安装Rust的方式有很多种,最简单的方式是使用官方提供的rustup工具安装。如果是Linux或者Mac直接执行curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
即可,如果是windows,需要安装Visual C++ Build Tools 2013 或者高于2013的版本。 使用rustup工具可以很容易的在stable,beta,nightly版本中间进行切换,同时可以方便的升级rust。rustup会安装rustc,cargo,rsutup和其他的基本工具到Cargo的bin目录下,如果使用Linux或者Mac,需要将$HOME/.cargo/bin
加入到PATH中,如果使用window,则需要将%USERPROFILE%.cargo\bin添加的path中。以后使用cargo install 安装工具的时候也会默认安装在这个目录。更多信息可以参考rustup项目。 安装成功之后可以通过rustc --version
或者rustc -v
Hello World
fn main(){
println!("Hello world!");
表示一个宏,会对输入进行检查,检查无误会输出到控制台。rust程序以 .rs 结尾,将上述代码保存到file.rs 文件中,然后使用 rustc file.rs
的可执行文件,直接执行文件就可以看到控制台输出Hello world!
fn main() {
println!("{}, {}!", "Hello", "world"); // Hello, world!
println!("{0}, {1}!", "Hello", "world"); // Hello, world!
println!("{greeting}, {name}!", greeting="Hello", name="world"); // Hello, world!
println!("{:?}", [1,2,3]); // [1, 2, 3]
println!("{:#?}", [1,2,3]);
// format! macro is used to store the formatted STRING
let x = format!("{}, {}!", "Hello", "world");
println!("{}", x); // Hello, world!
let y = String::from("Hello, ") + "world!";
println!("{}", y); // Hello, world!
Cargo, Crates ,Rust项目结构
- 创建项目 cargo new
- 更新项目依赖 cargo update
- 编译项目 cargo build
- 编译运行项目 cargo run
- 运行测试 cargo test
- 生成文档 cargo doc 其他的功能: - cargo login 登录crates.io - cargo package 创建本地包 - cargo publish 将本地包上传到crates.io中 crate既可以是一个可执行文件,也可以是一个库,换句话说就是可以是一个二进制的crate,也可以是一个库crate。 cargo new crate_name --bin 创建一个可执行的 craete,文件目录如下。
cargo new crate_name --lib 或者直接使用cargo new crate_name 创建一个库。文件目录如下:├── Cargo.toml └── src └── main.rs
├── Cargo.toml └── src └── lib.rs
文件夹是存放rust源码的目录 每个crate都有一个默认的入口文件,main.rs 是可执行crate的入口文件,lib.rs是库crate的入口文件。 使用cargo build 默认生成的是debug版本,保存target/debug/
目录下,如果要生成release版本,则需要使用cargo build --release
,会在target目录下生成release目录。 一个典型的cargo项目如下:
├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── benches
│ └── large-input.rs
├── examples
│ └── simple.rs
├── src
│ ├── bin
│ │ └── another_executable.rs
│ ├── lib.rs
│ └── main.rs
└── tests
└── some-integration-tests.rs
源文件保存在src文件夹下。 默认的库文件是src/lib.rs。 默认的可执行文件入口是src/main.rs。 其他可执行文件可以放在src/bin/*.rs 中。 测试文件可以放在tests文件夹下。 示例文件可以放在examples 文件夹下。 性能测试文件可以放在 benches文件夹下。
// Line comments
/* Block comments */
文档注释支持Markdown格式,通过cargo doc 命令可以从文档注释中生成HTML文档。
/// This module contains tests
mod test {
// ...
mod test {
//! This module contains tests
// ...
在rust中,变量默认是不可变的,所以在rust中将变量赋值叫做变量绑定。如果变量需要被改变,可以使用mut 关键字使其可变。 rust是静态类型语言,在编译期间检查类型是否正确。但是在声明变量绑定的时候并不需要显示声明其类型,rust编译器可以通过上下文推断出变量的类型,但是对于常量和静态变量,则必须声明其类型。
let a = true;
let b: bool = true;
let (x, y) = (1,2)
let mut z = 5;
z = 6;
const N:i32 = 5;
static N:i32 = 5;
函数通过 fn 定义,函数默认返回() 如果需要返回其他类型可以使用 -> 指定返回类型
fn main() {
println!("hello world!");
fn print_sum(a: i8, b: i8) {
println!("sum is {}", a + b);
fn plus_one(a :i32) -> i32{
a + 1 // 不加分号,等同于 return a + 1
fn plus_two(a :i32) -> i32 {
return a + 2;
let b = plus_one;
let c = b(5)
let b :fn(i32) -> i32 = plus_one; // 会覆盖之前定义的b
let c = b(5);
let b = plue_one;
fn plus_two(b: fn(i32) -> i32, x: i32) -> i32 {
println!("{}", plus_two(b, 2)); //4
let x = true;
let y: bool = false;
let x = 'x';
let y = '😎';
i8,i16,i32,i64,分别表示8位,16位,32位,64位有符号整数 u8,u16,u32,u64,分别表示8位,16位,32位,64位无符号整数,其中u8相当于其他语言的byte f32,f64,分别表示32位,64位的浮点数 isize,usize表示的是指针大小,其位数与具体平台相关。
let a = [1, 2, 3]; // a[0] = 1, a[1] = 2, a[2] = 3
let mut b = [1, 2, 3];
let c: [int; 3] = [1, 2, 3]; //[Type; NO of elements]
let d: ["my value"; 3]; //["my value", "my value", "my value"];
let e: [i32; 0] = []; //empty array
println!("{:?}", a); //[1, 2, 3]
println!("{:#?}", a);
// [
// 1,
// 2,
// 3
// ]
let a = (1, 1.5, true, 'a', "Hello, world!");
// a.0 = 1, a.1 = 1.5, a.2 = true, a.3 = 'a', a.4 = "Hello, world!"
let b: (i32, f64) = (1, 1.5);
let (c, d) = b; // c = 1, d = 1.5
let (e, _, _, _, f) = a; //e = 1, f = "Hello, world!", _ indicates not interested of that item
let g = (0,); //single-element tuple
let h = (b, (2, 4), 5); //((1, 1.5), (2, 4), 5)
println!("{:?}", a); //(1, 1.5, true, 'a', "Hello, world!")
println!("{:#?}", a);
// (
// 1,
// 1.5,
// true,
// 'a',
// "Hello, world!"
// )
let a: [i32; 4] = [1, 2, 3, 4];//Parent Array
let b: &[i32] = &a; //Slicing whole array
let c = &a[0..4]; // From 0th position to 4th(excluding)
let d = &a[..]; //Slicing whole array
let e = &a[1..3]; //[2, 3]
let e = &a[1..]; //[2, 3, 4]
let e = &a[..3]; //[1, 2, 3]
字符串 str
str是一个UTF-8 编码的字符串切片
let a = "Hello, world."; //a: &'static str
let b: &str = "こんにちは, 世界!";
fn plus_one(a: i32) -> i32 {
a + 1
let b = plus_one;
let c = b(5); //6
let b: fn(i32) -> i32 = plus_one; //same, with type inference
let c = b(5); //6
let b = plus_one;
fn plus_two(b: fn(i32) -> i32, x: i32) -> i32 {
println!("{}", plus_two(b, 2)); //4
算数操作符 + - * / %
let a = 5;
let b = a + 1; //6
let c = a - 1; //4
let d = a * 2; //10
let e = a / 2; // 2 not 2.5
let f = a % 2; //1
let g = 5.0 / 2.0; //2.5
比较操作符 == != < > <= >=
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let c = a == b; //false
let d = a != b; //true
let e = a < b; //true
let f = a > b; //false
let g = a <= a; //true
let h = a >= a; //true
let i = true > false; //true
let j = 'a' > 'A'; //true
逻辑操作符:! && ||
let a = true;
let b = false;
let c = !a; //false
let d = a && b; //false
let e = a || b; //true
let a = !-2; //1
let b = !-1; //0
let c = !0; //-1
let d = !1; //-2
位操作符 & | ^ << >>
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let c = a & b; //0 (01 && 10 -> 00)
let d = a | b; //3 (01 || 10 -> 11)
let e = a ^ b; //3 (01 != 10 -> 11)
let f = a << b; //4 (add 2 positions to the end -> '01'+'00' -> 100)
let g = a >> a; //0 (remove 2 positions from the end -> o̶1̶ -> 0)
let mut a = 2;
a += 5; //2 + 5 = 7
a -= 2; //7 - 2 = 5
a *= 5; //5 * 5 = 25
a /= 2; //25 / 2 = 12 not 12.5
a %= 5; //12 % 5 = 2
a &= 2; //10 && 10 -> 10 -> 2
a |= 5; //010 || 101 -> 111 -> 7
a ^= 2; //111 != 010 -> 101 -> 5
a <<= 1; //'101'+'0' -> 1010 -> 10
a >>= 2; //101̶0̶ -> 10 -> 2
注意 rust中没有++ -- 操作符,如果要++或者-- 可以使用 a+=1 a-=1 代替。
类型转换 as
let a = 15;
let b = (a as f64) / 2.0; //7.5
if else
let team_size = 7;
if team_size < 5 {
} else if team_size < 10 {
} else {
// partially refactored code
let team_size = 7;
let team_size_in_text;
if team_size < 5 {
team_size_in_text = "Small";
} else if team_size < 10 {
team_size_in_text = "Medium";
} else {
team_size_in_text = "Large";
println!("Current team size : {}", team_size_in_text);
//optimistic code
let team_size = 7;
let team_size_in_text = if team_size < 5 {
"Small" //no ;
} else if team_size < 10 {
} else {
println!("Current team size : {}", team_size_in_text);
let is_below_eighteen = if team_size < 18 { true } else { false };
let tshirt_width = 20;
let tshirt_size = match tshirt_width {
16 => "S", // check 16
17 | 18 => "M", // check 17 and 18
19 ... 21 => "L", // check from 19 to 21 (19,20,21)
22 => "XL",
_ => "Not Available",
println!("{}", tshirt_size); // L
let is_allowed = false;
let list_type = match is_allowed {
true => "Full",
false => "Restricted"
println!("{}", list_type); // Restricted
let marks_paper_a: u8 = 25;
let marks_paper_b: u8 = 30;
let output = match (marks_paper_a, marks_paper_b) {
(50, 50) => "Full marks for both papers",
(50, _) => "Full marks for paper A",
(_, 50) => "Full marks for paper B",
(x, y) if x > 25 && y > 25 => "Good",
(_, _) => "Work hard"
println!("{}", output); // Work hard
let mut a = 1;
while a <= 10 {
println!("Current value : {}", a);
a += 1; //no ++ or -- in Rust
// Usage of break and continue
let mut b = 0;
while b < 5 {
if b == 0 {
println!("Skip value : {}", b);
b += 1;
} else if b == 2 {
println!("Break At : {}", b);
println!("Current value : {}", b);
b += 1;
// Outer break
let mut c1 = 1;
'outer_while: while c1 < 6 { //set label outer_while
let mut c2 = 1;
'inner_while: while c2 < 6 {
println!("Current Value : [{}][{}]", c1, c2);
if c1 == 2 && c2 == 2 { break 'outer_while; } //kill outer_while
c2 += 1;
c1 += 1;
loop {
println!("Loop forever!");
// Usage of break and continue
let mut a = 0;
loop {
if a == 0 {
println!("Skip Value : {}", a);
a += 1;
} else if a == 2 {
println!("Break At : {}", a);
println!("Current Value : {}", a);
a += 1;
// Outer break
let mut b1 = 1;
'outer_loop: loop { //set label outer_loop
let mut b2 = 1;
'inner_loop: loop {
println!("Current Value : [{}][{}]", b1, b2);
if b1 == 2 && b2 == 2 {
break 'outer_loop; // kill outer_loop
} else if b2 == 5 {
b2 += 1;
b1 += 1;
loop 是一个无限循环,和while true的区别就在与编译分析。
for a in 0..10 { //(a = 0; a <10; a++) // 0 to 10(exclusive)
println!("Current value : {}", a);
// Usage of break and continue
for b in 0..6 {
if b == 0 {
println!("Skip Value : {}", b);
} else if b == 2 {
println!("Break At : {}", b);
println!("Current value : {}", b);
// Outer break
'outer_for: for c1 in 1..6 { //set label outer_for
'inner_for: for c2 in 1..6 {
println!("Current Value : [{}][{}]", c1, c2);
if c1 == 2 && c2 == 2 { break 'outer_for; } //kill outer_for
// Working with arrays/vectors
let group : [&str; 4] = ["Mark", "Larry", "Bill", "Steve"];
for n in 0..group.len() { //group.len() = 4 -> 0..4 check group.len()on each iteration
println!("Current Person : {}", group[n]);
for person in group.iter() { // group.iter() turn the array into a simple iterator
println!("Current Person : {}", person);