jetpack compse原理解析

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jetpack compse原理解析

jetpack compse

Jetpack Compose是Google在2019 I/O大会上公布开源的一个非捆绑工具包。Jetpack Compose是用于构建原生Android UI的现代工具包。 Jetpack Compose使用更少的代码,强大的工具和直观的Kotlin API,简化并加速了Android上的UI开发。最为重要的是jetpack compose基于响应式架构构建,完美支持响应式开发。不过目前仅有预览版,正式版还没确定,本文也是基于当前预览版对其原理进行简单分析。



var times = 0
val button:Button = findViewById(
val textView:TextView = findViewById(
           textView.text="click times:${times}"


class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  MyHomePage({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
  final String title;

  _MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  int _counter = 0;

  void _incrementCounter() {
    setState(() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text(widget.title),
      body: Center(
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
              'click times:',
                width: 20,
                height: 20,
                child: Text(
                  style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline4,
      floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
        onPressed: _incrementCounter,
        tooltip: 'Increment',
        child: Icon(Icons.add),

(这里为什么使用flutter代码来展示,因为我觉得jetpack compose通过注解隐藏了太多实现细节,初学者可能不太好理解,而flutter则不同,从直观上更好理解) 可以看到每次状态改变,我们都是通过build函数重新声明了界面布局,然后重新展示即可(这里StatefulWidget和State感兴趣的同学可以去了解下flutter开发,不属于本文所要讲解的范围,只需要通过该例子了解声明式开发的特点即可,可以简单的理解下每次button click的setState都会触发State.build函数重新声明布局)。这就是声明式ui和命令式ui的不同之处,从中我们也可以很快的发现声明式ui的好处,可以让我们开发更聚焦于状态的变化以及逻辑的实现,而不是在界面上,我们只需要根据当前呢的状态声明对应的ui布局即可,而且我们可以根据状态方便的进行界面重建等工作,这对于移动式开发非常友好。不过我们也可以发现其缺点,即每次重建带来的性能损耗,即使所有声明式框架都会有对应的算法在底层对组件(这里指的是渲染以及布局相关的组件,不是flutter的widget,对应于flutter即是element和renderobject)进行最大程度的复用(如react的virutal dom ,flutter的element diff 以及jetpack compose的gap buffert等),不过即使如此,在性能上对比命令式ui还是有一定损耗(不过目前来说,性能已经不是界面开发的首要考虑因素)。 接下来我们就来探索下安卓未来的ui构建方式jetpack compose的底层实现原理,不过为了更好的了解本文,大家可以先去阅读下面这篇文章 jetpack compose思想介绍 这篇文章从实现原理的层面讲解了jetpack compose,我也是基于这篇文章以及源码来去探究jetpack compose的。同时大家也会发现jetpack compose和flutter一些api的相似之处,本篇文章我也会对两者进行对比来分析下两者实现的异同


jetpack compose从名字就可以看出,该框架基于组合优于继承的理念构建,这也是函数式响应式编程所提倡的。一开始接触jetpack compose,我第一直觉是基于安卓现有的view体系架构进行封装,尽可能的复用当前组件,但是了解后发现其实不然,jetpack compose抛弃了原有安卓view的体系,完全重新实现了一套新的ui体系(目前jetpack compose不过也提供了使用兼容原有view的方法),对此谷歌给出的解释是原有的view体系过于庞大,并且理念过于陈旧,不如借当前机会不破不立,完全基于新的理念来重新实现一套现代的ui体系。



1.@Composable 注解的函数 这里是ui的声明和配置,这也是直接面向开发者的 2.基于注解和Composer 的具体细节实现 这里实现了LayoutNode的缓存以及复用,同时也实现了对于属性变化的监听 3.LayoutNode主要用于布局和绘制

熟悉flutter开发的同学都知道,flutter中有重要的三棵树 widget 、element和renderobject。

2.element是对组件的服用 3.renderobject用于布局和绘制


compose LayoutNode布局介绍

其实flutter和compose两者不仅仅思想上比较类似,在布局的实现上两者也都差不多,compose采用了和flutter一样的布局方式即盒约束(盒约束是指widget可以按照指定限制条件来决定自身如何占用布局空间,所谓的“盒”即指自身的渲染框。有关于盒约束介绍,可以查看这篇文章flutter盒约束),这个我们可以在LayoutNode的源码中看到 在这里插入图片描述 这里即用来计算布局空间约束,同样在布局过程中传递的参数Constraints 可以看出在这里插入图片描述 这里和flutter的盒约束类似,了解flutter的同学应该知道,flutter布局过程中有一个relayout boundary(重布局边界约束)这个优化条件用来加快布局,即我们的view在重布局过程中如果遇到重布局边界,将不会继续向上传递布局请求,因为这个view无论怎么变化,将不会影响父view的布局,所以父view将不需要重新布局,一开始基于两者布局的相似性我也认为compose也会采用相关优化方法,不过继续追踪代码发现并没有,这里不清楚为什么,或者后续正式版有可能会加上这个优化,这部分代码在MeasureAndLayoutDelegate 的requestRelayout中可以看到

     * Requests remeasure for this [layoutNode] and nodes affected by its measure result.
     * @return returns true if the [measureAndLayout] execution should be scheduled as a result
     * of the request.
    fun requestRemeasure(layoutNode: LayoutNode): Boolean {
        return trace("AndroidOwner:onRequestMeasure") {
            if (layoutNode.isMeasuring) {
                // we're already measuring it, let's swallow. example when it happens: we compose
                // DataNode inside WithConstraints, this calls onRequestMeasure on DataNode's
                // parent, but this parent is WithConstraints which is currently measuring.
                return false
            if (layoutNode.needsRemeasure) {
                // requestMeasure has already been called for this node
                return false
            if (layoutNode.isLayingOut) {
                // requestMeasure is currently laying out and it is incorrect to request remeasure
                // now, let's postpone it.
                return false

            // find root of layout request:
            var layout = layoutNode
            while (layout.affectsParentSize && layout.parent != null) {
                val parent = layout.parent!!
                if (parent.isMeasuring || parent.isLayingOut) {
                    if (!layout.needsRemeasure) {
                        // parent is currently measuring and we set needsRemeasure to true so if
                        // the parent didn't yet try to measure the node it will remeasure it.
                        // if the parent didn't plan to measure during this pass then needsRemeasure
                        // stay 'true' and we will manually call 'onRequestMeasure' for all
                        // the not-measured nodes in 'postponedMeasureRequests'.
                    return false
                } else {
                    if (parent.needsRemeasure) {
                        // don't need to do anything else since the parent is already scheduled
                        // for a remeasuring
                        return false
                    layout = parent

            requestRelayout(layout.parent ?: layout)


        // The more idiomatic, `if (parentLayoutNode?.isMeasuring == true)` causes boxing
        affectsParentSize = parent != null && parent.isMeasuring == true



接下来我们再来看下@Composeable注解到底做了啥,这部分代码不好直接查看,因为他是基于koltin注解去动态生成的,我在studio中并没有直接找到生成的相关代码,我是采用这种方法去查看的,先编译出一个apk 然后将其中的classes.dex文件进行反编译成jar文件,再将jar文件引入任意一个安卓工程中,即可查看相关代码 我们先来看下Layout所对应的代码,这是compose布局的基础类,如Column都是基于它实现,它对应的原函数如下

 * [Layout] is the main core component for layout. It can be used to measure and position
 * zero or more children.
 * Intrinsic measurement blocks define the intrinsic sizes of the current layout. These
 * can be queried by the parent in order to understand, in specific cases, what constraints
 * should the layout be measured with:
 * - [minIntrinsicWidthMeasureBlock] defines the minimum width this layout can take, given
 *   a specific height, such that the content of the layout will be painted correctly
 * - [minIntrinsicHeightMeasureBlock] defines the minimum height this layout can take, given
 *   a specific width, such that the content of the layout will be painted correctly
 * - [maxIntrinsicWidthMeasureBlock] defines the minimum width such that increasing it further
 *   will not decrease the minimum intrinsic height
 * - [maxIntrinsicHeightMeasureBlock] defines the minimum height such that increasing it further
 *   will not decrease the minimum intrinsic width
 * For a composable able to define its content according to the incoming constraints,
 * see [WithConstraints].
 * Example usage:
 * @sample androidx.ui.core.samples.LayoutWithProvidedIntrinsicsUsage
 * @param children The children composable to be laid out.
 * @param modifier Modifiers to be applied to the layout.
 * @param minIntrinsicWidthMeasureBlock The minimum intrinsic width of the layout.
 * @param minIntrinsicHeightMeasureBlock The minimum intrinsic height of the layout.
 * @param maxIntrinsicWidthMeasureBlock The maximum intrinsic width of the layout.
 * @param maxIntrinsicHeightMeasureBlock The maximum intrinsic height of the layout.
 * @param measureBlock The block defining the measurement and positioning of the layout.
 * @see Layout
 * @see WithConstraints
/*inline*/ fun Layout(
    children: @Composable () -> Unit,
    minIntrinsicWidthMeasureBlock: IntrinsicMeasureBlock,
    minIntrinsicHeightMeasureBlock: IntrinsicMeasureBlock,
    maxIntrinsicWidthMeasureBlock: IntrinsicMeasureBlock,
    maxIntrinsicHeightMeasureBlock: IntrinsicMeasureBlock,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    measureBlock: MeasureBlock
) {
    val measureBlocks = object : LayoutNode.MeasureBlocks {
        override fun measure(
            measureScope: MeasureScope,
            measurables: List<Measurable>,
            constraints: Constraints,
            layoutDirection: LayoutDirection
        ) = measureScope.measureBlock(measurables, constraints, layoutDirection)
        override fun minIntrinsicWidth(
            intrinsicMeasureScope: IntrinsicMeasureScope,
            measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
            h: IntPx,
            layoutDirection: LayoutDirection
        ) = intrinsicMeasureScope.minIntrinsicWidthMeasureBlock(measurables, h, layoutDirection)
        override fun minIntrinsicHeight(
            intrinsicMeasureScope: IntrinsicMeasureScope,
            measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
            w: IntPx,
            layoutDirection: LayoutDirection
        ) = intrinsicMeasureScope.minIntrinsicHeightMeasureBlock(measurables, w, layoutDirection)
        override fun maxIntrinsicWidth(
            intrinsicMeasureScope: IntrinsicMeasureScope,
            measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
            h: IntPx,
            layoutDirection: LayoutDirection
        ) = intrinsicMeasureScope.maxIntrinsicWidthMeasureBlock(measurables, h, layoutDirection)
        override fun maxIntrinsicHeight(
            intrinsicMeasureScope: IntrinsicMeasureScope,
            measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
            w: IntPx,
            layoutDirection: LayoutDirection
        ) = intrinsicMeasureScope.maxIntrinsicHeightMeasureBlock(measurables, w, layoutDirection)
    Layout(children, measureBlocks, modifier)

 * [Layout] is the main core component for layout. It can be used to measure and position
 * zero or more children.
 * The intrinsic measurements of this layout will be calculated by running the measureBlock,
 * while swapping measure calls with appropriate intrinsic measurements. Note that these
 * provided implementations will not be accurate in all cases - when this happens, the other
 * overload of [Layout] should be used to provide correct measurements.
 * For a composable able to define its content according to the incoming constraints,
 * see [WithConstraints].
 * Example usage:
 * @sample androidx.ui.core.samples.LayoutUsage
 * @param children The children composable to be laid out.
 * @param modifier Modifiers to be applied to the layout.
 * @param measureBlock The block defining the measurement and positioning of the layout.
 * @see Layout
 * @see WithConstraints
/*inline*/ fun Layout(
    children: @Composable () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    measureBlock: MeasureBlock
) {

    val measureBlocks = remember(measureBlock) { MeasuringIntrinsicsMeasureBlocks(measureBlock) }
    Layout(children, measureBlocks, modifier)

/*@PublishedApi*/ @Composable internal /*inline*/ fun Layout(
    children: @Composable () -> Unit,
    measureBlocks: LayoutNode.MeasureBlocks,
    modifier: Modifier
) {
    LayoutNode(modifier = currentComposer.materialize(modifier), measureBlocks = measureBlocks) {


public static final void Layout(final Function3 var0, final MeasureBlocks var1, final Modifier var2, Composer var3, int var4, final int var5) {
      Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(var0, "children");
      Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(var1, "measureBlocks");
      Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(var2, "modifier");
      Modifier var8 = ComposedModifierKt.materialize(var3, var2);
      UiComposer var7 = (UiComposer)var3;
      LayoutNode var6;
      if (var7.getInserting()) {
         var6 = new LayoutNode();
      } else {
         var6 = (LayoutNode)var7.useNode();

      ComposerUpdater var11 = new ComposerUpdater((Composer)var7, var6);
      Composer var9 = var11.getComposer();
      if (var9.getInserting() || !Intrinsics.areEqual(var9.nextSlot(), var8)) {

      Composer var12 = var11.getComposer();
      if (var12.getInserting() || !Intrinsics.areEqual(var12.nextSlot(), var1)) {

      var0.invoke(var3, 495126159, var5 & 6);
      ScopeUpdateScope var10 = var3.endRestartGroup();
      if (var10 != null) {
         var10.updateScope((Function3)(new Function3() {
            // $FF: synthetic method
            // $FF: bridge method
            public Object invoke(Object var1x, Object var2x, Object var3) {
               this.invoke((Composer)var1x, ((Number)var2x).intValue(), ((Number)var3).intValue());
               return Unit.INSTANCE;

            public final void invoke(Composer var1x, int var2x, int var3) {
               LayoutKt.Layout(var0, var1, var2, var1x, var2x, var5 | 1);

我们可以看到注解帮我们自动处理了node的创建 复用 以及更新,这里面我们主要借助Composer类来对node进行管理,而@Composeable注解的函数最终会生成一个RestartableFunction函数,即上述代码的var0 关于 LayoutNode的复用,compose这里比较复杂,使用了一个叫gap buffer的方法来进行layoutnode的缓存和基于位置记忆来判断是否复用,这一块我目前了解的还不是非常透彻,不过大家可以先简单的认为是一个数组用来保存不同位置的信息,然后取出信息进行对比,这块相关的代码在SlotTable这个类以及相关类中,大家感兴趣的话可以了解下,后面如果我对这块有更深的了解会专门写一篇文章进行介绍。



fun Greeting(name: String) {
    var count by state { 0 }
    Column {
        Text(text = "click times:${count}")
        Button(onClick = {
        }) {


public static final void Greeting(final String var0, Composer var1, int var2, final int var3) {
      Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(var0, "name");
      if ((var3 & 6) == 0) {
         byte var7;
         if (var1.changed(var0)) {
            var7 = 4;
         } else {
            var7 = 2;

         var2 = var7 | var3;
      } else {
         var2 = var3;

      if ((var2 & 3 ^ 2) == 0 && var1.getSkipping()) {
      } else {
         Function2 var4;
         if (true & true) {
            var4 = MutableStateKt.getReferentiallyEqual();
         } else {
            var4 = null;

         Object var5 = var1.nextSlot();
         Object var8;
         if (var5 != SlotTable.Companion.getEMPTY()) {
            var8 = var5;
         } else {
            var8 = MutableStateKt.mutableStateOf(0, var4);

         final MutableState var9 = (MutableState)var8;
         ColumnKt.Column((Modifier)null, (Vertical)null, (Horizontal)null, (Function4)RestartableFunctionKt.restartableFunction(var1, -756387618, true, new Function4() {
            // $FF: synthetic method
            // $FF: bridge method
            public Object invoke(Object var1, Object var2, Object var3, Object var4) {
               this.invoke((ColumnScope)var1, (Composer)var2, ((Number)var3).intValue(), ((Number)var4).intValue());
               return Unit.INSTANCE;

            public final void invoke(ColumnScope var1, Composer var2, int var3, int var4) {
               Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(var1, "<this>");
               if (((var4 | 6) & 11 ^ 10) == 0 && var2.getSkipping()) {
               } else {
                  TextKt.Text-bHUNS4Y(Intrinsics.stringPlus("click times:", MainActivityKt.Greeting$lambda-1(var9)), (Modifier)null, Color.constructor-VKZWuLQ(ULong.constructor-impl(0L)), TextUnit.constructor-impl(0L), (FontStyle)null, (FontFamily)null, TextUnit.constructor-impl(0L), (TextDecoration)null, (TextAlign)null, TextUnit.constructor-impl(0L), (TextOverflow)null, false, 0, (Map)null, (Function1)null, (TextStyle)null, var2, 537342775, 0, 0, 65534);
                  final MutableState var5 = var9;
                  Object var6 = var2.nextSlot();
                  if (var6 == SlotTable.Companion.getEMPTY()) {
                     var6 = new Function0() {
                        // $FF: synthetic method
                        // $FF: bridge method
                        public Object invoke() {
                           return Unit.INSTANCE;

                        public final void invoke() {
                           MutableState var1 = var5;
                           MainActivityKt.Greeting$lambda-2(var1, MainActivityKt.Greeting$lambda-1(var1) + 1);

                  ButtonKt.Button-AidQf7c((Function0)var6, (Modifier)null, false, Dp.constructor-impl(0.0F), Dp.constructor-impl(0.0F), (Shape)null, (Border)null, Color.constructor-VKZWuLQ(ULong.constructor-impl(0L)), Color.constructor-VKZWuLQ(ULong.constructor-impl(0L)), Color.constructor-VKZWuLQ(ULong.constructor-impl(0L)), Color.constructor-VKZWuLQ(ULong.constructor-impl(0L)), (InnerPadding)null, (Function3)RestartableFunctionKt.restartableFunction(var2, -756387738, true, new Function3() {
                     // $FF: synthetic method
                     // $FF: bridge method
                     public Object invoke(Object var1, Object var2, Object var3) {
                        this.invoke((Composer)var1, ((Number)var2).intValue(), ((Number)var3).intValue());
                        return Unit.INSTANCE;

                     public final void invoke(Composer var1, int var2, int var3) {
                        if ((var3 & 3 ^ 2) == 0 && var1.getSkipping()) {
                        } else {
                           TextKt.Text-bHUNS4Y("button", (Modifier)null, Color.constructor-VKZWuLQ(ULong.constructor-impl(0L)), TextUnit.constructor-impl(0L), (FontStyle)null, (FontFamily)null, TextUnit.constructor-impl(0L), (TextDecoration)null, (TextAlign)null, TextUnit.constructor-impl(0L), (TextOverflow)null, false, 0, (Map)null, (Function1)null, (TextStyle)null, var1, -1162860348, 6, 0, 65534);
                  }), var2, 537342819, 0, 4094);
         }), var1, -1469557627, 0, 7);

      ScopeUpdateScope var6 = var1.endRestartGroup();
      if (var6 != null) {
         var6.updateScope((Function3)(new Function3() {
            // $FF: synthetic method
            // $FF: bridge method
            public Object invoke(Object var1, Object var2, Object var3x) {
               this.invoke((Composer)var1, ((Number)var2).intValue(), ((Number)var3x).intValue());
               return Unit.INSTANCE;

            public final void invoke(Composer var1, int var2, int var3x) {
               MainActivityKt.Greeting(var0, var1, var2, var3 | 1);

   private static final int Greeting$lambda_1/* $FF was: Greeting$lambda-1*/(MutableState var0) {
      State var2 = (State)var0;
      KProperty var1 = $$delegatedProperties[0];
      return ((Number)var2.getValue()).intValue();

   private static final void Greeting$lambda_2/* $FF was: Greeting$lambda-2*/(MutableState var0, int var1) {
      KProperty var2 = $$delegatedProperties[0];

代码非常简单,即点击button 改变text文字,我们跟踪state可以发现,state最终是生成一个MutableState的变量,而我们改变其值最终都会调用起setValue函数

    override var value: T
        get() = next.readable(this).value
        set(value) = next.withCurrent {
            if (!areEquivalent(it.value, value)) {
                next.writable(this).value = value


 * Return a writable frame record for the given record. It is assumed that this is called for the
 * first framed record in a frame object. If the frame is read-only calling this will throw. A
 * record is writable if it was created in the current writable frame. A writable record will always
 * be the readable record (as all newer records are invalid it must be the newest valid record).
 * This means that if the readable record is not from the current frame, a new record must be
 * created. To create a new writable record, a record can be reused, if possible, and the readable
 * record is applied to it. If a record cannot be reused, a new record is created and the readable
 * record is applied to it. Once the values are correct the record is made live by giving it the
 * current frame id.
fun <T : Record> T.writable(framed: Framed, frame: Frame): T {
    if (frame.readonly) throw IllegalStateException("In a readonly frame")
    val id =
    val readData = readable<T>(this, id, frame.invalid)

    // If the readable data was born in this frame, it is writable.
    if (readData.frameId == return readData

    // The first write to an framed in frame
    frame.writeObserver?.let { it(framed, false) }

    // Otherwise, make a copy of the readable data and mark it as born in this frame, making it
    // writable.
    val newData = synchronized(framed) {
        // Calling used() on a framed object might return the same record for each thread calling
        // used() therefore selecting the record to reuse should be guarded.

        // Note: setting the frameId to Int.MAX_VALUE will make it invalid for all frames. This
        // means we can release the lock on the object as used() will no longer select it. Using id
        // could also be used but it puts the object into a state where the reused value appears to
        // be the current valid value for the the frame. This is not an issue if the frame is only
        // being read from a single thread but using Int.MAX_VALUE allows multiple readers, single
        // writer, of a frame. Note that threads reading a mutating frame should not cache the
        // result of readable() as the mutating thread calls to writable() can change the result of
        // readable().
        (used(framed, id, frame.invalid) as T?)?.apply { frameId = Int.MAX_VALUE }
            ?: readData.create().apply {
                frameId = Int.MAX_VALUE; framed.prependFrameRecord(this as T)
            } as T
    newData.frameId = id


    return newData


    private val writeObserver: (write: Any, isNew: Boolean) -> Unit = { value, isNew ->
        if (!commitPending) {
            commitPending = true
            schedule {
                commitPending = false
        recordWrite(value, isNew)


    fun nextFrame() {
        if (inFrame) {


 * Commit the given frame. Throws FrameAborted if changes in the frame collides with the current
 * committed frame.
fun commit(frame: Frame) {
    // NOTE: the this algorithm is currently does not guarantee a serializable frame operation as it
    // doesn't prevent crossing writes as described here

    // Just removing the frame from the open frame set is enough to make it visible, however, this
    // should only be done after first determining that there are no colliding writes in the commit.

    // A write is considered colliding if any write occurred on the object in a frame committed
    // since the frame was last opened. There is a trivial cases that can be dismissed immediately,
    // no writes occurred.
    val modified = frame.modified
    val id =
    val listeners = synchronized(sync) {
        if (!openFrames.get(id)) throw IllegalStateException("Frame not open")
        if (modified == null || modified.size == 0) {
        } else {
            // If there are modifications we need to ensure none of the modifications have
            // collisions.

            // A record is guaranteed not collide if no other write was performed to the record by a
            // committed frame since this frame was opened. No writes to a framed object occurred
            // if, ignoring this frame, the readable records for the framed object are the same. If
            // they are different, and the records could be merged, (such as considering writes to
            // different fields as not colliding) could be allowed here but, for now, the all writes
            // to a record are considered atomic. Additionally, if the field values can be merged
            // (e.g. using a conflict-free data type) this could also be allowed here.

            val current = openFrames
            val nextFrame = maxFrameId
            val start = frame.invalid.set(id)
            for (framed in frame.modified) {
                val first = framed.firstFrameRecord
                if (readable(
                    ) != readable(first, id, start)
                ) {
    if (modified != null)
        for (commitListener in listeners) {
            commitListener(modified, frame)

最终在commitListener 通知commitObserver进行重建,这里通过两个map获取需要重建的RecomposerScope,最终调用composer的invalidate对界面进行更新

private val commitObserver: (committed: Set<Any>, frame: Frame) -> Unit = { committed, frame ->
        trace("Model:commitTransaction") {
            val currentInvalidations = synchronized(lock) {
                val deferred = deferredMap.getValueOf(frame)
                val immediate = immediateMap.getValueOf(frame)
                // Ignore the object if its invalidations were all immediate for the frame.
                invalidations[committed.filter {
                    !immediate.contains(it) || deferred.contains(it)
            if (currentInvalidations.isNotEmpty()) {
                if (!isMainThread()) {
                    schedule {
                        currentInvalidations.forEach { scope -> scope.invalidate() }
                } else {
                    currentInvalidations.forEach { scope -> scope.invalidate() }


    private val readObserver: (read: Any) -> Unit = { read ->
        currentComposerInternal?.currentRecomposeScope?.let {
            synchronized(lock) {
                it.used = true
                invalidations.add(read, it)


本篇文章简单的对jetpack compose ui大体架构实现原理进行简单的分析,不过由于目前我对这部分代码还没有完全搞清楚,只是大概了解其部分流程和架构,所以分析起来可能有点乱,部分地方并没有完全讲解清楚,后面我会继续对其源码进行进一步分析,会继续整理总结,争取完全理清相关原理