
262 阅读4分钟


  1. NSPersistentStore

Core Data provides four store types—SQLite, Binary, XML, and In-Memory (the XML store is not available on iOS); these are described in Persistent Store Features. Core Data also provides subclasses of NSPersistentStore that you can use to define your own store types: NSAtomicStore and NSIncrementalStore. The Binary and XML stores are examples of atomic stores that inherit functionality from NSAtomicStore.

  1. AVAssetExportSession


  1. UINavigationBarAppearance

An object for customizing the appearance of a navigation bar.


  1. OptionSet


struct Sports: OptionSet {
    let rawValue: Int

    static let running = Sports(rawValue: 1)
    static let cycling = Sports(rawValue: 2)
    static let swimming = Sports(rawValue: 4)
    static let fencing = Sports(rawValue: 8)
    static let shooting = Sports(rawValue: 32)
    static let horseJumping = Sports(rawValue: 512)


let triathlon: Sports = [.swimming, .cycling, .running]
triathlon.contains(.swimming)  // → true
triathlon.contains(.fencing)   // → false

遵从 OptionSet 并不意味着遵从 Sequence 和 Collection 协议,所以你无法使用 count 来确定集合中有几个元素,也无法使用 for 循环来遍历选择的选项。从根本上说,一个选项集合仅仅是简单的整数值。

  1. UITraitEnvironment

A set of methods that makes the iOS interface environment available to your app.


  1. UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate

A set of methods that vend objects used to manage a fixed-length or interactive transition between view controllers.


  1. CustomStringConvertible

在调试的时候总会发现在输出自定义的类与结构体时,会打印很多不想输出的变量,这就有了 CustomStringConvertible,CustomDebugStringConvertible 这两个协议的用处。

struct Person:CustomStringConvertible,CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    var age: Int
    var name: String
    var job: String
    var description: String {
        return "\(age) \(name) \(job)"
    var debugDescription: String {
        return "\(name) \(age) \(job)"

let meetings = Person(age: 24, name: "haha", job: "iOSDeveloper")
 *  "24 haha iOSDeveloper\n"
 *  "haha 24 iOSDeveloper\n"
  1. Equatable

可以使用等于运算符(==)比较符合Equatable协议的类型是否相等,或者使用等于运算符(!=)比较不相等的类型。 Swift标准库中的大多数基本类型都符合Equatable。

extension StreetAddress: Equatable {
    static func == (lhs: StreetAddress, rhs: StreetAddress) -> Bool {
            lhs.number == rhs.number &&
            lhs.street == rhs.street &&
            lhs.unit == rhs.unit


  1. childForStatusBarStyle

Called when the system needs the view controller to use for determining status bar style.

  1. modalPresentationCapturesStatusBarAppearance


当你present一个VC的时候,被present的VC的 preferredStatusBarStyle 不会工作(尽管它会是 visibleViewController )。你必须在present前设置:

vc.modalPresentationCapturesStatusBarAppearance = true
  1. setAutocorrectionType

The autocorrection style for the text object.

  1. barTintColor

The tint color to apply to the navigation bar background.

  1. isTranslucent

如果设置为 true,那么导航栏会是半透明的,view 的 y 值也会从 0 开始而不思从 navigation bar 的底部开始


  1. configureWithTransparentBackground()

Configures the bar appearance object with a transparent background and no shadow.


  1. @inline(__always)

在编程中,函数内联 是一种编译器优化技术,它通过使用方法的内容替换直接调用该方法,就相当于假装该方法并不存在一样,这种做法在很大程度上优化了性能。

  1. @dynamicMemberLookup

这个特性中文可以叫动态查找成员。在使用 @dynamicMemberLookup 标记了对象后(对象、结构体、枚举、protocol),实现了 subscript(dynamicMember member: String) 方法后我们就可以访问到对象不存在的属性。如果访问到的属性不存在,就会调用到实现的 subscript(dynamicMember member: String) 方法,key 作为 member 传入这个方法。


Swift 中的选项集合


UITraitEnvironment Protocol

WWDC 2014 Session笔记 - iOS界面开发的大一统

WWDC 2013 Session笔记 - iOS7中的ViewController切换


为 Swift 的协议实现 Equatable

让preferredStatusBarStyle真的工作(iOS 10以后)


Color Assets (.xcassets) in Xcode.

iOS 导航栏对控制器view的影响

Swift 里的强制 @inline 注解

细说 Swift 4.2 新特性:Dynamic Member Lookup