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Dubbo客户端和Dubbo服务端之间存在心跳,目的是维持provider和consumer之间的长链接。由Dubbo客户端主动发起,可参见Dubbo源码 HeartbeatTimerTaskReconnectTimerTask




  • 在短连接中,每次通信时,都会创建Socket,当该次通信结束后,就会调用socket.close(),下次通信需要重新创建连接。优点就是无需管理连接,无需保活连接;缺点就是每次创建连接需要耗费时间。

  • 在长连接中,每次通信完毕后,不会关闭连接,这样子就实现了连接可以复用,保证了性能;长连接的优点是省去了创建连接时所耗费的时间;缺点就是连接需要统一管理,并且需要保活。


  • tcp_keepalive_time:连接多长时间没有数据往来发送探针请求,默认为7200s(2h);
  • tcp_keepalive_probes:探测失败重试的次数默认为10次;
  • tcp_keepalive_intvl:重试的间隔时间默认75s;



  • 首先要知道provider绑定和consumer连接的入口:
public class HeaderExchanger implements Exchanger {

    public static final String NAME = "header";

    public ExchangeClient connect(URL url, ExchangeHandler handler) throws RemotingException {
        return new HeaderExchangeClient(Transporters.connect(url, new DecodeHandler(new HeaderExchangeHandler(handler))), true);

    public ExchangeServer bind(URL url, ExchangeHandler handler) throws RemotingException {
        return new HeaderExchangeServer(Transporters.bind(url, new DecodeHandler(new HeaderExchangeHandler(handler))));
  • 来看一下第一个定时任务:发送心跳请求HeartbeatTimerTask#doTask
protected void doTask(Channel channel) {
    try {
        // 最后一次读的时间
        Long lastRead = lastRead(channel);
        // 最后一次写的时间
        Long lastWrite = lastWrite(channel);
        // 如果最后读的时间间隔或者最后写的时间间隔大于heartbeat,就会发送心跳信息
        // heartbeat默认值是60s
        if ((lastRead != null && now() - lastRead > heartbeat)
                || (lastWrite != null && now() - lastWrite > heartbeat)) {
            Request req = new Request();
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Send heartbeat to remote channel " + channel.getRemoteAddress()
                        + ", cause: The channel has no data-transmission exceeds a heartbeat period: "
                        + heartbeat + "ms");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        logger.warn("Exception when heartbeat to remote channel " + channel.getRemoteAddress(), t);
  • 再看一下第二个定时任务:处理重连和断连ReconnectTimerTask#doTask
protected void doTask(Channel channel) {
    try {
        // 最后一次读的时间
        Long lastRead = lastRead(channel);
        Long now = now();

        // 无法初始化链接,则进行重连
        if (!channel.isConnected()) {
            try {
                logger.info("Initial connection to " + channel);
                ((Client) channel).reconnect();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Fail to connect to " + channel, e);
        // 如果最后读的时间间隔大于idleTimeout,则进行重连
        // idleTimeout的默认时间60s * 3
        } else if (lastRead != null && now - lastRead > idleTimeout) {
            logger.warn("Reconnect to channel " + channel + ", because heartbeat read idle time out: "
                    + idleTimeout + "ms");
            try {
                ((Client) channel).reconnect();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error(channel + "reconnect failed during idle time.", e);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        logger.warn("Exception when reconnect to remote channel " + channel.getRemoteAddress(), t);
  • 最后看一下关闭连接的定时任务:CloseTimerTask#doTask
protected void doTask(Channel channel) {
    try {
        // 最后一次读的时间
        Long lastRead = lastRead(channel);
        // 最后一次写的时间
        Long lastWrite = lastWrite(channel);
        Long now = now();
        // 如果最后一次读的时间间隔大于idleTimeout,或者最后一次写的时间间隔大于idleTimeout,就断开链接
        // idleTimeout的默认时间60s * 3
        if ((lastRead != null && now - lastRead > idleTimeout)
                || (lastWrite != null && now - lastWrite > idleTimeout)) {
            logger.warn("Close channel " + channel + ", because idleCheck timeout: "
                    + idleTimeout + "ms");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        logger.warn("Exception when close remote channel " + channel.getRemoteAddress(), t);
  • 连接建立时创建定时器(客户端)


public class HeaderExchangeClient implements ExchangeClient {

    private final Client client;
    private final ExchangeChannel channel;

    // 这是Netty提供的一个时间轮定时器
    private static final HashedWheelTimer IDLE_CHECK_TIMER = new HashedWheelTimer(
            new NamedThreadFactory("dubbo-client-idleCheck", true), 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS, TICKS_PER_WHEEL);
    private HeartbeatTimerTask heartBeatTimerTask;
    private ReconnectTimerTask reconnectTimerTask;

    public HeaderExchangeClient(Client client, boolean startTimer) {
        Assert.notNull(client, "Client can't be null");
        this.client = client;
        this.channel = new HeaderExchangeChannel(client);

        if (startTimer) {
            URL url = client.getUrl();
            // 客户端发起重连
            // 客户端发送心跳
    // 省略。。。
    private void startHeartBeatTask(URL url) {
        if (!client.canHandleIdle()) {
            AbstractTimerTask.ChannelProvider cp = () -> Collections.singletonList(HeaderExchangeClient.this);
            // 默认值是60s
            int heartbeat = getHeartbeat(url);
            // 重连、断连,执行的频率均为各自检测周期的 1/3。定时发送心跳的任务负责在连接空闲时,
            // 向对端发送心跳包。定时重连、断连的任务负责检测 lastRead 是否在超时周期内仍未被更新,
            // 如果判定为超时,客户端处理的逻辑是重连,服务端则采取断连的措施。
            long heartbeatTick = calculateLeastDuration(heartbeat);
            // 发送心跳的定时任务
            this.heartBeatTimerTask = new HeartbeatTimerTask(cp, heartbeatTick, heartbeat);
            IDLE_CHECK_TIMER.newTimeout(heartBeatTimerTask, heartbeatTick, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    private void startReconnectTask(URL url) {
        if (shouldReconnect(url)) {
            AbstractTimerTask.ChannelProvider cp = () -> Collections.singletonList(HeaderExchangeClient.this);
            // idleTimeout应该至少是heartBeat的两倍以上,因为客户端可能会重试。
            int idleTimeout = getIdleTimeout(url);
            long heartbeatTimeoutTick = calculateLeastDuration(idleTimeout);
            this.reconnectTimerTask = new ReconnectTimerTask(cp, heartbeatTimeoutTick, idleTimeout);
            IDLE_CHECK_TIMER.newTimeout(reconnectTimerTask, heartbeatTimeoutTick, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
  • 服务端的逻辑和客户端差不多,所以就不做详细介绍了。

Dubbo 对于建立的每一个连接,同时在客户端和服务端开启了 2 个定时器,一个用于定时发送心跳,一个用于定时重连、断连,执行的频率均为各自检测周期的 1/3。定时发送心跳的任务负责在连接空闲时,向对端发送心跳包。定时重连、断连的任务负责检测 lastRead 是否在超时周期内仍未被更新,如果判定为超时,客户端处理的逻辑是重连,服务端则采取断连的措施。