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原文标题:The Shy Person’s Guide to Winning Friends and Influencing People 作者:Michael Thompson



难度:2 (5分制,5分为最难)


The Shy Person's Guide to Winning Friends and Influencing People

Act more confident. Push past your comfort zone. Stand like an alpha.

I grew up a shy introvert with a severe speech impediment, bombarded by such suggestions. Honestly, I’ve tried them all. I’ve also come to the conclusion that it’s a lot easier, and more effective, to be kind than to try to always act confident.

更自信地去行动。超越你的舒适区。像一个领袖一样。 我从小是一个有严重语言障碍的害羞的内向性格的人,无数次被这类建议轰炸。老实说,这些我都试过。最后我的结论是,比起假装自信,更简单和更有效的方法是做一个善良的人。

Over the past 18 years, I’ve worked in various “extrovert” sectors, such as sales and communication, and I’ve managed to consistently excel. I didn’t try to compete with the extroverts. I let them win at their game. Instead, I decided to invent my own — and went all-in on being as thoughtful as possible.


You may find some of the following suggestions basic, but that’s the point. If I’ve learned anything on my journey from being a shy, stuttering kid to a communication and relationship coach, it’s that doing the basics well leads to a job well done.


Show that you see the people around you


In his book “If I Could Tell You Just One Thing,” entrepreneur Richard Reed asked Bill Clinton what most contributed to his success.

“I’ve come to believe that one of the most important things is to see people,” Clinton said. “The person who opens the door for you, the person who pours your coffee. Acknowledge them. Show them respect. The traditional greeting of the Zulu people of South Africa is ‘Sawubona’. It means ‘I see you.’ I try and do that.”

在他的书“如果我只能告诉你一件事”中,企业家Richard Reed问比尔克林顿什么对他的成功贡献最大。 “我逐渐相信最重要的事情之一就是看到其他人”,克林顿说,“给你开门的人,给你倒咖啡的人。感谢他们,展现你对他们的尊重。南非的Zulu人的传统问候方式叫做Sawubona,意思是我看到你了。我也尝试这么做。”

Yes, Bill Clinton is one of the most recognizable people in the world and has a reputation for being charming and charismatic. But there’s no reason you can’t follow his lead and commit to acknowledging each person you come into contact with today.


Heads down and phones out — most of us are oblivious to the world around us, including our fellow human beings. That’s why smiling, holding doors, and saying hello to strangers are such powerful gestures. Acknowledging people makes you stand out without having to show off — and, when done consistently, it will build your likability faster than you’d imagine.


Ace your second impression


Every Tom, Dick, and Sally loves to say, “You only get one chance to make a first impression.”

Sure. But a lot has changed since that cliché came into common parlance. For one thing, the opportunity to continue our conversations is now literally a click away.


Countless times, I’ve met someone in passing who I didn’t click with right away, only to hear from them days or weeks later with a kind gesture of some sort. Sometimes they’ll reach out with a networking opportunity, other times maybe a book or artist recommendation based on our conversation.

These interactions have taught me a valuable lesson: It’s hard to dislike someone thoughtful enough to take time out of their day to make an effort.

无数次,我碰见过某个并不是立刻产生好感的人,但在几天或几周后却收到他们某种问候。有时候是他们希望联系的机会,其他时候也许是基于我们的对话向我推荐某本书或者某位艺术家。 这些互动教了我珍贵的一课:你很难不喜欢一个用他们自己的时间来做出一份努力的人。

Some people make easy initial connections with others. If you don’t, and need a little more time to show yourself, take it. If you meet someone you want to connect with, use that time to think about how you can help them or make their life brighter, even in a small way. Keep a tally of what’s happening in other people’s lives


If you’re an introvert, you probably pride yourself on your observation and listening skills. Don’t stop prioritizing these skills. Many fail to really listen to and notice those around them, so an observant person who actually listens is rare and valued.


There’s an easy way to super-charge this quality: Take notes after important conversations, making sure to jot down any details that are clearly important to the other person.

This is immensely valuable. Because so few people take the time to do it, you can really set yourself apart. How would you feel if tomorrow you opened up your phone and a message was waiting from someone you just met wishing you well on your upcoming presentation? Or how about sending a personalized get-well-soon message for an elderly neighbor who’s in the hospital?

有一个办法可以更好地利用这一优势:在重要的对话后记下笔记,确保记下了所有对他人重要的细节。 这很有价值。因为极少人会花时间这么做,你可以很快和别人去分开。如果你明天打开手机看到一个刚碰到的人祝你明天演讲顺利,你会怎么想?或者是为住院的老邻居发一个“早日康复”的祝福?

Compliment people’s growth


My Spanish was terrible when I first moved to Spain. A year or so after I settled in here, I ran into one of my first Spanish teachers and he exclaimed delightedly about how much I had improved.

I liked the guy to start. But after this? I loved him.

我刚到西班牙的时候我的西班牙语糟糕透了。一年之后,我偶尔碰到了我的最早的一个西班牙语老师,他非常高兴地告诉我我的西班牙语提高了好多。 我一开始只是喜欢这个人。这件事以后?我简直爱他。

As much as we hear that people don’t change, they do. Not everyone takes the time to notice and acknowledge the ways in which people grow and improve. This doesn’t have to be complicated. If your friend gets a haircut, compliment him. If someone you know is close to reaching a milestone, set yourself a reminder to be the first to congratulate them when they hit it.


Again, none of this advice is particularly complicated: Smile, hold doors, and thank people for what they do and who they are. Master following-up thoughtfully and take an interest in what’s happening in the lives of the people around you, noticing how they grow and change. Listen, watch, notice — and praise. These are all small actions, but they can help you feel good about yourself and have stronger relationships with others.


Unless I wake up tomorrow looking like Brad Pitt, most heads won’t turn when I walk into a room. I’ll never be the life of the party. But that’s OK. It’s not my style.

Instead, I play the long game. And I let the compounding beauty of kindness do the work for me.

除非我明早起来变得像布拉德皮特,否则大部分人不会在我走进一个房间的时候注意到我。我也不会成为聚会的中心。但这没什么问题。这本来也不是我的风格。 相反的,我玩的是一个更长期的游戏。我会让善良带来的复利效应为我服务。

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