
323 阅读2分钟

类中是可以声明一个接口的,但是我不理解的是在类中声明一个接口有什么意义?我上网查了很多文章,感觉回答的强差人意。最后转向Stack Overflow,这里附上原文链接 -- Why should we declare an interface inside a class?



public class GenericModelLinker implements IModelLinker {

  private static final Logger LOG =LoggerFactory.getLogger(GenericModelLinker.class);
  private String joinAsPropertyField;
  private boolean joinAsListEntry;
  private boolean clearList;
  private List<Link> joins;

  //instead of a scalar property
  private String uniqueProperty;

  public interface Link {

    Object getProperty(IAdaptable n);

    void setProperty(IAdaptable n, Object value);



When you want to gather some fields in an object in order to emphasize a concept, you could either create an external class, or an internal (called either nested (static ones) or inner).

If you want to emphasize the fact that this cooperative class makes strictly no sense (has no use) outside the original object use, you could make it nested/inner.

Thus, when dealing with some hierarchy, you can describe a "nested" interface, which will be implemented by the wrapping class's subclasses.

In the JDK, the most significant example would be Map.Entry inner interface, defined within Map interface and implemented by various ways by HashMap, LinkedHashMap etc...

And of course, Map.Entry needed to be declared as public in order to be accessible while iterating the map wherever the code is.




在JDK中,最具有代表性的例子是 定义在 Map 接口中的 Map.Entry 内部接口,其被各种方式实现,例如:HashMap ,LinkedHashMap

当然,Map.Entry需要被声明为public,以便在迭代 Map 的时候,无论代码在何处都能被访问到。

若有翻译不好或不当之处,欢迎指出。另外对于回答的最后一点,我就感到有一些奇怪,因为在JDK源码中,我发现 Map.Entry 没有被 public 修饰啊。不过这个回答还是很好的解答了我的疑惑。

