    while (--ctr >= 0) {
      if ((ctr & 0xFF) == 0) {
         if (SafepointSynchronize::do_call_back()) {
            TEVENT (Spin: safepoint) ;
            goto Abort ;           // abrupt spin egress
         if (Knob_UsePause & 1) SpinPause () ;

         int (*scb)(intptr_t,int) = SpinCallbackFunction ;
         if (hits > 50 && scb != NULL) {
            int abend = (*scb)(SpinCallbackArgument, 0) ;

      if (Knob_UsePause & 2) SpinPause() ;

      if (ctr & msk) continue ;
      ++hits ;
      if ((hits & 0xF) == 0) {
        // The 0xF, above, corresponds to the exponent.
        // Consider: (msk+1)|msk
        msk = ((msk << 2)|3) & BackOffMask ;

      Thread * ox = (Thread *) _owner ;
      if (ox == NULL) {
         ox = (Thread *) Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (Self, &_owner, NULL) ;
         if (ox == NULL) {
            if (sss && _succ == Self) {
               _succ = NULL ;
            if (MaxSpin > 0) Adjust (&_Spinner, -1) ;
            int x = _SpinDuration ;
            if (x < Knob_SpinLimit) {
                if (x < Knob_Poverty) x = Knob_Poverty ;
                _SpinDuration = x + Knob_Bonus ;
            return 1 ;

         prv = ox ;
         TEVENT (Spin: cas failed) ;
         if (caspty == -2) break ;
         if (caspty == -1) goto Abort ;
         ctr -= caspty ;
         continue ;

      // Did lock ownership change hands ?
      if (ox != prv && prv != NULL ) {
          TEVENT (spin: Owner changed)
          if (oxpty == -2) break ;
          if (oxpty == -1) goto Abort ;
          ctr -= oxpty ;
      prv = ox ;

      if (Knob_OState && NotRunnable (Self, ox)) {
         TEVENT (Spin abort - notrunnable);
         goto Abort ;
      if (sss && _succ == NULL ) _succ = Self ;

   TEVENT (Spin failure) ;
     int x = _SpinDuration ;
     if (x > 0) {
        // Consider an AIMD scheme like: x -= (x >> 3) + 100
        // This is globally sample and tends to damp the response.
        x -= Knob_Penalty ;
        if (x < 0) x = 0 ;
        _SpinDuration = x ;

   if (MaxSpin >= 0) Adjust (&_Spinner, -1) ;
   if (sss && _succ == Self) {
      _succ = NULL ;
      OrderAccess::fence() ;
      if (TryLock(Self) > 0) return 1 ;
   return 0 ;


void ATTR ObjectMonitor::EnterI (TRAPS) {
    Thread * Self = THREAD ;
    assert (Self->is_Java_thread(), "invariant") ;
    assert (((JavaThread *) Self)->thread_state() == _thread_blocked   , "invariant") ;

    // 尝试获取锁
    if (TryLock (Self) > 0) {
        assert (_succ != Self              , "invariant") ;
        assert (_owner == Self             , "invariant") ;
        assert (_Responsible != Self       , "invariant") ;
        return ;

    DeferredInitialize () ;
    if (TrySpin (Self) > 0) {
        assert (_owner == Self        , "invariant") ;
        assert (_succ != Self         , "invariant") ;
        assert (_Responsible != Self  , "invariant") ;
        return ;
    assert (_succ  != Self            , "invariant") ;
    assert (_owner != Self            , "invariant") ;
    assert (_Responsible != Self      , "invariant") ;
    //  ObjectWaiter * volatile _cxq ;    这个队列用来存放最近阻塞的线程
    ObjectWaiter * nxt ;
    for (;;) {
        node._next = nxt = _cxq ;
        if (Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (&node, &_cxq, nxt) == nxt) break ;
        if (TryLock (Self) > 0) {
            assert (_succ != Self         , "invariant") ;
            assert (_owner == Self        , "invariant") ;
            assert (_Responsible != Self  , "invariant") ;
            return ;

    if ((SyncFlags & 16) == 0 && nxt == NULL && _EntryList == NULL) {
        // Try to assume the role of responsible thread for the monitor.
        // CONSIDER:  ST vs CAS vs { if (Responsible==null) Responsible=Self }
        Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (Self, &_Responsible, NULL) ;

    TEVENT (Inflated enter - Contention) ;
    int nWakeups = 0 ;
    int RecheckInterval = 1 ;

    for (;;) {
        if (TryLock (Self) > 0) break ;
        assert (_owner != Self, "invariant") ;
        if ((SyncFlags & 2) && _Responsible == NULL) {
           Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (Self, &_Responsible, NULL) ;

        // 阻塞线程,如果时负责人,阻塞一段时间,不是则一直阻塞
        if (_Responsible == Self || (SyncFlags & 1)) {
            TEVENT (Inflated enter - park TIMED) ;
            Self->_ParkEvent->park ((jlong) RecheckInterval) ;
            // Increase the RecheckInterval, but clamp the value.
            RecheckInterval *= 8 ;
            if (RecheckInterval > 1000) RecheckInterval = 1000 ;
        } else {
            TEVENT (Inflated enter - park UNTIMED) ;
            Self->_ParkEvent->park() ;
        if (TryLock(Self) > 0) break ;

        TEVENT (Inflated enter - Futile wakeup) ;
        if (ObjectMonitor::_sync_FutileWakeups != NULL) {
           ObjectMonitor::_sync_FutileWakeups->inc() ;
        ++ nWakeups ;

		//如果不是虚假唤醒,那么一般succ == self
        if ((Knob_SpinAfterFutile & 1) && TrySpin (Self) > 0) break ;

        if ((Knob_ResetEvent & 1) && Self->_ParkEvent->fired()) {
           Self->_ParkEvent->reset() ;
           OrderAccess::fence() ;
        if (_succ == Self) _succ = NULL ;
        OrderAccess::fence() ;

    assert (_owner == Self      , "invariant") ;
    assert (object() != NULL    , "invariant") ;
    // I'd like to write:
    //   guarantee (((oop)(object()))->mark() == markOopDesc::encode(this), "invariant") ;
    // but as we're at a safepoint that's not safe.

    UnlinkAfterAcquire (Self, &node) ;
    if (_succ == Self) _succ = NULL ;

    assert (_succ != Self, "invariant") ;
    if (_Responsible == Self) {
        _Responsible = NULL ;
        OrderAccess::fence(); // Dekker pivot-point

    if (SyncFlags & 8) {
       OrderAccess::fence() ;
    return ;


  1. 重量锁的锁头与轻量级锁和偏向锁是不同。轻量级锁和偏向锁使用的是basicLock且位置存储在本地的线程栈,而重量级锁使用的是ObjectMointer,本地和全局都有存储。会优先从本地进行获取,如果本地和全局都没有空闲的监视器,才会去创建.
  2. 与偏向锁和轻量级锁不同的是,重量锁会有一个创建中的一个状态。
  3. 在轻量级获取锁或者释放锁CAS操作的过程中如果出现了竞争,会先将锁膨胀为重量级。
  4. 与ReenTrantLcok类似,重量级锁也有一个队列用来存放挂起的线程,且同样使用park的方式来阻塞线程。
  5. 在线程加入阻塞队列之前会进行多次的自旋,时间大概是一个上下文。
  6. 如果正在自旋的数量大于CPU的数量,说明太多尝试自旋的线程,会直接返回。
  7. 重量级锁使用继承人和负责人机制来保证当前持有锁的线程释放锁后,等待的线程能被唤醒持有锁。继承人指的是当前持有锁的线程在释放锁时,会指定一个线程为下一个持有锁的线程,但是锁可能被抢占。负责人是阻塞队列中定时自我唤醒的线程,防止所有线程都在队列中阻塞而有没有新线程来竞争锁而导致的“搁浅”(stranding)。


void ATTR ObjectMonitor::exit(bool not_suspended, TRAPS) {
   Thread * Self = THREAD ;
   if (THREAD != _owner) {
   // 当前线程是之前持有轻量级锁膨胀成重量级锁,但是还没调用过enter方法,_owner还是指向Lock Record。
     if (THREAD->is_lock_owned((address) _owner)) {
       assert (_recursions == 0, "invariant") ;
       _owner = THREAD ;
       _recursions = 0 ;
       OwnerIsThread = 1 ;
     } else {
       TEVENT (Exit - Throw IMSX) ;
       assert(false, "Non-balanced monitor enter/exit!");
       if (false) {
   if (_recursions != 0) {
     _recursions--;        // this is simple recursive enter
     TEVENT (Inflated exit - recursive) ;
     return ;
   if ((SyncFlags & 4) == 0) {
      _Responsible = NULL ;

   // get the owner's thread id for the MonitorEnter event
   // if it is enabled and the thread isn't suspended
   if (not_suspended && EventJavaMonitorEnter::is_enabled()) {
    _previous_owner_tid = JFR_THREAD_ID(Self);

   for (;;) {
      assert (THREAD == _owner, "invariant") ;

      if (Knob_ExitPolicy == 0) {
         OrderAccess::release_store_ptr (&_owner, NULL) ;   // drop the lock
         OrderAccess::storeload() ;                         // See if we need to wake a successor
         if ((intptr_t(_EntryList)|intptr_t(_cxq)) == 0 || _succ != NULL) {
            TEVENT (Inflated exit - simple egress) ;
            return ;
         TEVENT (Inflated exit - complex egress) ;
         if (Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (THREAD, &_owner, NULL) != NULL) {
            return ;
         TEVENT (Exit - Reacquired) ;
      } else {
         if ((intptr_t(_EntryList)|intptr_t(_cxq)) == 0 || _succ != NULL) {
            OrderAccess::release_store_ptr (&_owner, NULL) ;   // drop the lock
            OrderAccess::storeload() ;

            if (_cxq == NULL || _succ != NULL) {
                TEVENT (Inflated exit - simple egress) ;
                return ;

            if (Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (THREAD, &_owner, NULL) != NULL) {
               TEVENT (Inflated exit - reacquired succeeded) ;
               return ;
            TEVENT (Inflated exit - reacquired failed) ;
         } else {
            TEVENT (Inflated exit - complex egress) ;

      guarantee (_owner == THREAD, "invariant") ;

      ObjectWaiter * w = NULL ;
      int QMode = Knob_QMode ;
      if (QMode == 2 && _cxq != NULL) {
          w = _cxq ;
          assert (w != NULL, "invariant") ;
          assert (w->TState == ObjectWaiter::TS_CXQ, "Invariant") ;
          ExitEpilog (Self, w) ;
          return ;
      if (QMode == 3 && _cxq != NULL) {
          // Aggressively drain cxq into EntryList at the first opportunity.
          // This policy ensure that recently-run threads live at the head of EntryList.
          // Drain _cxq into EntryList - bulk transfer.
          // First, detach _cxq.
          // The following loop is tantamount to: w = swap (&cxq, NULL)
          w = _cxq ;
          for (;;) {
             assert (w != NULL, "Invariant") ;
             ObjectWaiter * u = (ObjectWaiter *) Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (NULL, &_cxq, w) ;
             if (u == w) break ;
             w = u ;
          assert (w != NULL              , "invariant") ;

          ObjectWaiter * q = NULL ;
          ObjectWaiter * p ;
          for (p = w ; p != NULL ; p = p->_next) {
              guarantee (p->TState == ObjectWaiter::TS_CXQ, "Invariant") ;
              p->TState = ObjectWaiter::TS_ENTER ;
              p->_prev = q ;
              q = p ;

          // Append the RATs to the EntryList
          // TODO: organize EntryList as a CDLL so we can locate the tail in constant-time.
          ObjectWaiter * Tail ;
          for (Tail = _EntryList ; Tail != NULL && Tail->_next != NULL ; Tail = Tail->_next) ;
          if (Tail == NULL) {
              _EntryList = w ;
          } else {
              Tail->_next = w ;
              w->_prev = Tail ;

          // Fall thru into code that tries to wake a successor from EntryList
      if (QMode == 4 && _cxq != NULL) {
          // Aggressively drain cxq into EntryList at the first opportunity.
          // This policy ensure that recently-run threads live at the head of EntryList.

          // Drain _cxq into EntryList - bulk transfer.
          // First, detach _cxq.
          // The following loop is tantamount to: w = swap (&cxq, NULL)
          w = _cxq ;
          for (;;) {
             assert (w != NULL, "Invariant") ;
             ObjectWaiter * u = (ObjectWaiter *) Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (NULL, &_cxq, w) ;
             if (u == w) break ;
             w = u ;
          assert (w != NULL              , "invariant") ;

          ObjectWaiter * q = NULL ;
          ObjectWaiter * p ;
          for (p = w ; p != NULL ; p = p->_next) {
              guarantee (p->TState == ObjectWaiter::TS_CXQ, "Invariant") ;
              p->TState = ObjectWaiter::TS_ENTER ;
              p->_prev = q ;
              q = p ;

          // Prepend the RATs to the EntryList
          if (_EntryList != NULL) {
              q->_next = _EntryList ;
              _EntryList->_prev = q ;
          _EntryList = w ;

          // Fall thru into code that tries to wake a successor from EntryList

      w = _EntryList  ;
      if (w != NULL) {
          // I'd like to write: guarantee (w->_thread != Self).
          // But in practice an exiting thread may find itself on the EntryList.
          // Lets say thread T1 calls O.wait().  Wait() enqueues T1 on O's waitset and
          // then calls exit().  Exit release the lock by setting O._owner to NULL.
          // Lets say T1 then stalls.  T2 acquires O and calls O.notify().  The
          // notify() operation moves T1 from O's waitset to O's EntryList. T2 then
          // release the lock "O".  T2 resumes immediately after the ST of null into
          // _owner, above.  T2 notices that the EntryList is populated, so it
          // reacquires the lock and then finds itself on the EntryList.
          // Given all that, we have to tolerate the circumstance where "w" is
          // associated with Self.
          assert (w->TState == ObjectWaiter::TS_ENTER, "invariant") ;
          ExitEpilog (Self, w) ;
          return ;

      // If we find that both _cxq and EntryList are null then just
      // re-run the exit protocol from the top.
      w = _cxq ;
      if (w == NULL) continue ;

      // Drain _cxq into EntryList - bulk transfer.
      // First, detach _cxq.
      // The following loop is tantamount to: w = swap (&cxq, NULL)
      for (;;) {
          assert (w != NULL, "Invariant") ;
          ObjectWaiter * u = (ObjectWaiter *) Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr (NULL, &_cxq, w) ;
          if (u == w) break ;
          w = u ;
      TEVENT (Inflated exit - drain cxq into EntryList) ;

      assert (w != NULL              , "invariant") ;
      assert (_EntryList  == NULL    , "invariant") ;
      if (QMode == 1) {
         // QMode == 1 : drain cxq to EntryList, reversing order
         // We also reverse the order of the list.
         ObjectWaiter * s = NULL ;
         ObjectWaiter * t = w ;
         ObjectWaiter * u = NULL ;
         while (t != NULL) {
             guarantee (t->TState == ObjectWaiter::TS_CXQ, "invariant") ;
             t->TState = ObjectWaiter::TS_ENTER ;
             u = t->_next ;
             t->_prev = u ;
             t->_next = s ;
             s = t;
             t = u ;
         _EntryList  = s ;
         assert (s != NULL, "invariant") ;
      } else {
         //方式0或者方式2: 将_cxq中的元素转移到_EntryList,如果_EntryList不为空,唤醒第一个线程
         _EntryList = w ;
         ObjectWaiter * q = NULL ;
         ObjectWaiter * p ;
         for (p = w ; p != NULL ; p = p->_next) {
             guarantee (p->TState == ObjectWaiter::TS_CXQ, "Invariant") ;
             p->TState = ObjectWaiter::TS_ENTER ;
             p->_prev = q ;
             q = p ;

      // In 1-0 mode we need: ST EntryList; MEMBAR #storestore; ST _owner = NULL
      // The MEMBAR is satisfied by the release_store() operation in ExitEpilog().

      // See if we can abdicate to a spinner instead of waking a thread.
      // A primary goal of the implementation is to reduce the
      // context-switch rate.
      if (_succ != NULL) continue;

      w = _EntryList  ;
      if (w != NULL) {
          guarantee (w->TState == ObjectWaiter::TS_ENTER, "invariant") ;
          ExitEpilog (Self, w) ;
          return ;


  1. 重量锁再释放的时候,如果等待队列不为空或者未指定继承人,那么需要指定继承人。
  2. 继承人也需要参与不在等待队列中的线程竞争锁,所以不是一定会获取到锁。