Caret: Markdown 编辑器 (Mac/Linux/Windows)

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We built the editor from scratch to make sure that we'll always have the flexibility to implement the features that we want at the high quality that we aim for. Here are some of the features that we've implemented so far:

  • Assistance

    Helps with tables, lists, html, fences, links, emphasis, etc.

  • Auto-Completion

    Auto-completes file paths, emoji, code, html, etc.

  • Context Actions

    alt Enter to fix spelling, check tasks, visit links, etc.

  • Multiple Cursors

    Make ten edits at the same time, not one edit ten times.

  • Extend Selection

    alt to extend selection to the parent - alt to shrink it

  • Inline Renders

    Renders LaTeX math expressions inline, inside the editor.


The sidebar helps you work with files and headings. It lets you filter / preview / move / rename / delete files, open files in tabs, quickly switch from one file to the next, view the headings in the current file and a lot more.

Go To

The "Go To" tools in Caret allow you to quickly jump to a file, folder, heading or command with the minimum amount of keystrokes.


Modes let you adapt the app to your workflow. Work at night? Turn night mode on. Need to focus on the current block? Enable focus mode. Want to see what other people would see - enable preview.


Since the first release of Caret in late 2015, people from all over the world and all kinds of backgrounds have said very kinds words about it.

Borek Bernard

VersionPress founder, Developer

If you write a lot of Markdown, seriously try @careteditor. It's amazing.

Yannick McCabe-Costa

Network Security Consultant

Absolutely gorgeous, slick and minimal Markdown editor @careteditor.

Spencer Hamm

Designer and Developer

A few minutes with Caret and it’s my favorite Markdown editor.

Pedro Lobo

Freelance Writer

Slowly but surely, Caret is becoming my #1 choice for anything Markdown.

Bruno Skvorc

Editor at SitePoint, Writer

Long time super-heavy user of Caret here. I couldn't be happier with it.

Belle B. Cooper

Co-Founder of Hello Code, Writer

I ♥ that Caret gives me powerful features to get my work done w/o distractions.


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