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1.channel - monitor goroutine var deposits = make(chan int) // send amount to deposit var balances = make(chan int) // receive balance

func Deposit(amount int) { deposits <- amount } func Balance() int { return <-balances }

func teller() { var balance int // balance is confined to teller goroutine for { select { case amount := <-deposits: balance += amount case balances <- balance: } } } func init() { go teller() // start the monitor goroutine } 2.channel - serial confinement type Cake struct{ state string }

func baker(cooked chan<- *Cake) { for { cake := new(Cake) cake.state = "cooked" cooked <- cake // baker never touches this cake again } }

func icer(iced chan<- *Cake, cooked <-chan *Cake) { for cake := range cooked { cake.state = "iced" iced <- cake // icer never touches this cake again } } 3.mutual exclusion import "sync"

var mu sync.Mutex // guards balance var balance int

func Deposit(amount int) { mu.Lock() balance = balance + amount mu.Unlock() }

func Balance() int { mu.Lock() defer mu.Unlock() return balance } 4.mutual exclusion - RWMutex import "sync"

var mu sync.RWMutex // guards balance var balance int

func Deposit(amount int) { mu.Lock() balance = balance + amount mu.Unlock() }

func Balance() int { mu.RLock() //readers lock defer mu.RUnlock() return balance } RLock允许读取并行,写入和读取完全互斥,多次读取,一次写入 5.Lazy Initialization - sync.Once var loadIconsOnce sync.Once var icons map[string]image.Image // Concurrency-safe. func Icon(name string) image.Image { loadIconsOnce.Do(loadIcons) return icons[name]
