unvue: 基于 Vue 的同构渲染框架

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unopinionated, universal Vue.js app made simple


Server-side rendered Vue.js app should be made easy, since vue-router is well optimized for SSR, we built unvue on the top of it to make you build universal Vue.js app fast with fewer trade-offs, the only requirement is to export router instance in your entry file, which means you have full control of vue-router as well!

Check out all the features or Try writing server-rendered Vue.js app online!


yarn add unvue


Add npm scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "unvue build",
    "start": "unvue start",
    "dev": "unvue dev"

Then populate an src/index.js in current working directory and it should export at least router instance:

// your vue router instance
import router from './router'

export { router }

Run npm run dev to start development server.

To run in production server, run npm run build && npm start

Root component

By default we have a built-in root component, you can export a custom one as well:

// src/index.js
import App from './components/App.vue'

export { App }

The App component will be used in creating Vue instance:

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)


You don't have to use Vuex but you can, export Vuex instance store in src/index.js to enable it:

import store from './store'

export { store }


Every router-view component can have a preFetch property to pre-fetch data to fill Vuex store on the server side.

export default {
  preFetch({ store }) {
    return store.dispatch('asyncFetchData')

If the action you want to perfom in preFetch method is async, it should return a Promise.


Similar to preFetch but you can cache data across requests:

export default {
  // component name is required
  name: 'my-view',
  preFetchCache({ store, cache }) {
    return store.dispatch('fetchUser', { cache, user: 1 })

Then in your store, it can have such shape:

  actions: {
    fetchUser({ commit }, payload) {
      // use cache if possible
      if (payload.cache) return commit('SET_USER', cache)
      return fetch('/user/' + payload.user)
        .then(res => res.json())
        .then(user => {
          commit('SET_USER', user)
          // the resolved value would be `cache` in next request
          return user

Modify <head>

unvue uses vue-meta under the hood, so you can just set head property on Vue component to provide custom head tags:

export default {
  head: {
    title: 'HomePage'

Check out vue-meta for details, its usage is the same here except that we're using head instead of metaInfo as key name.


Create webpack config only.

const createConfig = require('unvue/lib/create-config')

const config = createConfig({
  type, // `server` or `client`
  // ...

const webpackConfig = config.toConfig()
// perform your own build process

The config is a webpack-chain config instance, which allows you to easily modify original webpack config.


If you're using CLI, the options (expect those marked as API only) can be kept at unvue.config.js .

You can also check out custom server example which is custom server that uses the API.


Return an unvue app instance:

const app = unvue(options)



Options for html-webpack-plugin, by default it is:

  title: 'UNVUE',
  template: 'built-in template'

Type: boolean
Default: false

API only

Run server in development mode which has hot-reloading enabled.


Type: string
Default: process.cwd()


Type: string
Default: src/index.js

The entry file that exports router instance (and others optional exports like store, App), relative to cwd directory.


Type: object
Default: { max: 1000, maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 15 }

Options for lru-cache store of preFetchCache option in your component.


Type: function

Extend webpack config generated by webpack-chain, for example to show progress bar while building client bundle in production mode:

const ProgressPlugin = require('webpack/lib/ProgressPlugin')

  extendWebpack(config, { type, dev }) {
    if (type === 'client' && !dev) {


Prepare server, returns a Promise

  .then(() => {
    // server is ready


Return a middleware for http.createServer instance:

  .then(() => {
    const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
      const handle = app.getRequestHandler()
      handle(req, res)

If you're running in production mode, make sure you have run app.build() first.


Build in production.


If you're using CLI, options for this method should be placed under generate property.


Type: Array
Required: true

Generate static files for an array of routes, query parameter is not support.

  routes: ['/', '/about', '/user/egoist', '/user/trump']
}).then(dir => {
  console.log(`Generated into ${dir}`)

Note: If route ends with / it will be generated into a folder, eg: route /about/ is generated to about/index.html while /about will be generated to /about.html


Type: string
Default: /

The root path to load static assets, if you're deploying the generated static files to subpath like http://example.com/blog, please set it to /blog/ or http://example.com/blog/



Each time app is ready , this event will be emitted.

app.on('ready', () => {

Since webpack will rebuild when you're running development server, this event will be emitted multiple times, to only listen for once, use app.once, basically app is created from a subclass of Node.js's events modules.


Webpack stats, it only exists when ready event is fired once.

app.on('ready', () => {
  // { server, client }
  // stats for server bundle and client bundle


Like unvue([options]) but returns a webpack-chain instance.

unvue.displayStats({ server, client })

Pretty print webpack stats, the argument should be app.stats or in { server, client } format.


Here's a missing feature!

"Can you update webpack config this way so I can use that feature?" If you have the same question, before we actually think this feature is necessary and add it, you can extend webpack config yourself to implement it. With webpack-chain you have full control of our webpack config, check out the default config instance.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


unvue © egoist, Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by egoist with help from contributors ( list).

egoistian.com · GitHub @egoist · Twitter @rem_rin_rin