
2,552 阅读8分钟


1. 从简单的例子说起


// case 1
const state = {
  name: 'wq',
  age: 18
const nextState = {
  name: 'wq',
  age: 20

// case 2
const state = {
  name: 'wq',
  detail: {
    age: 18,
    sex: 'male'
const nextState = {
  name: 'wq',
  detail: {
    age: 20,
    sex: 'male'

// case 3
const state = {
  name: 'wq',
  detail: {
    age: 18,
    children: ['yezi', 'xiaosi']

const nextState = {
  name: 'wq',
  detail: {
    age: 18,
    children: ['yezi', 'xiaosi', 'xiaohei']


const nextState = {...state, age: 20}


const nextState = {...state, detail: {...state.detail, age: 20}}


const nextState = deepClone(state)


2. 数据的不可变性——immutable



import { fromJS } from 'immutable'

const nextState = fromJS(state)
	.updateIn(['detail', 'children'], list => list.push('xiaohei'))


import produce from 'immer'

const nextState = produce(state, draftState => {


3. Immer.js原理浅析


const state = {
  basic: {
    name: 'wq',
    age: '18'
  detail: {
    sex: 'female',
    address: '',
    children: ['yezi', 'xiaohua']

const nextState = {
  basic: {
    name: 'wq',
    age: '18'
  detail: {
    sex: 'female',
    address: '',
    children: ['yezi', 'xiaohua', 'xiaomo']


答案是**Object.definePropertyProxy**。对于前者,当对一个对象进行写操作时本质上会触发Object.defineProperty中的set函数,对于后者,Proxy 用于修改某些操作的默认行为,等同于在语言层面做出修改,可以理解成,在目标对象之前架设一层“拦截”,外界对该对象的访问,都必须先通过这层拦截,因此提供了一种机制,可以对外界的访问进行过滤和改写。更多的关于Proxy的知识可以查看阮一峰老师的ES6入门 。下面我们以Proxy为例详细分析下immer.js的基本实现原理:


// Maps baseState objects to proxies
const proxies = new Map()
// Maps baseState objects to their copies
const copies = new Map()

const objectTraps = {
  get (target, prop) {
    return getOrCreateProxy(target[prop])
  set (target, prop, val) {
    const current = getOrCreateProxy(target[prop])
    const newVal = getOrCreateProxy(val)
    if (current !== newVal) {
      const copy = getOrCreateCopy(target)
      copy[prop] = newVal
    return true
  deleteProperty (target, prop) {
    const copy = getOrCreateCopy(target)
    delete copy[prop]
    return true


const getOrCreateProxy = baseState => {
  if (typeof baseState === 'object' && baseState !== null || Array.isArray(baseState)) {
    if (proxies.has(baseState)) {
      return proxies.get(baseState)
    const proxy = new Proxy(baseState, objectTraps)
    proxies.set(baseState, proxy)
    return proxy
  } else {
    return baseState

const getOrCreateCopy = baseState => {
  if (copies.has(baseState)) {
    return copies.get(baseState)
  const copy = Array.isArray(baseState) ? baseState.slice() : {...baseState}
  copies.set(baseState, copy)
  return copy


const finalize = baseState => {
  if (typeof baseState === 'object' && baseState !== null || Array.isArray(baseState)) {
    if (!hasChanges(baseState)) {
      return baseState
    const copy = getOrCreateCopy(baseState)
    Object.keys(copy).forEach(prop => {
      copy[prop] = finalize(copy[prop])
    return copy
  } else {
    return baseState

const hasChanges = baseState => {
  if (!proxies.has(baseState)) {
    return false
  if (copies.has(baseState)) {
    return true
  return Object.values(baseState).some(value => {
    return typeof value === 'object' && value !== null
    	|| Array.isArray(baseState)
    	&& hasChanges(value)


function produce (baseState, thunk) {
  // Maps baseState objects to proxies
  const proxies = new Map()
  // Maps baseState objects to their copies
  const copies = new Map()

  const objectTraps = {
    get (target, prop) {
      return getOrCreateProxy(target[prop])
    set (target, prop, val) {
      const current = getOrCreateProxy(target[prop])
      const newVal = getOrCreateProxy(val)
      if (current !== newVal) {
        const copy = getOrCreateCopy(target)
        copy[prop] = newVal
      return true
    deleteProperty (target, prop) {
      const copy = getOrCreateCopy(target)
      delete copy[prop]
      return true
  const getOrCreateProxy = baseState => {
    if (typeof baseState === 'object' && baseState !== null || Array.isArray(baseState)) {
      if (proxies.has(baseState)) {
        return proxies.get(baseState)
      const proxy = new Proxy(baseState, objectTraps)
      proxies.set(baseState, proxy)
      return proxy
    } else {
      return baseState

  const getOrCreateCopy = baseState => {
    if (copies.has(baseState)) {
      return copies.get(baseState)
    const copy = Array.isArray(baseState) ? baseState.slice() : {...baseState}
    copies.set(baseState, copy)
    return copy
  const finalize = baseState => {
    if (typeof baseState === 'object' && baseState !== null || Array.isArray(baseState)) {
      if (!hasChanges(baseState)) {
        return baseState
      const copy = getOrCreateCopy(baseState)
      Object.keys(copy).forEach(prop => {
        copy[prop] = finalize(copy[prop])
      return copy
    } else {
      return baseState

  const hasChanges = baseState => {
    if (!proxies.has(baseState)) {
      return false
    if (copies.has(baseState)) {
      return true
    return Object.values(baseState).some(value => {
      return typeof value === 'object' && value !== null
        || Array.isArray(baseState)
        && hasChanges(value)
  // create proxy for root
  const rootProxy = getOrCreateProxy(baseState)
  // execute the thunk
  // and finalize the modified proxy
  return finalize(baseState)


const state = {
  basic: {
    name: 'wq',
    age: '18'
  detail: {
    sex: 'female',
    address: '',
    children: ['yezi', 'xiaohua']

const nextState = {
  basic: {
    name: 'wq',
    age: '18'
  detail: {
    sex: 'female',
    address: '',
    children: ['yezi', 'xiaohua', 'xiaomo']

const target = produce(state, draftState => {



const state = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2,
  list: [10, 20, 50],
  person: {
    basicInfo: {
      name: 'wq',
      age: 18
    detailInfo: {
      sex: 'female',
      chldren: [
          name: 'xiaosan'
          name: 'lisi'

const nextState = {
  b: 2,
  list: [10, 20, 50],
  person: {
    basicInfo: {
      name: 'wq',
      age: 18
    detailInfo: {
      sex: 'female',
      chldren: [
          name: 'xiaosan'
          name: '李四'
          name: '王五'
          name: '李六'


const target = produce(state, draftState => {
  delete draftState.a
  draftState.person.detailInfo.children[1].name = '李四'
    name: '王五'
    name: '李六'


很诡异的一幕出现了,我们对children数组Push了两次,结果只有第二次的生效了,并且还被Proxy包裹了一层。哪里出了问题??这个问题感兴趣的同学可以自己去推敲研究,正确完整的代码会在文末贴出,但如果同学们可以根据这份残缺的代码找出错误并修复,那么其实际意义肯定是远大于所谓的研读源码的。思路是没问题的,但其间确实犯了几个不小的错误,同学们,find out them and fix them!!!

const IMMER_PROXY = Symbol('immer-proxy')

const isPlainObject = value => {
  if (value === null || typeof value !== "object") {
    return false
  const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(value)
  return proto === Object.prototype || proto === null

const isProxy = value => !!value && !!value[IMMER_PROXY]

function produce (baseState, thunk) {
  // Maps baseState objects to proxies
  const proxies = new Map()
  // Maps baseState objects to their copies
  const copies = new Map()

  const objectTraps = {
    get (target, prop) {
      if (prop === IMMER_PROXY) {
        return target
      return getOrCreateProxy(getCurrentSource(target)[prop])
    set (target, prop, val) {
      const current = getOrCreateProxy(getCurrentSource(target)[prop])
      const newVal = getOrCreateProxy(val)
      if (current !== newVal) {
        const copy = getOrCreateCopy(target)
        copy[prop] = isProxy(newVal)
          ? newVal[IMMER_PROXY]
          : newVal
      return true
    deleteProperty (target, prop) {
      const copy = getOrCreateCopy(target)
      delete copy[prop]
      return true
  const getOrCreateProxy = baseState => {
    if (isPlainObject(baseState) || Array.isArray(baseState)) {
      // avoid double wrapping
      if (isProxy(baseState)) {
        return baseState

      if (proxies.has(baseState)) {
        return proxies.get(baseState)

      const proxy = new Proxy(baseState, objectTraps)
      proxies.set(baseState, proxy)
      return proxy
    } else {
      return baseState

  const getOrCreateCopy = baseState => {
    if (copies.has(baseState)) {
      return copies.get(baseState)
    const copy = Array.isArray(baseState) ? baseState.slice() : {...baseState}
    copies.set(baseState, copy)
    return copy

  const getCurrentSource = baseState => {
    return copies.get(baseState) || baseState
  const finalize = baseState => {
    if (isPlainObject(baseState) || Array.isArray(baseState)) {
      if (!hasChanges(baseState)) {
        return baseState
      const copy = getOrCreateCopy(baseState)
      Object.keys(copy).forEach(prop => {
        copy[prop] = finalize(copy[prop])
      return copy
    } else {
      return baseState

  const hasChanges = baseState => {
    if (!proxies.has(baseState)) {
      return false
    if (copies.has(baseState)) {
      return true
    return Object.values(baseState).some(value => {
      return isPlainObject(value)
        || Array.isArray(value)
        && hasChanges(value)
  // create proxy for root
  const rootProxy = getOrCreateProxy(baseState)
  // execute the thunk
  // and finalize the modified proxy
  return finalize(baseState)