iOS Swift 学习 map/flatMap/compactMap 小记

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抽空看了一下这几个操作符,我们先来看一下权威的 Apple 文档怎么写的:

1. map

    /// Returns an array containing the results of mapping the given closure
    /// over the sequence's elements.
    /// In this example, `map` is used first to convert the names in the array
    /// to lowercase strings and then to count their characters.
    ///     let cast = ["Vivien", "Marlon", "Kim", "Karl"]
    ///     let lowercaseNames = { $0.lowercased() }
    ///     // 'lowercaseNames' == ["vivien", "marlon", "kim", "karl"]
    ///     let letterCounts = { $0.count }
    ///     // 'letterCounts' == [6, 6, 3, 4]
    /// - Parameter transform: A mapping closure. `transform` accepts an
    ///   element of this sequence as its parameter and returns a transformed
    ///   value of the same or of a different type.
    /// - Returns: An array containing the transformed elements of this
    ///   sequence.
    @inlinable public func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]

先看例子,cast为一个字符串数组,通过map操作后,$0.lowercased()为转为小写字母,lowercaseNamescast的全部小写数组。 我们再看最后一行,首先map操作规定的类型是个范型<T>,block 里返回T类型的元素,是确定值,非可选值,map操作后结果为[T]。可以理解为map操作把原数据转为新的类型。

2. flatMap

    /// Returns an array containing the concatenated results of calling the
    /// given transformation with each element of this sequence.
    /// Use this method to receive a single-level collection when your
    /// transformation produces a sequence or collection for each element.
    /// In this example, note the difference in the result of using `map` and
    /// `flatMap` with a transformation that returns an array.
    ///     let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    ///     let mapped = { Array(repeating: $0, count: $0) }
    ///     // [[1], [2, 2], [3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4, 4]]
    ///     let flatMapped = numbers.flatMap { Array(repeating: $0, count: $0) }
    ///     // [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4]
    /// In fact, `s.flatMap(transform)`  is equivalent to
    /// `Array(`.
    /// - Parameter transform: A closure that accepts an element of this
    ///   sequence as its argument and returns a sequence or collection.
    /// - Returns: The resulting flattened array.
    /// - Complexity: O(*m* + *n*), where *n* is the length of this sequence
    ///   and *m* is the length of the result.
    @inlinable public func flatMap<SegmentOfResult>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Element] where SegmentOfResult : Sequence

例子中,可以看到flatMap操作,把数据都 压扁 了,也就是 降维。我们看一下最后一行,先需要满足的是SegmentOfResult : Sequence,就是说SegmentOfResult满足Sequence协议。同样,block 里返回SegmentOfResult元素,是确定值,非可选值,输出结果是由SegmentOfResult的子元素SegmentOfResult.Element构成的数组。


    @available(swift, deprecated: 4.1, renamed: "compactMap(_:)", message: "Please use compactMap(_:) for the case where closure returns an optional value")
    public func flatMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]

这个方法,在 block 中返回了一个可选值的ElementOfResult,也就是说返回值可以为nil。但是这个方法被废弃了,提示我们使用compactMap(_:)

3. compactMap

    /// Returns an array containing the non-`nil` results of calling the given
    /// transformation with each element of this sequence.
    /// Use this method to receive an array of non-optional values when your
    /// transformation produces an optional value.
    /// In this example, note the difference in the result of using `map` and
    /// `compactMap` with a transformation that returns an optional `Int` value.
    ///     let possibleNumbers = ["1", "2", "three", "///4///", "5"]
    ///     let mapped: [Int?] = { str in Int(str) }
    ///     // [1, 2, nil, nil, 5]
    ///     let compactMapped: [Int] = possibleNumbers.compactMap { str in Int(str) }
    ///     // [1, 2, 5]
    /// - Parameter transform: A closure that accepts an element of this
    ///   sequence as its argument and returns an optional value.
    /// - Returns: An array of the non-`nil` results of calling `transform`
    ///   with each element of the sequence.
    /// - Complexity: O(*m* + *n*), where *n* is the length of this sequence
    ///   and *m* is the length of the result.
    @inlinable public func compactMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]


再来看一下 RxSwift 中的对应操作符:

1. map

     Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new form.

     - seealso: [map operator on](

     - parameter transform: A transform function to apply to each source element.
     - returns: An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the transform function on each element of source.

    public func map<Result>(_ transform: @escaping (Element) throws -> Result)
        -> Observable<Result> {
        return Map(source: self.asObservable(), transform: transform)

2. flatMap

     Projects each element of an observable sequence to an observable sequence and merges the resulting observable sequences into one observable sequence.

     - seealso: [flatMap operator on](

     - parameter selector: A transform function to apply to each element.
     - returns: An observable sequence whose elements are the result of invoking the one-to-many transform function on each element of the input sequence.
    public func flatMap<Source: ObservableConvertibleType>(_ selector: @escaping (Element) throws -> Source)
        -> Observable<Source.Element> {
            return FlatMap(source: self.asObservable(), selector: selector)

3. compactMap

     Projects each element of an observable sequence into an optional form and filters all optional results.

     Equivalent to:

     func compactMap<Result>(_ transform: @escaping (Self.E) throws -> Result?) -> RxSwift.Observable<Result> {
        return { try? transform($0) }.filter { $0 != nil }.map { $0! }

     - parameter transform: A transform function to apply to each source element and which returns an element or nil.
     - returns: An observable sequence whose elements are the result of filtering the transform function for each element of the source.

    public func compactMap<Result>(_ transform: @escaping (Element) throws -> Result?)
        -> Observable<Result> {
            return CompactMap(source: self.asObservable(), transform: transform)

比较一下,原生操作符 block 中返回ElementOfResult,而输出[ElementOfResult];不同的是,RxSwift 这几个操作符 block 中返回Result的值,但会输出一个Observable<Result>

不得不说,Swift 的文档写的真的很棒,有注释也有代码例子。

同样,合理的选择正确的操作符会让你的代码看起来 帅到爆 !!!