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       在期刊(或会议)上发表论文一直以来都是研究生和科技工作者进行学术交流的最广泛使用的方式,而在论文发表的前期过程中,除了论文写作和实验等工作性的准备以外,还有比较重要的一个环节:同行评审(Peer review)。






             图1. 人生第一篇被录用的sci

             图2. 另一篇今年2月底投递的论文,还在等二审修回稿结果qwq






       我之前翻看过不少论文经验帖,一些作者心高气傲,认为审稿人的意见怎么怎么离谱,根本没看懂文章乱提要求,进行吐槽和抱怨。我个人不对作者以及审稿人的水平进行任何评价,但是我认为作者的态度可能存在较大问题。既然你知道审稿人没有看懂文章,没有明白文章的价值所在,你就更应该跟他阐明文章的价值所在,同行评审并不完全是 审稿人->作者 的单向观点输出,作为作者完全可以掌握你对文章了解更多的优势,进行 审稿人<->作者 双向沟通。后文会以我个人经历给出一些实例。

       抱怨和吐槽解决不了问题,如果这能有用,大家都不做正事一起聊聊天倒倒苦水,大概世界上所有的问题就能解决了,不是吗?如果你不这么认为,那请把 考虑如何解决问题 放在第一位。













       在答复信(List of Responses)里我是这么开头的:

Dear Editors and Reviewers:


Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’ comments concerning our manuscript entitled “A color enhancing algorithm based on image fusion for color gamut reduction Daltonization” (ID: JEI-200224). Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches.


First, before we address the reviewers’ comments, we'd like to emphasize the contributions and the novelty of the method, which addresses how to improve the color naturalness and the color colorfulness of the original image from the trichromatic perspective while reserving the color appearance (color contrast) of the daltonized image with little lightness errors from the dichromatic perspective. The proposed method has been accepted as valid and legitimate by the reviewers. We are confident this is a useful contribution to enhancing colors of images, it is effective not only for CVDs but trichromatic viewers. Omitted comments will be fixed in revision if accepted.


We thank the reviewers for acknowledging the strong performance of this work and the quality of the presentation. We believe the algorithm proposed is very effective and powerful. We agree with the reviewers that the details of the submitted manuscript should be improved and we have studied comments carefully and have made corrections which we hope meet with approval. Revised portions are marked in red or blue in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the response to the reviewer’s comments are as follows:



Additional to editors and reviewers


We tried our best to improve the manuscript and made some changes to the manuscript. These changes will not influence the content and framework of the paper. And here we marked in red in the revised paper. We appreciate for Editors and Reviewers warm work earnestly and hope that the correction will meet with approval. Once again, thank all of you very much for your comments and suggestions.


       结尾语非常简单,主要还是礼貌性地再感谢一下编辑和审稿人,并说明修改的内容和大致情况。我之前找润色机构(论文的指导老师也找过一家)进行语言编辑,两方的编辑都给过一些关于答复的建议:避免过多次感谢审稿人,并且过多使用 "We are very sorry for our xxxxxx, and we have corrected it with reviewer’s comments."类似这种句式,礼貌语适当使用即可。然后我们来看几个答复实例。

Response to comment: (I suggest you to add a measure of contrast in the image quality assessment.)


Author response: Thank you very much for your valuable suggestion. In fact, we already have an assessment of color contrast.

作者回复:非常感谢您的宝贵建议。 实际上,我们已经对色彩对比度进行了评估。

Color contrast has always been a very important measure in the study of Daltonization, however, there is no a very suitable for color blindness contrast evaluation index, because in one image, color confusion of CVDs often is only in a few kinds of color, so the appropriate evaluation index of color contrast should be need to detect the confuse color of CVDs and quantify the color difference of these confusing colors for CVDs before and after Daltonization, that's the problem, at present there is no such a contrast evaluation index. In many researchs, such as Ref. 14 and Ref. 17, only the color naturalness is quantitively evaluated, while the color contrast is evaluated by the author's subjective visual description.


Therefore, an alternative evaluation of color contrast is adopted in the manuscript, first of all, we did a reasonable assumption, the assumption is that the color contrast of Daltonized image is the best (in fact, from the perspective of CVDs, the color contrast of Daltonized image is perfect indeed, this is why our algorithm tries to keep the color appearance of the Image from the perspective of dichromatic), then, we calculated the color difference between the results of the proposed method and the Daltonization method from the perspective of the CVDs to evaluated the color contrast of the result. The smaller the color difference, the better the color contrast of the enhanced image processed by our proposed method.


We hope this assessment method meets your requirements.


       这个回复在进行答复和修改时,就是围绕我前面讲到的,尊重、诚实以及克服畏难情绪三个要素而展开的。审稿人对图像道尔顿化这个研究领域的了解比较少,对比度评估其实没有特别合适的手段,但我们同样也尊重他的建议。因此虽然我们原先在论文中就已经用了一个比较另类的比较方法:先假设别人的结果就是最好的结果,那我们的结果在色障碍视角下与别人的结果越接近,那就越好。之后,增加了一个色障碍视角下的颜色标准差来体现对比度。虽然这个方法的创新点不在于对比度,而是兼顾颜色对比度和非色障碍用户的颜色自然度,因此评估主要围绕自然度进行。但考虑到这个对于对比度的说服力不佳,我们额外增加的新对比度评估,一方面让审稿人觉得自己的建议得到了重视,另一方面也是丰富了论文的实验评估提升论文质量。最后这位审稿人对于这个修改非常满意,他在这之后的回复中是这样写的:All the comments have been addressed. I appreciate the poposed contrast assessment method. From my point of view, now the paper is acceptable for publication. (所有评论都已解决。我欣赏呈现的对比评估方法。就我而言,现在该论文满足发表的要求。)另外,在修改的时候,我强烈建议可以在关键语句上用颜色高亮,用红和蓝两个颜色就行,不要太多,例子可见 背景-附图1。再来看下另外一个例子。

Response to comment: (This CIE 1972 space is not authorized. Why not use popular 1976 CIELAB or CIELUV? Lu*v* CD is not accepted, must be changed to L*u*v*. L*a*b* is strongly recommended. Unless, Eq. (7) is invalid.)

对评论的回复(此CIE1972空间未获得授权。为什么不使用流行的1976CIELAB或CIELUV?Lu*v* CD是不能接受的,必须将其更改为L*u*v*。强烈建议使用L*a*b*,不然的话公式(7)是无效)。

Author response: Thanks for pointing out the problem, we are sorry for the stupid mistake we made. Actually, the color difference we calculated is exactly CIELUV, but we mistakenly wrote the name of the space as Lu*v* (it is actually L*u*v*) and it is not 1972 but 1976 space.


The calculation code we used is shown below, with the main steps highlighted in yellow.


In order to solve your doubts, we also calculated the L*a*b* CD, and in order to facilitate intuitive comparison, we also presented the corresponding L*u*v* CD data on the side (or on another table).

为了打消你的疑惑,我们还计算了L*a*b* CD,为了便于直观比较,我们也将相应的L*u*v* CD数据呈现在边上(或另一个表格上)。

All quantitative evaluations related to CIELUV are calculated using CIELAB, and the results are shown above, there is no significant difference in the quantitative evaluation between CIELUV and CIELAB.


As we stated earlier, the Lu*v* in the previously revised manuscript was only miswritten. The actual quantitative evaluation was carried out in L*u*v*, so we did not make any changes to the original data presented in the experiment. And we added the evaluation result of the CIELAB in the revised manuscript (all evaluations using CIELUV have supplemented the results of CIELAB), hope you are satisfied with these changes.

如前所述,先前修订的手稿中的Lu*v*只是被误写了。 实际的量化评估以L*u*v*进行,因此我们对实验中显示的原始数据没有做任何更改。并且我们在修订后的手稿中添加了CIELAB的评估结果(所有使用CIELUV的评估都对CIELAB的结果进行了补充),希望你对这些修改满意。

We greatly thanks for all your time and efforts spent continually on the manuscript. Your valuable suggestions and comments provided great help for our modification.


       这里的情况就如我在答复中所说的一样,因为两个误写引起了审稿人的误会,审稿人以为用了什么不知名的颜色空间,所以要求必须改为CIELUV或CIELAB,并且强烈建议用CIELAB。但实际上论文里用的就是CIELUV,只不过有误写,怕这样解释不能让他信服,我还贴上了CIELUV的计算代码,并且额外计算了论文中的一个例子,此外还计算了CIELAB并在实验中加以补充。因为这篇博客主要是讲答复审稿意见相关的,代码和数据表格我就不贴上来了(不花大篇幅解释的话贴了也看不懂),可以见 背景-附图2 看个大概。

Response to comment: (the expression of “color gamut reduction Daltonization” is hard to understand and misleading and the key word “CVD” will be indispensable in title & "color gamut reduction Daltonization" is not a proper expression)

对评论的回应:(“色域缩减的道尔顿化”这一表达很难理解并且具有误导性,关键词“ CVD”是标题中必不可少的,“色域缩减的道尔顿化”不是正确的表达)

Author response: From our point of view, "color gamut reduction Daltonization" is a considered name, and our algorithm can be applied to not only anomolous trichromats, but also trichromatic people (normal viewers), so with the key word “CVD” does not seem so appropriate and rigorous. It’s hard to explain the reason why we called them “color gamut reduction Daltonization” because it is a bit long but you can see response 4. If the explanation doesn't convince you, you are more than welcome to suggest more detailed changes and we will follow your suggestions. We appeiciate you for improving our paper by pointing out possible problems.

作者回复:就我们而言,“色域缩减的道尔顿化”是一个深思熟虑后得到的命名,并且我们的算法不仅可以应用于异常三色视觉者,而且还可以应用于三色视觉者(正常观察者),因此使用关键词“ CVD”似乎没有那么合适和严谨。很难解释为什么我们称它们为“降低色域道尔顿化”的原因,因为它有点长,但是你可以看看回应4中的回复。如果这个解释不能让你信服,我们非常欢迎你提出更详细的更改建议并会进行合理的修改。我们感谢你指出可能存在的问题来改进我们的论文。


Response to comment: (This title may be still misleading for general JEI readers. Since the Daltonization is understood as a procedure for improving color visibility to CVDs mostly by enhancing confusion colors making them easier to distinguish,“color gamut reduction” sounds like as contrary effect. Many researchers have been trying to “color gamut expansion” for CVDs not “reduction”, so that the author’s approach to such as “color naturalness” is hard to understand. The major objective of Daltonization is to help people with color vision deficiencies, and the fact that it is effective even for normal people is irrelevant. At least the title should include the key words of “CVD” and clearly states that “color enhancement algorithm” is intended for improving the color visibility by Daltonization.)

对评论的回应:(此标题可能仍对一般的期刊读者产生误导。由于道尔顿化被理解为通过增强原先混淆的颜色使其更易于区分来提高色觉障碍的颜色可见性的过程,因此“色域缩减”听起来与许多研究人员一直在尝试针对CVD而不是“还原”或进行“色域扩展”相反,因此作者对“色彩自然度”的处理方法是难以理解的。道尔顿化的主要目的是帮助有色觉缺陷的人,这一方法对普通人是否有效是无关紧要的。至少标题应包含“ CVD”的关键字,并明确指出“色彩增强算法”旨在通过道尔顿化来改善色彩可见度。)

       审稿人似乎对于不修改表示有所不满,首先需要说明的是,这个审稿人是对该领域有较深入了解的,他的观点有他的道理所在,这里他指出了两个问题:1.标题不能缺少关键词“CVD(色觉障碍)”并且“color gamut reduction Daltonization(色域缩减的道尔顿化)”在他看来绝对无法赞同;2.审稿人不理解为什么我们非常重视所谓的“颜色自然度”,道尔顿化方法是否适用于非色觉障碍者是没有必要的,因为道尔顿化是服务于色觉障碍的图像处理方法,只要能够增强色觉障碍对于颜色的可视性,那就足够了。针对审稿人抛出的这两个问题,回应如下:

Author response: After careful consideration, we decided to change the title to "A color enhancement algorithm based on Daltonizaion and image fusion for improving the color visibility to Color Vision Deficiencies and normal trichromats" in accordance with the reviewers’ comments.


In addition, we would like to explain why we take the “naturalness” into consideration. First of all, we want to express our attitude that we very much agree with your point of view “The major objective of Daltonization is to help people with color vision deficiencies, and the fact that it is effective even for normal people is irrelevant” since Daltonization was proposed to solve the problem of CVDs in distinguishing colors.

另外,我们想解释一下为什么我们要考虑“颜色自然性”。首先,我们表示,我们非常同意你的观点:“道尔顿化的主要目标是帮助有色觉缺陷的人,而且即使对普通人也有效的事实是无关紧要的”,因为 道尔顿化是为了解决CVD区分颜色的问题而被提出的。

However, please imagine such a scene where a group of people are watching a movie in a cinema (or a family watching TV together), the audience may include trichromats, anomalous trichromats, and dichromats. Then, if Daltonization is to be extended to practical applications for CVDs like this example, considering naturalness will be necessary (what the audience sees should not only prevent CVDs users from color confusion, but also prevent normal and anomalous trichromatic users from noticing that the image has undergone special processing.), and that is why we attach great importance to the color naturalness. If there is such a method, it can not only ensure that CVDs can distinguish colors but also can make normal viewers not feel that the image (or video) has undergone special processing, it seems to be better.


This is what we think, on the premise of meeting the color discrimination needs of CVD users, if images have better naturalness, normal and anomalous trichromatic users can have a better visual experience. So naturalness is also a factor that much current Daltonization research pays attention to.


       正如我在前面所说,“既然你知道审稿人没有看懂文章,没有明白文章的价值所在,你就更应该跟他阐明文章的价值所在,同行评审并不完全是 审稿人->作者 的单向观点输出,作为作者完全可以掌握你对文章了解更多的优势,进行 审稿人<->作者 双向沟通”,在我这样进行了回复后,两天内这位审稿人就同意论文录用了。那么本文就讲到这里,有问题的话欢迎评论区留言。

