public protocol Error {
extension Error {
extension Error where Self.RawValue : SignedInteger {
extension Error where Self.RawValue : UnsignedInteger {
A type representing an error value that can be thrown. Any type that declares conformance to the Error protocol can be used to represent an error in Swift’s error handling system. Because the Error protocol has no requirements of its own, you can declare conformance on any custom type you create.
struct XMLParsingError: Error {
enum ErrorKind {
case invalidCharacter
case mismatchedTag
case internalError
let line: Int
let column: Int
let kind: ErrorKind
func parse(_ source: String) throws -> XMLDoc {
// ...
throw XMLParsingError(line: 19, column: 5, kind: .mismatchedTag)
// ...
例子中创建了一个遵守Error协议的结构体 XMLParsingError,带有三个属性来记录解析XML文件时出错的错误类型和行列信息。这样在执行parse方法的时候,就可以捕获到可能的出现的错误信息
do {
let xmlDoc = try parse(myXMLData)
} catch let e as XMLParsingError {
print("Parsing error: \(e.kind) [\(e.line):\(e.column)]")
} catch {
print("Other error: \(error)")
// Prints "Parsing error: mismatchedTag [19:5]"
public enum AFError: Error {
encoding process.
public enum ParameterEncodingFailureReason {
case missingURL
case jsonEncodingFailed(error: Error)
case propertyListEncodingFailed(error: Error)
public enum MultipartEncodingFailureReason {
case bodyPartURLInvalid(url: URL)
case bodyPartFilenameInvalid(in: URL)
case bodyPartFileNotReachable(at: URL)
case bodyPartFileNotReachableWithError(atURL: URL, error: Error)
case bodyPartFileIsDirectory(at: URL)
case bodyPartFileSizeNotAvailable(at: URL)
case bodyPartFileSizeQueryFailedWithError(forURL: URL, error: Error)
case bodyPartInputStreamCreationFailed(for: URL)
case outputStreamCreationFailed(for: URL)
case outputStreamFileAlreadyExists(at: URL)
case outputStreamURLInvalid(url: URL)
case outputStreamWriteFailed(error: Error)
case inputStreamReadFailed(error: Error)
public enum ResponseValidationFailureReason {
case dataFileNil
case dataFileReadFailed(at: URL)
case missingContentType(acceptableContentTypes: [String])
case unacceptableContentType(acceptableContentTypes: [String], responseContentType: String)
case unacceptableStatusCode(code: Int)
public enum ResponseSerializationFailureReason {
case inputDataNil
case inputDataNilOrZeroLength
case inputFileNil
case inputFileReadFailed(at: URL)
case stringSerializationFailed(encoding: String.Encoding)
case jsonSerializationFailed(error: Error)
case propertyListSerializationFailed(error: Error)
case invalidURL(url: URLConvertible)
case parameterEncodingFailed(reason: ParameterEncodingFailureReason)
case multipartEncodingFailed(reason: MultipartEncodingFailureReason)
case responseValidationFailed(reason: ResponseValidationFailureReason)
case responseSerializationFailed(reason: ResponseSerializationFailureReason)
// MARK: - Error Booleans
extension AFError {
/// Returns whether the AFError is an invalid URL error.
public var isInvalidURLError: Bool {
if case .invalidURL = self { return true }
return false
do {
let data = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: jsonObject, options: options)
if urlRequest.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type") == nil {
urlRequest.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
urlRequest.httpBody = data
} catch {
throw AFError.parameterEncodingFailed(reason: .jsonEncodingFailed(error: error))
其中就是对于JSON序列化时,通过 do { try } catch 的方式来捕获错误,如果捕获到,将抛出已经自定义好的 AFError.parameterEncodingFailed(reason: .jsonEncodingFailed(error: error)) 类型错误。
还有一个错误相关的是 fatalError, 苹果对其的描述:
Unconditionally prints a given message and stops execution.
/// - Parameters:
/// - message: The string to print. The default is an empty string.
/// - file: The file name to print with `message`. The default is the file
/// where `fatalError(_:file:line:)` is called.
/// - line: The line number to print along with `message`. The default is the
/// line number where `fatalError(_:file:line:)` is called.
public func fatalError(_ message: @autoclosure () -> String = default, file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) -> Never
这个我们估计最常见的地方就是在 init(coder: NSCoder) 中看到它,它的作用如苹果描述的,无条件的打印出给定的信息同时终止程序。按照喵神的描述,fatalError的存在意义是:
在调试时我们可以使用断言来排除类似这样的问题,但是断言只会在 Debug 环境中有效,而在 Release 编译中所有的断言都将被禁用。在遇到确实因为输入的错误无法使程序继续运行的时候,我们一般考虑以产生致命错误 fatalError 的方式来终止程序。
- 父类中的某些方法,不想让别人调用,可以在方法中加上fatalError,这样子类如果想到用必须重写
- 对于其他一切我们不希望别人随意调用,但是又不得不去实现的方法,我们都应该使用 fatalError 来避免任何可能的误会。
关于第二点就是我们常见到的在重写UIView init(frame:) 时,Xcode会提示需要显示重写 init(coder: NSCoder),并且给出默认实现的原因:
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
UIView遵守了协议 NSCoding,此协议要求实现 init(coder: NSCoder)
public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) // NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER
- 用错误码来表示是否出错十分不便,因为函数本身应该返回的正常结果和错误码混在一起,造成调用者必须用大量的代码来判断是否出错。
- 一旦出错,还要一级一级上报,直到某个函数可以处理该错误(比如,给用户输出一个错误信息)。